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Everything posted by dayman

  1. HIllary would repeal term limits and Bill would end up back in as king
  2. The biggest problem the GOP have right now (and that's saying something) is that it's becoming institutionalized to behave like you are right now BillsFan. Stop acting like a child.
  3. Has it become impossible for "Republicans" ... even at the top of the party (currently...thank God there are others looming to fill in later once these jokers fall) ... to simply say "this thing needs to be reigned back into reality?"
  4. Just double down on it hehe.... I mean seriously I would love to play some poker w/ some of the GOP backseat strategy experts. The bad part is there is a portion of the American public who actually buy into this stuff. I mean, it's not the majority (and certainly not even most on this board) but there are people who are thinking right now "Obama sympathizes with the attackers of our embassy" and "half the country are dependent people who think they are victims."
  5. This half of America that is dependent upon the government, believe they are victims...who vote for Obama no matter what... ...this is on the air coming out of a presidential candidates mouth...and you are saying double down...
  6. What I'm saying is not that it won't play well with a "certain base" but that it shouldn't play well with the "actual base" of one of 2 major political parties...and it reflects the dysfunction in the GOP
  7. This post is everything bad about the Romeny comment. Now, there are people saying this type of stuff.
  8. Look I get it...I get the attitude and bravado that has become associated with parts of the GOP...but this shouldn't play well with either party's "base" c'mon now. This is what I'm talking about more than anything else when I talk about the GOP's problems...this doesn't play well period.
  9. Well I either way I think this could hurt pretty bad b/c I think Obama Co. will come hard and probably a superPAC will put this on an ad that runs in swing states and try to make people see that...I could be wrong though but we'll see if it's a fleeing MSNBC thing or not. To me the real damning part is the tone. Mitt's a pretty buttoned up guy, nice and polite (even the most crazy liberal must admit it is true despite not liking the message) ...also a bit robotic (or defensive to put it more politely can't fault him for it)...so if they plaster this all over this will be the most casual anyone has heard him speak...and he's basically calling Obama supporters people who don't take responsibility for their own lives, and saying he isn't even trying w/ them. Sort of bad b/c it reinforces Obama's attempt to paint him in a certain light, but also b/c it may come off like "the real Mitt" to some since he's so conservative in his tone/remarks usually and this was a lot more "normal" sounding. Not sure if I really put it well there hehe...but there's something to the overall way this comes off that could be bad for Mitt in particular. If it were Christie or someone a bit more "casual" and less PC in his delivery in public it would be different...but IDK about this...
  10. If I'm asked that question I don't say 47% are off the table. Plain and simple. Even to raise money. I don't see how that really helps raise money anyway. Say they're tough and not the focus, don't say what he said. And if you do, don't let it come out publicly.
  11. Don't be retarded. Romney won't go down until the election itself (unless somehow he bombs the first debate terribly which would probably do it). For as much people as will vote Obama as he says, similar amounts will vote for him. etc...etc..etc...close election...etc... You think that nobody in that 47% is going to vote Romney? You think there is no market there for him? Karl Rove doesn't think that. B/c Karl Rove is good at his job.
  12. Education and money (real economy) is the only answer for that part of the world. It has nothing to do w/ Islam. They're pissed, and they're religious...and their leaders can easily turn all that energy against us to avoid tension coming back at them b/c we put ourselves out there. And all this goes w/ the obvious point that while protests makes for vivid imagery...it's still not the case that there's out of control anti-American violence throughout the region by the masses. Is it not that simple?
  13. The substance that he will never convince the people who don't pay income tax to the fed to take responsibility for their own lives? Those who pay payroll tax, state/local tax, sales tax...often amounting to a total % of their income greater than or equal to what Romney himself pays? The elderly factor those numbers there etc...I don't know what topic it was in but I just had this discussion maybe a week or two ago on this very board...It is the most over stated GOP meme there is.. it's what his fundraisers/donor class want to hear so it's fair that he said it there and it is no secret to those who follow politics and understand the GOP's primary mission...not debt or spending but taxes...not a cent more for the donor class and 4% increase over 250K is communist. But anyway...I digress from my liberal propaganda...it's just not presidential to have this go public and the reason it isn't presidential is b/c it's a stupid thing to go around saying. Wealth inequality, opportunity inequality (which btw exists here more than most modern countries)...it's a problem we have. We don't need leadership that just looks at 47% of the population as people that won't take responsibility for themselves. It's ridiculous to say this is fair. There are, without a doubt, problems with the what we are doing (and have been doing for decades) to address these issues...but the sentiment he's selling to donors here isn't it. Anyway, I also actually think it's fair b/c he's hobnobbing with some fat cats for money which is what happens by anyone raising money. And of course he'll adjust his tone to the audience (unless it's the NAACP hehe)...but the bottom line is this isn't a great thing for a presidential candidate to say. And the fact that now (as with everything Romney does) a huge portion of the country must get behind it and defend/champion it...that's bad for the country.
  14. I think that just might get you over the hump to win the electoral college
  15. Let's focus on the parts you agree on since this is rare. What sounds good in there to you?
  16. High speed rail is long term, but it is not garbage. An infrastructure (at least when I use it in conversation) includes things like domestic energy innovation and a smart grid to make it work, health IT, retrofits (which should be a bipartisan no-brainer b/c it basically costs nothing)...things that will put us in a better spot for the next few decades that we can start right now. Do you look at history and just cringe?
  17. Everyone knows you wait until interest rates go back up before you address some infrastructure issues that will come either way. This guy is a fool
  18. I can't be all places at once. Keep 'em honest Rob Bro we don't need a modern infrastructure or more educated work force to dominate next century and teachers/local workers are not real jobs. Green energy is a hoax too btw...just Obama hitting up his donors. We simply need the free market, uninhibited by taxes of any kind. Pick up a book.
  19. I'm sorry can you provide a source for this opinion? (i kid btw, i kid, no need to go conserva-hulk)
  20. "America is going to hell, literally falling apart, b/c of Obama" ...people don't realize why they sound ridiculous when they say this...idk why not
  21. In all honesty almost half of B-Mans posts are him reposting conservative opinion pieces...I don't say anything but it's funny to hear someone else say it. Hehe. You'll literally be talking about something, maybe a few people post articles that certainly have some opinion but also site some data or something then B-Man comes in and posts his pasted conservative opinion w/ parts emboldened that he finds to be heaving hitting (which is usually the funniest part). Love you B-man...just laughing with you. Anyway, Romney comes off very poorly in the leaked video it can't possibly help him.
  22. I find it more funny that Tate didn't break his neck launching like that
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