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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Thou shall subsidize off shore drilling, thou shall not provide tax credits to develop wind energy. Dinosaurs were put here 5000 years ago already dead and turned to fossil fuel for us, wind was put here to blow on thy hair and make Michael Jackson look epic whilst thrust pelvis.
  2. The point is that IMO organized voter fraud that has any effect on elections isn't stopped by this voter ID law. And I've said above my feeling on the law, not the end of the world and not evil. But ultimately, I do feel as enacted in Penn for this election cycle it will do more harm than good. The idea that voter fraud w/ actual bodies walking into polls pretending to be other people is the problem...isn't reality. Hence...adjusted for reality.
  3. That happens to be the difference between conservatives and truly retarded raving conservatives also.
  4. That's not really a defense though...just saying. If any good comes of this it's that certain GOP factions realize their views are unpopular. But I still feel they should stick by them. In any event...this guy says he's still running. If he believes what he says, he should. So be it, I disagree and find it retarded...but I say politicians step up and just say what they think and if they are not elected then they shouldn't be b/c their views are not shared by most people. I have a few old friends who are very catholic and very VERY pro-life...I couldn't agree less...but they don't hide it. That said even they have never suggested some of the things this guy did but in any event the points stands...if you are pro-life and active in politics to make your view on this subject law then own it.
  5. Hmmm, I'd like to see one from him this preseason.
  6. There's basically nothing the NFL could do (that they will do) that could stop me from going/watching games. They aren't really earning my interest, they just get it as a birth right.
  7. Honestly the way this season is going this may go down as the all time greatest drama on TV. I would never have said that before but this season, this last season...has been absolutely brilliant. By far the best of the series it's only gotten better somehow. I'm in awe. Love this season so far. (except skylar)
  8. http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2012/08/19/bernstein-the-nfl-preseason-sucks/ In an effort to convince myself we are not doomed.
  9. Well 1st quarter about as bad as it gets. "Preseason" I know but you like to see better....
  10. Your point was "we can't take out some loosely organized cave dwellers"...my point was that is hard and that waging war against the Iranian regime is a different game. Toppling their regime in war that is, is different than stomping out anti-western sentiment from Afghan culture. And we could topple their regime. That is all I said there Joe-giggity
  11. Meh we could probably !@#$ Iran up pretty easily. It's just building afterwords...so long as we are ready to just walk away we can do whatever we are built to !@#$ up a military cave dwellers are tougher... EDIT: That isn't to say that would be good at all btw lol...just saying...it's not like we couldn't topple Iran in war pretty easily so long as we just walk away from the pile when it's over and don't try to put it back together.
  12. I mean we all believe a secure Afghanistan is a good mission. But there's a reason it isn't...can't wrap my brain around how we're going to change that w/ out staying forever. We're obviously not going to do that. What gains over the next year or so are we really going to make that are worth more lives and money. We've killed a lot of al-qaeda but the people are still kind of nuts. We're not going to change that I just don't see how staying 1 minute longer is worth it.
  13. http://video.msnbc.msn.com/now-with-alex-wagner/48704108/#48704108 So I was surprised to learn 42 dead in the last month. To be honest I hardly know anything about it, as some media personalities have been pointing out lately. Neither candidate wants to touch it in campaigning. Is it unreasonable to just want to say **** it...and leave? Like I said I don't really have very good info any articles or thoughts to convince me moving the time table to "tomorrow" is a bad idea? I just doubt we're going to build them into a solid secure place...
  14. We both know that isn't how you would go about it, or how most people do.
  15. I understand your point. And I'm sure you understand mine. Additionally though, to the problem of in person fraud...not only does lack of evidence suggest it is far less a problem than mail in (and like I said I get your point here) ... but just common sense alone dictates that. If you are going to commit fraud to steal an election how are you going to do it? Organize a bunch of people to walk around to polls all over and pretend they are people they aren't or mail in a bunch of ballots that shouldn't be mailed in?
  16. Like I said above I don't think the law is unreasonable I just think given these facts the most important factor is voter confidence in the process and it should be made applicable to later elections not this one. But the point of my #4 up there is not that there IS no evidence of in person fraud, it's that there is almost none while there IS lots of evidence of absentee ballot fraud. It seems if you want to address the issue you would start there. Republicans are more likely to mail in their ballot. New more strict absentee ballot rules would get at the issue of known fraud more than these voter ID laws...but would likely hinder GOP voters more. Hence the appearance of corruption. Plus a number of other factors nationwide and in the Penn legislature that also add to that appearance. This kind of thing just isn't good for the country.
  17. Voter impersonation fraud, which could be prevented by the types of voter ID laws passed in Republican-led states the past few years, is virtually nonexistent, according to a new study. The investigative reporting project News21 sent public information requests to all 50 states and found 10 cases of alleged in-person voter fraud since 2000. Out of the 146 million registered voters in the U.S., that number represents one case of voter impersonation fraud for every 15 million potential voters. Of the 10 cases of voter fraud, five of them involved family members illegally voting on behalf of relatives. "The fraud that matters is the fraud that is organized," Lorraine Minnite, author of The Myth of Voter Fraud, told News21. "That's why voter impersonation is practically non-existent because it is difficult to do and it is difficult to pull people into conspiracies to do it." http://www.drudge.co...ud-non-existent
  18. As the voter ID issues goes the way I see it: 1) Most people when polled agree it isn't manifestly unreasonable. 2) There isn't any actual evidence of voter fraud. 3) As such, it makes no sense to make this applicable this close to the election. Had it been mad applicable for elections in the future.... probably less uproar. 4) Voter fraud that there is evidence of..is not in person...it's absentee ballot...but there is no legislation restricting that. This law does nothing for that. Voters that vote that way...more likely to vote GOP btw...these are just the facts... 5) Comment by that one state legislature dude ...long story short...is the voter ID unreasonable? Na...not in my opinion. Is beef w/ what is going on legit? yes w/ out a doubt..is this a recipe for public distrust in elections? Absolutely. Is public distrust in elections the most important thing in this scenario given the facts? Without a doubt.
  19. Which is why as I said you compare the DoD to other federal spending not GDP
  20. Try measuring against the rest of the Ryan budget. Defense spending as a percentage of all non-health entitlements per the Ryan budget. The fact that we don't have a serious threat to us militarily can't be over stated. Nobody really thinks we need to increase military spending.
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