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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Fox news analysis praising Christie speech delivery...saying he is a figure that could bring out "Reagan democrats" in future elections. High praise.
  2. Other speech chilling speech...people not wanting to take public responsibility for their public remarks...not a problem as I see it. Freedom of speech is freedom of speech. Not freedom from adverse reaction to your speech.
  3. And for the record there are a number of different ideas I've thought about that I've heard on this issue..many of which I support that are contradictory but all improvements in their own right. Yours from the brief bit I gather doesn't sound unappealing. Neither do a bunch of other ideas some of which go against what I've said above as...improvements. But ultimately...everyone say whatever they want and put their name on it...that's the solution I favor. That's where the law comes in...they shouldn't be at the door step and they don't have to be if local laws are written and applied well. But if you are saying in the sense of the proverbial "doorstep"...well...no. No problems. Anyone says something, say it and take what comes and hopefully continue saying it despite public pressure for whatever group doesn't like it. Nazi's march. Union busters, try and bust. Unions, try and bust the busters. This is America.
  4. I honestly believe that the more speech the better but you should catch any and all hell you have coming to you if you speak. If you say something that some people don't like...then you catch hell from those people who don't like it. And you can say anything you want.
  5. How can he live with himself? IDK...but did you just start this topic saying night and day difference trying to spark discussion about....wives...
  6. Three Doors Down now? Well...I'm sure Dems will have JayZ or something hehe...if I go crazy then will you still call me superman? Solid speech. Nothing amazing, everything good. He won't ride that to a future nomination but it can't hurt him.
  7. The more speech the better. The more information the better. I really don't see us as a nation of whack jobs out to kill political contributors.
  8. LOL c'mon Ann is fine the point is nobody should be talking about any of these wives like this
  9. LOL there both great strong women in their own respects I'm sorry you hate Michelle for some reason. Both lovely wives...both irrelevant
  10. Haha, bipartisan no wives bill passed on the PPP. Ann was lovely, no issues with her...but c'mon man they're obviously "behind their husband" no need to force each one to prove it publicly. Anyway, main event...Chris "the steak" Christie on next Chris...I know you are a NJ republican but...Mitt is from Mass and he's giving more than the keynote....he's got ya beat
  11. lol 3rd moved by Ann Romney? You care about politicians wives? (btw Ann is perfectly lovely I got no issues just saying)
  12. All politicians should get together and say "wives don't have to do this"... not that this is bad but wives should be allowed to do nothing including once they get to the white house.
  13. Santorum channeling his inner Biden here " I SHOOK the HAND...weathered HANDS of farmers"
  14. Hope you saw the post in time to hear your idol Cantor speak hehe Santorum on stage now hehe...love to see it
  15. If it's something that really bothers you...you can: http://www.baqi.tv/2011/10/watch-fox-news-live/ And speak of the devil...Cantor himself on right now
  16. It's the opinion of a lot of people...macro economic advisers, moddy's economy.com, IHS global insight, JP morgan chase and goldman sachs, the CBO itself...you prove it didn't. In any event though we can just pick up stimulus after lunch tomorrow let's get in the convention topic and talk about today.
  17. Welcome to future. Enjoy it, even though you didn't build it. Thank Al Gore and go about your day hehe
  18. I like how I'm here watching Fox and you sitting at home watching...pbs...wtf is going on.
  19. Obama helped the economy w/ teh stimulus. Yes I know you believe we should have done nothing in '09. I think you are crazy but we operate of a different set of facts (more common these days than either of us should be comfortable with) so we'll leave it at that. What the GOP on the Hill did was, as much as you guys say Obama blames others, is refuse to play the game of doing anything in a time of crisis to keep their hands clean so they can now turn around and...balme...point at a ridiculous counter at their convention and pretend that if only we had done nothing and cut taxes we would be better off...when we did something that helped AND cut taxes more than ever at the same time. WE've been cutting taxes forever...clearly that's the answer. The entire position is political...and it's converting a new line of people to believe the smoke. I don't care if people hate Obama and vote Romney...but going trend is the most destructive political trend we've had in a while. It led to the recent incarnation of a do nothing congress oddly enough in 2012...we did nothing for 2 years and the economy still faltered so obviously doing nothing is a great idea..if only we had that Congress after 08....it led to things like the debt ceiling debacle...it led to pulling the GOP more right which I guess is a success to some...it led to congressional control of the house which people like I suppose...the point I'm making here is your conservative political stunts are reality to too many people...and it's taking us in a crazy direction. And btw my actual point (even though you can't help but get into the stimulus to talk about it) is just that Cantor is a political hack. So that's really what I started talking about and was ultimately talking about this discussion...though it got messy.
  20. What are you doing man just get to prime time and watch live. I'm watching Fox let us be real this is the GOP convention there's only one way to consume this. Primetime fox get w/ the program.
  21. Anyone know what time Christie is on? lmfao the cut of that Obama speech they just played wow
  22. You keep asking that there wasn't any it passed.
  23. Which proposals would have helped that didn't go in the stimulus? You of all people are well aware there weren't too many democratic goodies that didn't make cut...and btw there were plenty of tax cuts and bags of money that most of the GOP governors took and secretly thanked God for. The point is we all know when either party is being political which is most of the time. That wasn't one of them. You don't pass 700+ billion dollar spending bill to gain popularity...even the Democrats don't do that...the Republicans know that of course and played their cards right for political gain and you seem to just think they were there operating according to the best interest of America as they hung out w/ reporters bitching and moaning and convincing America that all of the sudden in January of '09 after 30 years of deficit spending in the middle of economic collapse... stimulus was now a terrible idea to deal with large economic downturns. The prediction was it would save about 3% unemployment increase and studies say it did but it was spending, Obama is a terrible liberal, and stimulus doesn't work. And all that is political...but it's worked b/c here you are believing it to the day you die.
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