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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Na we're better of when the single dumbass has enough power to do some stupid **** with a dumbass congress there to hedge it, as opposed to the single dumbass able to do little with dumbass congress doing nothing....at least when the single dumbass can form an agenda we actual have a government which gives us a chance to pursue some good policy whatever it may be. If we pursue bad policy, then oh well. We had a shot. BTW that's the title: "single dumbass" ...it's perfect
  2. You shouldn't be allowed to have a party. You can work for one, or campaign for a certain candidate or something and consider yourself to be a supporter but there should be no such thing as "registered Republicans" or "registered Democrats"....all primaries should be open....etc etc..
  3. Maybe Walt rolls on everybody and spills the beans to Hank
  4. More POTUS control (within limits of course) >>> Congresscritters (not) ruling the world unchecked as they battle each other and constantly worry about frequent elections Here here! We supporters of the dictatorship unite!
  5. Not a comment on the electoral college debate but a general comment on the bromance so many people have with our founding fathers and the constitution itself. The framers were unlike politicians today, in a very real sense they embarked on a courageous "new science" of politics. Learned men with strong opinions often differing came to compromise and produce a real document that worked well and continues to work fine today (the ultimate credit). But all that said, anytime someone questions current system and talks of possible reform they are met with "you idiot you think you are smarter than Jefferson!?" Well...no...I don't think I or anyone else does. But I don't think that group of guys being the free thinkers and pragmatists at their core would write the same exact document today. That said there are lot of areas for improvement in our government and the constitution itself isn't the first on the list. In some areas we could do well to get away from it a bit more, in others we should go back towards it. In any event by far the single most stupid thing we have going is term limits on all levels (state in particular). Just when someone gets competent it's time to move them out regardless of popular support b/c why? B/c he's a king? Please...term limits suck.
  6. Having boomed for almost a full century China has collapsed as the per capita income forced a democratic push the realigned the power structure. Having been historically adverse to this type of public participation, disaster struck. China is off and on at civil war for the foreseeable future w/ no end in sight. India, having had a slower economic growth taking 4 steps forward and 2 steps back due to widespread democracy, now rules the world. Having invested heavily in education and service industry jobs they were well equipped to take a leading role in the world and with the collapse of China found a new purpose for the hundreds of millions previously poor people as they now fill the production gap left by China. Unlike anything seen on earth before, India dominates all areas of the global economy except banking and food production. Somehow the US benefited economically from China's collapse after falling in debt to them and their inflation going through the roof due to currency manipulation to artificially depress the per capita wealth of their citizens in order to stave of the inevitable democratic revolt. The US is still heavily militarized and functions just as it does now, world police. In addition to banking the US produces the world's food having pioneered synthetic meat production. The main export of the US is banking, military, food services. There is a corporation in the US called FountainYouth inc. that has recently pioneered organ production like nothing seen before, there is a shadow war between the US and India for this technology and as a result this all powerful corporation is in bed with the still powerful US military to preserve it's technology...the two are slowly merging. Europe went through chaos and it is over. Europe is now the forever-middle class of the world. Africa creeping out the dark ages is now only slightly behind Europe in world status, both being far beyond the chaos ripping through China and as a result all of Asia. Africa like the US benefited from the collapse of China who invested heavily in building it up but then fell apart before it was time to reap the benefits. Africa is pissed about it's history though, and as a result rapes the rest of the world for natural resources it produces. It's become the new Middle-East. They are constantly bombing space corporations in India that are getting increasingly good at extracting minerals from space. The middle-east itself...is the exact same. Everyone holds grudges, and they are now the only part of the world that believes in traditional religions. Global warming hit hard but only very recently. Someone company from Brazil invented some huge machine to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and when they turned it on the atmosphere went even more nuts and now people can't go outside too much during the day. Many animals are dead as a result. And much land mass was lost. Mexico is a failed state run by lawless drug lords. A massive wall has been built between the US and Mexico and Mexico's southern neighbors did the same. Boats patrol the ocean on either side to stop things/people from coming in and out. It's like the hunger games or something in there now. ...I'm stupid hehe...but there ya go.
