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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Your refusal to believe just how partisan it all was is where you fall short. Obviously there are policy fights and were at the time within the parties...disputes about exactly what to do etc...nobody anywhere said do nothing not even Cantor and crew they had 2 separate proposals themselves that got large GOP support (which as I said early were very different from each other except neither was a democrat proposal). The chamber of commerce themselves supported the damn thing as did a lot of GOP governors, mayors, and local officials. The bottom line though is that the Cantor crew on the hill would control the narrative..."this is not bipartisan" (and nothing will be)...they would go on and on and say about how the Dems forced it down their throat when the strategy was laid out in January (before Obama was President but while the early stimulus was being kicked around) that they simply weren't going to play. If it worked they would keep their seats b/c the economy was good, if the economy stayed lackluster it was their ticket back to power. Literally no gain politically in cooperating on any package to help the situation at all...and so they didn't...and then when the Dems passed it anyway b/c the economy was falling of the cliff they acted like they were ignored when their plan was literally to just sit it out and B word about it in the media. Now as scripted they have people like you thinking everything would have been fine, the Democrats are the party of monopoly money (funny how that works out), and it's time to give the keys back to the adults.
  2. That was literally the political strategy rolling off the '08 defeat. It's well documented in a number of interviews. The "what's the purpose of the minority party...to become the majority party" is straight off a powerpoint presentation Pete Sessions gave at a conference in January before Obama was even swore in. They became an "entrepreneurial insurgency" (Boehner's words). They united, easily done most moderates from competitive districts were booted in '08 and it left hard line conservatives in safe seats who formed the new strategy to restart of the party...and that's what it was. I don't know why you guys act like this offensive to hear for some reason. You should be proud, it worked. I think it's shity but I'm not in favor of this...you guys hate Obama and the GOP was effective as 2010 showed with this hardline attack strategy.
  3. New Romney Czar of Federal Reserve Colonoscopy. He would take that.
  4. Seriously you guys have complete amnesia when it comes to this stimulus and you are shaped by your party rhetoric designed to make the administration unpopular and demonize "stimulus"...when the truth is both parties would have passed stimulus and it would have been crazy in '08 not to do so. Exactly what the package looks like? Debatable. How much? Debatable (at the time when everyone had bad numbers about how bad things were) within the range of upper 400s - 900...but it would have gone down regardless of what party was in power. Standing on the sideline allowed them to pretend otherwise.
  5. Stimulus in a time of depression wasn't even controversial until January '09...IDK what happened there can't quite put my finger on it but something changed...now we have insane people like you running around denying what independent studies by many economists including former McCain aides, Banks, and others say....w/ out the stimulus we'd be worse off plain and simple and both parties would have done one.
  6. The strategy was purely political...this is history there is no secret Cantor took over as whip realized it didn't matter what they did b/c they had become communicators and not legislators at that point so they decided to communicate complete dissatisfaction despite GOP economic advisers recommending 500-700 billion in stimulus, keep all hands off cooperation so they could deny bipartisan shield and when things continued to falter as they were sure to do no matter what they would then turn it into a victory. Literally realized the best political strategy was to stand on the sideline and B word. And that they did. And it worked politically. It did nothing to help America. This was what the GOP was doing in late 2008/early 2009...sideline bitching the political positioning in the middle of a crisis.
  7. If we had passed the GOP $478B stimulus we would be better off? Or if we passed the second proposed $715B GOP stimulus we would be better? The two stimulus plans that were completely different from each other other than both being a bit different from Obama's? While many GOP complained there was not enough infrastructure they managed to sit there and have 3/4ths of their party vote for a plan w/ literally no infrastructure stimulus...and then 3/4ths for one w/ more than Obama...for a party that thinks they are ideologically superior they certainly aren't governed by principle when opposing Obama. Actually true.
  8. In a time where the economy was shrinking at an unheard of 8.9% rate loosing 700,000ish jobs a month in a national freefall ...Cantor rallied the troops after a defeat and before Obama was even sworn in came up with the plan...not the plan to react to this economic crisis...but to react to their political defeat. If the new president is for it, we are against it...keep your fingerprints off everything deny him any bipartisan achievement and bet on the economy the fail b/c it's a good bet since it's truley ****ed...."what's the purpose of the minority party" ... simply put "to become the majority party" and nothing more. That's Cantor for you.
  9. Delegate voting is great...Alabama introduced themselves as home to the last 3 college football championships...Idaho "the first to sue on Obamacare" lol
  10. Well the Ron Paul people got their opportunity to boo
  11. Jets never had a QB when they built up and now their window is starting to close. As chaotic as they seem they could still be ok this year despite what Jets fans will say. In any event...Sanchez is the problem.
  12. ...so there's 1 guy....time to spend some high picks on O and hit on them.
