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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I know How dare someone question Republican victimology.
  2. Long time left. I would have thought that was the Palin analysis when it aired but it seems to be "the" analysis now. Long time left still, but at this point it seems you are right. They'll have nowhere to point a finger either...no "hope/change" mantra and Bush collapse to blame it on (by their own words)...just their own inept ability to field an alternative to "incompetent Obama." Who knows maybe they'll reign in the loons in their party put them in the corner, understand their "marketing pitch" sucks, and get back to being a reasonable alternative. They'll have to start turning into that during the next 4 years though...no more nonsense in the second term.
  3. Romney aide not to thrilled looking back at way they handled the situation...maybe they are IDK this is a weird thing to say though: “Ty Cobb was the greatest hitter of all time and he batted about .355. And he is still the greatest hitter,” Williamson explained later in the interview. “There isn’t something in my 63 years I couldn’t have done better except con my wife into marrying me.” http://www.thedailyb...s-accurate.html
  4. Explain to me what "leading form behind" has been, and what "leading from the front" would have been...and what incidents you even are talking about.
  5. What is the apology tour deal why does this actually resonate w/ you? You engage in diplomacy and get facts and act rationally to advance American interests. Is this the cold war? We need to beat our chests in 2012? Is the rest of the world blind? They know how superior we are. They know we can basically reign hellfire on any building in the world and that we'll tople a regime if we feel like it. This "talk tough" BS is just stupid. We need to publicly "rah rah" ourselves? What is this? Why is this something that gets you so worked up...I understand a lot of the GOP meme-attacks...this one I don't get why it's so popular.
  6. Gary Johnson, and most libertarians probably have it right. Thing is we're sort of entrenched and have made our enemies already so do we want to leave our position of leverage to drone them (perhaps making more or irritating the situation). As for Democracy itself...it's fine and good for them most of the people are not maniacs Dante...hell the actual PEOPLE of Iran are a lot more pro-America than most American's know (a point Gary Johnson made today in his slew of interviews)...obviously the more rural Iranians may be a bit sketchy but the city folk don't hate us in mass...
  7. Another interesting bit: http://www.democracyarsenal.org/2012/09/unknown-and-known.html We also don’t know as much as we thought we knew about the film that sparked the first round of protests. Reporting before and immediately after the protests identified an “Israeli” or “Jewish American” film producer, Sam Bacile, who had posted on YouTube an incendiary trailer for a film, funded by “100 Jewish donors” and promoted by Terry Jones, the Florida pastor of 2010 Koran-burning fame. Subsequent reporting has brought his religion, nationality and very existence into question, and the only thing that seems clear is that someone was eager to fan the flames of sectarian hatred – and not eager to be identified. The actors and crew now say they were misled, thinking they were making a film about a “generic Egyptian” named “Master George,” with the most incendiary lines appear to have been (poorly) overdubbed after filming. In one scene, the dubbed voice says “Mohammed” while the actor’s lips appear to say “George.”
  8. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/david-ignatius-cairo-and-libya-attacks-point-to-radicals-jockeying-for-power/2012/09/12/d0d687d2-fcff-11e1-b153-218509a954e1_story.html Another (domestic) article expanding on the one from the German international section. Seems the consensus among major media outlets is that radical Islamic groups in both Libya and Egypt are not happy with the "more" moderate regime in Egypt and largely secular regime in Libya. . This mixes with pervasive anti-Americanism that is ever present in all radical communities (probably with good reason ... given that they are radical Islam) ... local political opportunism mixed with radical Islam anti-Americanism combine to create a powder keg set off by some stupid video (which really just gave them an excuse). Some reddit links to pictures of pro-American counter rally in Libya http://imgur.com/a/tlCyI
  9. Salafists in Egypt, whose Al-Nour Party, or "Party of Light," emerged as the second strongest force in Egypt's 2011 parliamentary elections for the now dissolved People's Assembly, called for protests. Storming the embassy in Cairo was also a show of force aimed at President Mohammed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood who the Salafists find too pro-US. http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/muhammad-film-triggers-violent-protests-in-cairo-and-benghazi-a-855484.html
  10. http://www.buzzfeed.com/bensmith/foreign-policy-hads-voice-disbelief-at-romney-cai Mixed responses regarding Romney responding about the same way LABillz does
  11. I also like POTUS. Although it is clearly left leaning but not in an obnoxious way and not in a "trying to program people way"
  12. This topic has some of the stupidest posts I've seen on PPP in a while. Pathetic responses from a few people in here.
  13. European Obama! Ha! Not here! Not in America! If they like him he must be toxic! America!
  14. Everywhere went Obama in '08....Loudoun was back to Red by '10. I'm not saying it's Richmond..flying confederate flags and whatnot...I'm saying it's very Republican....not very redneck...gay marriage probably less of an issue than say...cutting the military budget....
  15. Nothing like a little anti-Europe, anti-rest of the world talk to get PPP going in the morning. America! !@#$ ya!
  16. By the numbers, Loudoun is one of the most Republican counties in N. Virginia.
  17. Ya gotta use those buzzwords, ya gotta say socialist - Bill O'Reilly
  18. http://en.wikipedia....nt_and_politics Loudoun County, Virginia. The richest county in the nation measured by median income. Home to Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman the #1 and #2 military contractors in the country. Republican mecca http://en.wikipedia....irfax,_Virginia Neighboring Fairfax, a close second in terms of wealth...home to General Dynamics...another top military contractor
  19. Honestly wtf is this? ...just do whatever you think will win Romney... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx612rDA_q8&feature=player_embedded EDIT: Just finished the Factor...Chuck Norris (yes, literally Chuck Norris) came on at the end and talked about how the Dems have gone further to the right and the GOP has gone where the Dems were. I'll think that one over for a bit...
  20. If I pay you 1 million bitcoins will you leave the board forever and never come back?
  21. Highly paid union employees? You mean highly paid military contractors and lobbyists?
  22. I'm saying it happened at the Libya American embassy...the death...there were two separate embassy stormings today.... catch up
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