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Everything posted by dayman

  1. lol...classic LA...great poster I love your honest middle of the road unemotional approach to politics and reason.
  2. GOP convention official theme: "We built that." Thoughts? Literally building a convention theme around that? Instant criticism from liberal bloggers that the convention itself is in the Tampa Convention Center...built with huge contributions from public funds (more than half) and all small business owners around it probably appreciate that. Also apparently small business address from a speaker that speaks/lectures small businesses on obtaining gov't contracts and funding to get going and increase profits. In any event, literally campaigning on this contextually questionable gaffe? I know everyone here is insane so this is probably great, but seriously? "We built that" is the motto? We'll see how this plays out I guess.
  3. Is this Rob's House clapping for LA? sheesh...
  4. Update on the Zakaria suspension, he's been reinstated after review of the situation and his past and pending work. The paragraph in question (basically factual history) cited the wrong person (guy who generated the stats) cited by the woman who wrote the plagiarized paragraph both of which Fareed used in research and that was plagiarism plain and simple as admitted by Fareed himself...there's a research assistant that has been mentioned in some articles citing his heavy work schedule Fareed makes no mention of that person or their role in this at all....this is something Fareed says he take full responsibility etc etc...thank God for newsbusters combating liberal bias otherwise this might have gone unnoticed.
  5. No alcohol? No tobacco? No caffeine? The guy is brand new he could crawl back into a womb today if he wanted.
  6. Abortion! C'mon guys keep it pumping! Gary M we're talking about killing babies get your ass back in here if we're not up to 30 pages by 12am I'm launching a DoS attack against this place....
  7. This issue is about funding of abortions? Have you been paying attention?
  8. And an early pregnancy isn't a separate human life.
  9. And !@#$ing for pleasure is good and fine and totally legitimate so I could care less about this post. Don't be so anti-sex ya weirdo hehe...if a woman wants to !@#$ for pleasure she can do so regardless of the fact she can get pregnant...if she does she can have a morning after pill, an early abortion, whatever she wants. This is 2012
  10. For the sake of argument the fetus always needs the mother to give birth to them whether or not they can survive after the birth. In any event I'm not outraged at reasonable limitations on abortion. You have the opportunity to have one for a quite a while if it gets too late then you chose to carry it past the point of no return (or you are somehow one of those people who doesn't know they're pregnant which i will never understand)
  11. They really would have...all right before the damn convention too.
  12. This is all good and well except for ya know the whole...living inside the mother and needing the mother to carry them. No matter how you slice it a mother gives birth to people...it's not the same. You can't splice it up and insert law into this situation...it just can't be done.
  13. I must support the drowning of a born, unwanted child who is unquestionably living outside of a mom on it's own if I support a woman's right to abort an early pregnancy regardless of if someone considers it a "person" or not? I don't see how.
  14. I'm just jumping into the discussion here but personally...if you are a woman with an early pregnancy you don't want...I don't even care if some people consider it a 'person' or not. You can decide IMO at that point...even if it is a "person"...that you choose not to give birth to it. The "is it a person or not" and "science now says this blah blah blah" is just a distraction ... to cut the chase most true pro-choice people ultimately agree that the woman can abort an early pregnancy she doesn't want plain and simple. If that's killing babies to you and the person is horrible then fine...go scream about at Church or on the side of the road. I don't care. This is a subject a lot of people kitty-foot around who are pro-chioce b/c it makes them seem uncaring or barbaric...I don't like it I'm not happy about it and it is pretty horrible...but it is what it is and it's up to the woman.
  15. And to just continue posting on auto-pilot...you are free to concern yourself with the interest of your child and other people's children all you want outside the realm of politics. Have at it, wage a culture war, fight for the hearts and minds of your fellow citizens...but on this issue...you don't control them and to speak quite frankly no matter what the conservative movement desires or what anybody says about the likelihood of change in this area...you and Congress never will a change. It just won't ever happen, ever...all this is a waste of time for all pro-life people they're just being manipulated for political gain plain and simple. If they simply focus all their time on private efforts...we would all be much better of including their own movement.
  16. Hehe, I don't know how you are on the fence about Congress banning abortion when you can make a post like this. To you I'm twisting words by saying that a small group of people in Washington would pass judgement that would control what a woman can do with her body in her own reproductive process. To me you are twisting words by talking about Jesus (who doesn't mean anything to me but I'm not casting aspersions on Christians in saying that...just saying) and potentially living beings and personal responsibility (in sex...but not in pregnancy) It's black and white really. Everyone can control their own bodies, and their own reproduction, and they can persuade their neighbors and society that it is moral or just to behave in a certain way...but when they physically control someone else and threaten criminal prosecution and deny services...it's wrong.
  17. The obvious point to make there is once it can live outside the mother it isn't a parasite...maybe you could say it is b/c it needs someone else but anyone can do that job. It is unreasonable for Congress to step in and declare "you have created life now, in the name of the fertilized egg we control you body now through the most intimate process in human history."
  18. The person who carries a fertilized egg is the final arbiter on the situation as applied to her...v. a group of people in Congress who have never met her, may have nothing in common with her or her beliefs, and have no idea about her situation being the final arbiter... What seems more reasonable once you accept neither party can be fully correct on the issue of human life?
  19. That's a whole different subject really. I agree on the Catholic stance is outdated...ultimately as a society we have an unwanted pregnancy problem...not an abortion problem. You would think absent religious dogma that true pro-life people would vigorously support all forms of birth control to everyone as much as they possibly could.
  20. I could care less about Canada I still don't see the point. The point is I'm a liberal so I want Canada? We're talking directly here...you have full access to me. Canada has nothing to do with anything. Canada should provide it if you ask me. I don't care what they do or don't do.
  21. My point is the clear ambiguity is whether or not it's "human life" or even "human life...enough." Any sense of humility will compel anybody regardless of their beliefs and no matter how sincere to acknowledge that they are not the final arbiter on that question. Where there is absolutely 0 ambiguity is the known, real world impact outlawing abortion has on the woman with a fertilized egg. Provided you acknowledge that you are not god, there is absolutely nothing conservative, or even really just...about outlawing all abortion.
  22. All women in all circumstances should have access to birth-control. It should be as easy as possible. It benefits not only the women who is helped by it, but all of society. You can be angry for no reason or you can pick a better issue to get riled up about as a partisan maniac. I cannot think of anything more easily classified as healthcare then birth control/managing reproduction.
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