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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I don't know that. He gave a strong speech, reminded the people who he is, encouraged them to take ownership of the movement etc....they necessarily have to walk a fine line b/c as we all know you can't just rail on positive-overkill when we are still working to get back to where we feel good. He has to give a more "mature" vibe and he did that well. It was a strong speech by any standard...and a good one for a Obama (although he's given some great ones so not a great one for him)...it certainly will look good if a hypothetical non-political undecided compares it side by side to Romney.
  2. Clinton and Obama split the division of labor well so Obama could give the message of this campaign and Clinton could defend the record. Only Clinton can make a policy oriented defense/compare and contrast speech rival and surpass and Obama barn burner hehe. Obama gave a great Obama speech though....but we've heard Obama quite a bit. All in all very strong convention. Very well done
  3. For people who hate Obama it was an Obama speech. To people who like Obama it was a great speech. To undecideds ... it didn't hurt
  4. Solid enough by Biden's own standards I suppose hehe
  5. That was the Kerry equivalent of opening up a can
  6. Kerry came out w/ his head on fire. Speaking like an angry man...
  7. hehe...have the chuckle about seeing Rob rail against PBS throughout all the conventions ... just about the only one in America watching PBS for convention coverage Montana Gov is a hilarious guy Charlie giving the finger to the GOP hehe...each party loves their traitors
  8. Clinton actually swore Obama in on that stage after his speech, Fox cut away but us CNNers saw it. Just an fyi
  9. I woke up w/ a stain on my dress and an impulse to start and handbag company unleash that man
  10. BTW if my favorite line: "the old economy isn't coming back" There are philosophical differences between the leadership in both parties but both need to understand this point. To compete in the 21st century you need a plan for the 21st century and awareness of the rapidly rising state global competitiveness, the role public leadership plays in some of our key competitor nations, and how we need to position ourselves and what role our government (yes "government") has in this whole thing. To me, I see no evidence the anti-government policies of the GOP will lead us where we need to go. If you have a different view acknowledging all these things, that is well thought out...that's why I like coming here. If you are hate Obama and the Dems b/c of propaganda and mistruths about the recovery act, and the ACA (which admittedly I support much less that the recovery act), and the Dem platform...then you are in the words of our great scholar DC Tom...and idiot.
  11. My opinion of Obama is very different than yours. That said...Clinton (as opposed to Obama) energizes me in similar proportions to HW v. Reagan for the right. It's not the same for the other portions of the party which is at this point a coalition much more so than the Repubs have built. And IMO, despite the fact that I would vote Bill over Obama...I'm not touching what is going on w/ Romney/Ryan and neither are any other Bill fans. In any event I'm not here to comment as I would in the "who will win the election thread" merely to say it was a great night for us "Libs" and I'm enjoying it. Loved the speech. In the words of another president "there you go again" .... hehe
  12. In that emboldened portion I mean to merely refer to coming out of convention. It will be stupid ads that lie and debates where nobody answers the question and there aren't follow-ups. And all that will be for about 5% swing in about 5 states...and then we'll have a president.
  13. Andrew Kaczynski ‏@BuzzFeedAndrew RT @sarahkliff: Bill Clinton's prepared remarks: 3,136 words. BillClinton's remarks as delivered: 5,895 words (counting audience cheers). lol
  14. Of course Obama doesn't deserve to be in the same league as Clinton. And Romeny has no business in the game at all. And don't talk to me about what the current Dem president did to "my product" lol...worry about your last president and your current House has done to your product and re-branding that in modern times. It'll be a close election and as much as I loved that speech and will love Obama's (b/c Obama is a fantastic speaker himself even if you can't get past your hate for him) these things will mean nothing. There will be some stupid debates where nobody answers questions and more money that we've ever seen and ultimately it'll be a roll of the dice b/c that's where we're at. I'll say this though...Dems will be more excited than Repubs IMO...Repubs had some people but they didn't play those cards they're hoping the dealer busts. We'll see
  15. Obama cannot top that. Do not kid yourself. Obama will be good in his own way though and lets be honest his method of public speaking appeals to the masses well. Maybe twitter will think it can touch that...but it won't.
  16. Absolutely. Other lib books as well all while masturbating but I can read drunk and that's a learned talent. And a few choice conservative books but only the smart ones. Just drinking, reading, and masturbating. It's a rewarding life I have if only you could see through the computer I'm 350lbs, bearded, never been kissed by a women, and just love Bill Clinton. hehe
  17. As someone who finds you to be the literal king of all retards...literally posting non-stop retarded idiot garbage that amazes me other very conservative posters on this board don't attack you for...solid point. I disagree of course...but a fair point in your own way. Amazing speech that was more substantive than basically anything any politician has made in this election and it can be attacked b/c it's too long (lame IMO America needs to wake up)...or that it over shadows what Obama can do (political but true...but it also dwarfs anything the GOP can do)...or maybe on the facts (this will be the big thing b/c when you give facts these days you just dare one media outlet to challenge them and then become a source for others to parrot w/ out liability and it all creates a story to pitch that fuels surrogate appearances and on and on and on)....but none of that takes away one core fact...as a somewhat self-described middle of the road Dem (even though I'm a maniac left loon to you b/c you are an ass and stupid)....it was effective in making me motivated and excited about the election. That said, as I've said before and is no secret I'm a big fan of Clinton and a read the propaganda he writes writes for profit and love it hehe
  18. As a reading/response to you indicates it's late and I've been drinking a bottle of wine (one of the fat ones)...but anyone that writes what you write doesn't get it. And that's really not a knock and I'm not trying to attack you and I have no idea how old you are (although you are retarded regardless b/c I've read other posts but that's not what this post is about)...but hackers...reddit...etc...the image I posted is what it's all about. That's why "they" are "here" ("here" being the web-space they occupy)...to entertain...or in their language "for the lulz" (no other purpose that to create mayhem for fun) ... there's a VERY small chance someone has the the info (after all this is a post-wikileaks world) ... but the evidence points to it being a faked first page from a common software progarm to stir up "lulz" on the internet. You can say it's a pro-obama bit...and certainly it doesn't help Romeny and certainly CISPA and the former SOPA are on "their" radar (which Dems are more against though still in favor of somewhat)....but all in all...this was bound to happen. Simply put if there is info about anyone that exists that is of wide public interest...it will be attempted to be had and leaked and if it can't be it will be faked for the lulz. This is the internet, in case you didn't know. Go visit reddit and you can see for yourself.
  19. Maybe so. For me I agree w/ your edits...a 3 hour policy speech would have been up my alley hehe. In any event he dropped serious bombs that GOP analysts can attack in a number of ways so you should be happy he actually talked policy and real things...now conservative blogs have something to attack that's real.
  20. Hehe....not one PPP poster can admit it was a good speech b/c Bill Clinton made it and it was for Obama?
  21. LOL fair enough if that's what you read. Simply saying a fairly substantive speech that ran long b/c of it is something you don't like? Not sure why you are interested in PPP (actually....it all just clicked right now...it all makes sense). I love you World...only b/c Clinton told me I have too hehe
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