  7. To be fair Mitt has repackaged other people's rhetoric, Obama repackages his own.
  8. That's...like...my opinion, man. If you don't like it that's fine. But it's not some left conspiracy or manufactured meme every time people think various conservative personalities are less than stellar. Rush is an entertainer who hits hard w/ a certain crowd. That's about it in...my opinion...man.
  9. Rush Limbaugh is possibly the most overrated personality in all of "politics." His show is all attitude and bloviation, and his main strength is that he's obnoxiously entertaining. His substanceless show has cornered the market for "entertaining" conservative personalities and that is the true tale of his success. He's a big loud mouth shouting about nothing dressed up as something. More power to him, but it's created a legion of retards who parrot his gimmick and think this is the way they should think and talk with other people.
  10. And it played into awkward scene where he went to his house w/ nothing to say (nothing he could say that is) and just left the money. The fly + the scan scene mean one thing that is clear...cancer is back. Jesse was the only one he could tell...but he can't even tell Jesse know. The money is there. It's time to stop cooking and salvage what memory he can leave to those who will remember him. Except...Hank found out at the end. He's taking meds in the flash forward, the fly is back in this episode, he randomly stops cooking (despite being the empire business) and it shows a scene where he's scanned, he wanted to tell Jesse something but he didn't b/c he realized he couldn't...it's clear. Cancer is back. Hank knows. He outran everything except Hank and his cancer. Enter final scene.
  11. I just don't see any evidence or reasonable outlook forecasting the anti-government policies that have taken over the GOP will succeed in the 21st century. People demonize the stimulus...say what you want it did what they thought it would and more importantly we will reap benefits from it over the next decade. Obviously Dems need to embrace entitlement reform as a group more than they have no doubt...but when I look at the rest of the world rising, everyone playing the game, and see what the BRIC nations are doing investing to compete in the next century I don't know why everyone is so ready and willing to demonize investing in our future. Infrastructure (including high speed rail), green technology/the smart grid, education, ARPA-e.. That's what "forward" means to me. Now I'm grabbing some beers and hitting the pool
  12. I just bought a PS3 today to stream it. If you have the ticket (or know somebody who will give you their info) you stream for free on PS3 or online. Or you can buy for a few hundred for PS3 package but if you buy the PS3 package, you cannot stream online and if you buy online package you cannot stream on PS3. In other words if you have the direct TV package you can do it all. If you buy anything else you can only do what you buy.
  13. Straight popular vote, and you can vote online or by text. Clay Aiken for President.
  14. I can't say for sure where i got the impression but I was under the impression that it was a little while and a good bit of the time was not a firefight but them sweeping the compound and taking anything that could provide them information. And either planting or finding porn hehe
  15. Meh...to be honest it's pretty retarded. As are a lot of things embodied in our ancient constitution (which is certainly a great piece of political science history that we are all proud of)
  16. Dude Spikes is fine c'mon...considering his childhood he's a stand up guy. Better than almost anyone would be.
  17. http://www.theatlanticwire.com/politics/2012/08/pentagon-threatens-legal-action-against-navy-seal-author-and-publisher/56409/ Pentagon not happy. They may file criminal prosecution or at the very least take all the money.
  18. Bills should do it I would love to see it. It doesn't do anything bad ... no extra film of any merit to help other teams these guys are pros no meaningful distraction that actually effects camp and work all that stuff is overblown...Hardknocks is entertaining and I would love to see my team on it. There's no reason teams should be so opposed to being on the show....it's really no big deal.
  19. Not very many specifics on anything the entire convention but that's to be expected and would but dumb as **** to have done plain and simple. That's not what it was for and really not the point of these things in general.. Solid event for the crowd. That's what it should be and for this crowd it was.
  20. In general I think he was humanized a bit but honestly I doubt the testimonials will get much attention or got much attention live. Politically (once again solid night for Mitt himself) those testimonials should have come earlier in the campaign and (IMO once again) the Eastwood thing was a failure and will take some attention away from the positives tonight. Anyway I'll stop posting negatives hehe not trying to start a fight on this grand night of GOP celebration. Tomorrow perhaps I'll comment on the content of Romney that I didn't like but for now I'll just say the delivery was his personal best. And honestly who are we kidding you all know the parts I hate anyway so it's not worth dwelling on.
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