  13. Also a look at some panthers picks I didn't bother doing pats or panthers...on a different board where I posted this fans of other teams just started looking at their own stuff and posting...just good to see some picks of other teams...obviously this here is just offense in general ours would look different if I did that. Just figured I would post although it means nothing really. cam: 1st double trouble: both 1st (their RBS) tolbert: undrafted smitty: 3rd lafell: 3rd olsen: 1st gross: 1st silatolu: 2nd kalil: 1st hangartner: 6th i think bell: undrafted average is a 3rd rounder... (i did bell and tolbert as 8s) I assume they will struggle when it's all said and done b/c I don't think we're very talented. It's that simple. I'm not bashing I hope we do ok but I don't see a lot of talent at QB or WR on this team and don't expect a great offense throughout the entire course of the season. I think we can get hot, and if the defense plays well and gets timely turnovers we can win some games maybe even creep into playoffs...but the bottom line IMO (people can disagree of course) is that when I look at this passing game...I don't see much or expect much even if we find a way to string a few games together at some point. And here was an interesting post going the other way re: picks haha: Jacksonville Jaguars: 2011 season Blaine Gabbert- 1st MJD: 2nd Mike Thomas: 4th Jason Hill: 3rd Marcedes Lewis: 1st (Throw in some random 3rd string WR): 8 Average of 3.16; 2.2 if you remove random undrafted guy. A 3.16 was the worst offense in the league last year. ...I won't post any more but SF has a lot of 1s and sucks also (as a 9ers fan posted on a different board)..and like I said to start w/ it's not some proof or anything...it's just interesting to look at our team and realize that compared to draft itself we basically have a "free" passing game in terms of draft picks....so when we struggle...I'm no surprised. Investment doesn't always pay off...and there are steals..but when across the board you have made no investment that is still on the team or contributing then how can you complain?
  14. Looking at the Pats for some perspective...great offense w/ a few famous low picks playing... Brady: 6th Lloyd: 4th Welker: Undrafted Branch: 2nd Gronk: 2nd Hernandez: 4th Edelman: 7th Slater: 5th Ebert: 7th Holley: Undrafted Taylor: Undrafted Averages a 5.5 starters - (taken as: brady, branch, gronk, hernandez, welker, lloyd) - 4.3
  15. Where you are drafted doesn't really mean a whole lot. Where everyone on a unit was drafted may mean a little bit more. It's late and I can't sleep so what the hell. Let's have a look. Fitz - 7 Jackson - 2 Johnson- 7 Jones – undrafted (8) Nelson – undrafted (8) Graham – 3rd Hagan – 3rd Martin – undrafted (8) Kamar Aiken – undrafted (8) Naaman Roosevelt – undrafted (8) Marcus Easley – 4th Chandler – 4th Total average – 5.8 Total average minus a rookie and guy who signed yesterday – 6.5 “Starters” (taken as: fitz, Johnson, jones, nelson, chandler) – 6.8 hmmm...we have basically a starting 3 WR crew with TE that is basically 7th round "talent." This comes from a talent pool as a hole that is not much better...and w/ out a rookie and backup QB signed yesterday is basically the same. Obviously that's not the whole story, not by a long shot. But something to think about when we go out there and struggle. In a pass happy, score at all costs league, this is where what we have came from in a league wide draft....basically the last round.
  16. In response to Mike messing up and that being un-mike-like...Mike's been messing up over and over this season. Mike is good, but he's good in a controlled atmosphere and in making sure that controlled atmosphere is what he's working with. Walt changes the game. Walt is chaos, oddly enough he thrives in chaos...and Mike can't lock things down. Also...as for turning his back on Walt...c'mon now who in the world would think Walt would kill Mike... Behind the scenes on Mike's death and goodbye to the crew... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYwQ7mW_JHE&list=FLJcAGGviXfI58PvYeu1JWdA&feature=mh_lolz
  17. Herman Cain's Daily Show appearances are nothing short of comedic gold.
  18. Talked about how he's spending his own money and actively investigating the "coordinated conspiracy to discredit his character" during the GOP primary. Says he won't say more b/c he doesn't want to jeopardize the ability to pursue this in the future since he doesn't have the rock solid proof yet, but he says he's got an idea and is spending money and investigating it now and is not letting it go b/c his "character and reputation are much more than dollars." I don't know why I thought it was interesting...I guess I just figured it's politics plain and simple and someone wanted him taken down could have been any number of other GOP candidates....so it seemed odd that he would say these things as if it was somehow special what happened to him given that he just fell under attack and it happens to everybody.
  19. If by veiled he means a full on hour devoted to blasting the Tea Party in the 2nd or 3rd episode then...yes it was veiled. I like Newsroom though, it's a pretty good show. Started rough but got better.
  20. Paul being on his way out decided wisely that even though they get knocked around, the lasting legacy of his movement has a better chance succeeding if it infiltrates rather than if it breaks off. Nothing to be ashamed about there, politics are politics.
  21. I think I saw some video from the lander's view point...it was (predictably) just a bunch of yellow/orange fuzziness.
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