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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Hehe...look I'm not here to **** on the GOP finale I really don't like some of Mitt's policies and there some lines in there that touched on them but all in all I really don't think anyone will doubt it was his best yet. Would be surprised if he doesn't get a momentary lead in the polls even past margin of error for the first time but of course it's a long race...but it was a good night for Mitt. That said...(once again don't want to reign down on this night for Repubs or you guys)...the Clint thing was something I watched. It was bizarre and weird and not good at all to me. I don't need some link to explain why it wasn't...I watched it. If it wasn't that bad to you fine...but I have a different opinion and even though you'll never believe I can be objective (and maybe you are right) it really just was terrible to me. That said...everybody (people like me who hated it and people like you who liked it) will be better off if it's forgotten and the talk is on Mitt b/c Mitt probably spoke better tonight that he has before. Not amazing, but good for really the first time I've seen him be good. Obviously the content in many spots was not my cup of tea, but the speech itself was solid and his personal best.
  2. Really disliked some specific parts of the speech b/c of my view, but without a doubt the best of Mitt's career no doubt.
  3. Sort of checking off boxes of trouble spots but that's to be expected. Rose story good for the emotional touch. Going well
  4. "His best yet" John...don't misquote me hehe
  5. less nauseating end to Rubio's speech and I don't care what anyone says the Clint thing was bizarre rambling and I love him
  6. Rubio's speech nauseating as well...Mitt will look good after these two i really do believe he'll give his best yet
  7. I'm way to distracted to pay attention to Rubio now... Funny tweet: "old white man arguing w/ an imaginary Barrack Obama" hehe...sums it up nicely... love you Clint not mad you want Romney just thought it was bizarre delivery
  8. I love Clint and it was bad. I'm going to forget about it.
  9. Eastwood thing a bit bizarre ...not sure Eastwood knows Mitt's foreign policy...I like Eastwood but this is going poorly by any standard
  10. Clearly Bush's fault. If the GOP cared about the signature on the letter they should not put McCain on the stage war mongering. Bush lied, ,People died. <to be clear here read:sarcasm>
  11. Damn when does Rubio and Eastwood go on? Is Mitt going on by 10? Getting close
  12. Just signing on can't be bothered to read the whole thread but wow. hehe
  13. Listen here all you gooks, vote Romney ya get me? You damn zipperheads better get your heads out of your asses and wake up. As for the spooks...the next time I see 0% in a poll I'm making your ****ing day.
  14. Haha, he's there to apologize to Rush publicly and kiss the ring
  15. Martinez will be the next GOP VP? Best speaker yet
  16. Pam is the law, she'll do what she wants. And trust me, she wants.
  17. the start of the speech was some grade A fear mongering...terrible danger he has not seen before all over etc...followed by us not invading Iran or B word slapping Russia and China or waging war in Syria...glad McCain never became President hehe know wonder he hates cuts from the military his policy sounds pretty expensive terrible speech imo but different strokes for different folks I really do believe there is a big gap between many republican voters and most of what McCain just had to say
  18. McCain out there preaching some solid fear...glad to see it
  19. Everyone knows slaves built that. Anyone love me some Bush on Bush banter (being serious).
  20. Was Rand Paul's speech written for last night? Or are we still on you built that tonight?
  21. stupid when gazing into those sparkly Rand Paul eyes hehe
  22. Birds of a feather bro the logic is sound. Rapist v. Socialist take your pick America.
  23. Rand Paul is speaking to me as if English is my second language.
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