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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Romney is a pretty "meh" candidate there really is no doubt about that and most repub backers would have admitted it until the primary started wrapping up. But the true problem with Romney's campaign is simple....the current state of the Republican party. It really is that simple. They're in an tough situation running under that banner as it is configured right now. In any event...it's fun to hear about and dissect campaigns b/c we all like politics but these sort of stories are of limited importance.
  2. We'll see about the QB long term. Hope you are correct
  3. Loved the win today but I still think the smart money is on Bills simply being a lousy team. But we'll see...love for the smart money to be dumb.
  4. We should be talking about multiple MVPs and hall of fame by now
  5. Ok you are right I'm sorry. Mario has been phenominal what was I thinking.
  6. I have a good connection and it was good today...it sucked last week...just a coin flip I guess.
  7. Just saying dude...you don't have to have such Mario-mania all the time. He's been solid, he hasn't been amazing...and you can rationalize that anyway you want but those are the facts. And I'm not saying he won't have big games or that we shouldn't have picked him up...simply saying what has happened.
  8. Honestly Mario was no more impressive than any other DLman today. Not bad, but not really good.
  9. I'm in this league and have the worst team auto-pick could have possibly drafted for me. IDK who has all the RBs but if someone has good depth and wants Foster and is willing to put together some sort of deal for him where I end up better for it I'll do it.
  10. I think you are making my point for me. Unless we're now adding preventing Muslims from becoming offended to POTUS duty
  11. How many /dev/ it take to change a bulb etc etc (this topic is now about how you can't change a light bulb)
  12. Nobody is deranged Tom. It's all apart of the plan, the blame game. Idiots on the left still fixate on Bush and 911. Now idiots on the right are going to try and make every retarded argument they can that somehow this was directly on Obama (and perhaps that Mitt would have "stopped" it). There is no such thing as "it's a big world and sometimes a few crazy people can cause chaos." As with the economy. Small business owners built their business God damnit! Now they're entitled to a good economy to reap benefits off of and God damnit it's Obama's fault we aren't gangbusters! B/c if it weren't for the debt we'd be booming! So let's cut taxes! Liberal response: No the economy sucked under Bush! Republicans destroy the economy! No.."the economy is sometimes just going to suck...and now is one of those times you idiot." The economy is in the President's control. Every idiot on earth can be stopped by the President. Etc....
  13. Agreed. It's time to let Gary Johnson in the debates so he can speak the truth about where we should get our foreign relations/military situation in the next couple years.
  14. Billz-fan...w/ Romney "leading" there will never be small groups of people in chaotic new government countries that do stupid things....and there will never be any violence or thuggery b/c Romney will send down his prophet on them.
  15. They aren't really an ally...they are nothing...it remains to be seen what they are...Morsi needs to figure out if he's going to be an Islamic Leader or the President of a New Egypt in the modern world....and if the latter how to do that politically.
  16. Who would have thought PPP is so brilliant, yall should run the FED (and no, I don't really have an opinion one way or the other about this third round here so !@#$ off)
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