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Everything posted by dayman

  1. My response: "I don't understand why you are complaining a good speaker just made a substantive policy ridden speech that American's who support him should here b/c it went longer than 20 minutes"
  2. LOL I'm not sensitive I know the crowd here. All I'm saying is IMO (and nobody here will agree but that goes without saying) Clinton gave an amazing speech. I know it ran long and actually talked about policy but....I like that. Now I admit...I am a huge Clinton fan. Having read his books...what he basically did was summarize his last book "Back to Work" (which talked very much about Obama policy) weaving it in addressing the current GOP campaign and he did it with facts while still working in enough emotion to make is palpable as a speech to the masses. Maybe you can argue it was too long or dropped too many policy terms to really get to the masses...but erring on the side of raising the bar is the way I'd like to see my party go. Great speech. More substance (agree or disagree with what was said) than any speech of this campaign so far and more than we'll see again (including debates) and only Clinton could do that. It delivered. I'm sure Fox News and various conservative outlets will have their own view and I would expect that, it's fine and it should be that way...but for the democratic party he basically delivered after being hyped massively. At least in my opinion.
  3. Really not sure why you are on this board if that's how you feel.
  4. Assuming you watched the speech pretty pathetic you would say that
  5. Say what you will PPP, that was a !@#$ing speech. Bravo Mr. Clinton
  6. LMFAO PPP users complaining that a Dem is taking too long to talk to the AMerican people about policy
  7. He's actually informing people of his view by talking about the issues that are used as attacks and defenses by either side...more speeches should do that.
  8. Clinton is giving an extremely strong speech so far
  9. After her video on youtube went viral she's known as a liberals liberal so it helps to have her in this crowd since Bill and even Obama himself (despite what most of PPP think about him) don't quite give that crowd the boner they crave lol Bill w/ the slow relaxed pimp walk to the stage hehe...he loves this so much
  10. Feisty little Elizabeth Warren hehe
  11. If someone really did steal them and releases that will be a story regardless of what is in them. I don't approve, but I must say....the answer is yes...I am entertained.
  12. LMFAO seriously. This isn't real. If it is, this guy will be caught and put in prison.
  13. Aside from the God issue (of which I'm of the opinion of DC Tom) the idea that government gives you your rights and that is the democratic view that we are subjects to the state is warped. Everyone in the country should appreciate the role of government and our rights, it's what bill or rights is about, it's what civil rights movement was about for women and blacks, it's what many people of both parties see as America at it's core and what we criticize other countries for the most. God, or nature, or just the fact of our being may give rise to our inherent right to be "free" and all that it entails....but government and the law of man is what makes that right real in our society. Understanding and appreciating this, and having a respect and appreciation for the rule of law and government (which makes laws for those who don't understand that) is American....not liberal tyranny.
  14. Clinton absolutely wants Obama to win. Anyone that knows Clinton's policy views for today knows that to be true.
  15. Was very surprised at how they actually called the ACA "Obamacare"...but that fight is over. It's the new N-word it's not going away I guess time to own it hehe. Nice touch telling some stories about ACA but they need to continue to do so.
  16. Nobody knocked it out of the park but only a very few people actually did poorly in my opinion and multiple people did well. All in all, for the Dems more so than the repubs going forward they need to capitalize on some momentum coming out of this b/c the days of outspending will be over from here on out.
  17. Solid tonight. Good first night for the DNC.
  18. Quite a few strong speeches tonight, quite a few lackluster speeches
  19. Had to chuckle at some of the clips of Teddy debating Mitt
  20. A post-apocalyptic tale based on a novella by Harlan Ellison. A boy communicates telepathically with his dog as they scavenge for food and sex, and they stumble into an underground society where the old society is preserved. The daughter of one of the leaders of the community seduces and lures him below, where the citizens have become unable to reproduce because of being underground so long. They use him for impregnation purposes, and then plan to be rid of him.
  21. Abortions are bad mmkay? Unwanted pregnancy, especially in low income areas with young people having babies and no families or stress on education or raising the kid etc etc...that's a problem that effects federal spending, crime, and a slew of other problems and it feeds itself. Anything the government cares to do to make the option of careful/responsible reproduction is fine by me. INCOMING GARY M: You killing babies! They just should be abstinent!
  22. A lot of them haven't fine tuned the art of elected pure dumbass. No doubt they will eventually. Some of them just have technocrats running the show elections be damned. No doubt all roads of development lead everyone to where we are eventually, dumbass rule. But for now and the next century if we want to stay strong we have to get our act together a bit more this will be be like every other century, one of shifting geopolitical/economic power. Can't sit around gridlocked assuming we're great while everyone else hustles. Also it's unlikely this next century will follow the trend of war doing the shifting (it might but unlikely). It's all about hustling, soft power, and economics. You need leadership to win the 21st century. Not just guns.
  23. We can't remain gridlocked all the time. The emerging nations are waking up, situating themselves for a strong 21st century. Political paralysis and the inability for our dumbasses to address some issues we have is killing us, and will continue to do so. An influential single dumbass is our best hope to stay strong.
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