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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Just got back from "The Master." There Will Be Blood is my favorite movie of all time. I like PTA, but I'm not so sure about this one. It wasn't bad, but it was frustrating. Perhaps a second watch will make it better since I won't have the feeling of wasted potential...but as of right now...while not terrible...this one faltered.
  2. Breaking News Pakistan minister offers $100,000 bounty for death of maker of anti-Islam film - AFP bit.ly/OLAHiH 11 minutes ago from breakingnews.com
  3. Final Edit: Very little of this btw...is IMO partisan...I know some will disagree...but much of these ideas are in fact VASTLY accelerated by reinvestment act (contrary to common right-wing media bashing, left wing giving up, and political cowardice/incompetence...but it's in there)...as well as other things I was talking about like Healthcare IT, APRA-E, etc...we need people that plant orchards not those that operate based on election cycles and cable news (it is true Obama had opportunity like no other but he really DID plant seeds to follow through and many of his campaign promises probably more that any president in history in 4 years)...nothing is to say the debt isn't important...but this cut cut cut and no tax and "free market cures all" won't keep us up front next century (literally NO evidence the anti-gov't philosophy works in the coming century of a globalized economy where everyone is playing the game and things are changing faster than ever...NONE) and I haven't even really got into some of things in the reinvestment act I like even more (and btw this isn't abandoning "capitalism"...it's just doing what smart successful nations are doing in the modern world)....this discussion cuts to the core of why I like Obama more than Romney btw...much more than forcing me to defend the ACA which I don't think is SOOO terrible like others but I don't like all that much (but still don't hate w/ ignorant faax-arguments). These are just a FEW issues why the current GOP IMO (as is) is lost. I certainly hope they hope they reorganize and come back as a resonable alternative but these few issues are concrete examples of why to me...I can never vote for the bloc that is ... imo ... going to sink us. I know Obama will sink us to you all... but these are some examples (not all btw) of why IMO he's more apt to make us stronger than the GOP. It's not just b/c he's cool...it's b/c there are progressives out there who actually look long term w/ a different view....and also btw I know this burns you all to say this but he really does care about the money...and there will be cuts....either way...more than have been on the table before...the question is simply whether there will be taxes.... The bottom line is the technocrat approach to the next century with a balanced approach to our current financial difficulties (capitalizing on our OBVIOUS advantage in the world despite the sky is falling GOP narrative) is the one I want to vote for. It's Obama. And of course...it's about the people that live here...all of them.
  4. 1) My position on high speed rail is simply that your position is unrealistic in modern America...as a working unit it isn't for me and you but more so for our kids (assuming you are close to my age...I am probably younger than you) and more likely in mass for our grand-kids. But as I said above....we'll leave that out. It can be more useful in certain locations sooner but we'll not debate this.... 2) The smart grid is the logistical disaster...that is the common sense obvious answer. it takes cooperation for from a bunch of local gov't/organizations all with their own "issues" but if we could operate like China (not that we should) we would be on the same page...b/c it's obvious and worth it 3) Global climate change is...simply put...a problem IMO. Whether you agree w/ the personalities that have come to the front of the movement or various things surrounding it...we must be a leader in combating it. India and China (2.5 billion combined maybe more I'm not sure last I checked it was that) are coal dependent in large part and if we don't lead the way we miss a huge $$$ opportunity for the next century and leave the world to burn. *4)Retrofits pay for themselves plain and simple....and most contractors that do them guarantee the savings. Many owners of huge energy gobbling buildings would be more apt if there were gov't programs to guarantee the loans allowing them to pay them back + interest from energy savings since the costs are high upfront and many are not credit worthy in the current economy. I know you don't live in NY but there are many building in NY that are taking these actions today including the Empire State Building (Google it) and the facts largely show that this is a no-brainer and gov't backed loans would only accelerate savings for everyone. And it's not just gov't backed loans for private sector buildings that are rock solid but also countless public buildings and schools that could lead the way (as the military is doing). ...and btw as far as "jobs' are concerned...nothing beat retrofitting
  5. So leaving out some of the things I find attractive such as long term rail (or even short term efficiency rail improvement) and moving towards green energy and a smarter delivery grid...this fits into your world view how? And I really don't mean to be attacking here but it begs the question raised in previous discussion with you...which basically gets to the point that you have communicated to me that human carbon emissions negative effects on the long term environment is a hoax. And if that is in fact the opinion...then even so...the economics of the nation...plays in how? And we might as well address the retrofit debate which is by far the one I am most passionate about b/c that is a nobrainer as I said earlier and one government should EASILY help facilitate.
  6. The subject matter of Koppel's story and one that O'Reilly was willing to talk about was what you were talking about. That's all I'm saying. Nothing more, nothing less. Since I saw you posting that tonight and I saw that little exchange this week i though I would ask.
  7. Not that it is anything "bold and fresh" or not talked about but have you seen the two interviews with O'Reilly and Koppel? You can find the O'Reilly interview Koppel clip on a google search and the Koppel interviewing O'Reilly clip on "rock center" website...both happened recently...general subject of the "debate" was what you posted above.
  8. A while ago I posted a number of things I felt were noble movement to position us for the next century and you said you agreed with most (or at least some) of them...but might not agree with "my position on how"...do you have the patience/time/energy to address this now? (if not btw...that's fine...even if you continue to post tonight it's not like everyone always wants to get into that sort of discussion at all times so this is not a "call out" or anything like that you can simply say "not now" and no problems w/ me)
  9. Most moderate people, leaning different direction...will agree w/ this. Koppel is on campaign as any O'Reilly viewer know to try and make his point against this....he isn't the first and won't be the last and he won't succeed.
  10. Just to spark my memory (not being facetious here) you are libertarian man, correct?
  11. hehe...well I rarely do not drink during the day then....there...you happy?
  12. Out of curiosity what is the boot exactly? Obamacare? Small business tax for job creators paying the individual rate over $250K? Etc....
  13. All is forgiven. I rarely PPP during the day. And I rarely do not drink at night. I apologize for neither, despite not being Mitt Romney.
  14. You are talking with a man who calls this "Muslim culture on display." You are more foolish than him.
  15. BillsFan the wealthy are not evil b/c they are wealthy...brother
  16. Based on your perception of the state of the global economy and the events unfolding just prior to and as Obama took office, as well as the ongoings in Washington in recent years and the role the President plays with the economy, do you think Obama "failed" or has us moving in the right direction? That's the question. Instead of talking about debt and unemployment numbers generally Romney should point out specifics he would take the president would not as well specific policies he think failed and communicate that to the public. Obama will then defend his actions and present his view on Romney's future ideas as well as his own.
  17. There should be a new rule in America...you are not allowed to complain about left wing media you think is stupid, if you consume right wing media that is also stupid
  18. Good lord even the Cain Train himself trying to pile on... Herman Cain would have a "substantial lead" over President Barack Obama if Republicans had made him their nominee, according to Herman Cain, who spoke at the University of Florida on Thursday. From The Gainesville Sun: Cain told members of the media after the speech that Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's recent "47 percent" comment was a "non-story" being blown out of proportion by the media. But Cain said he would have been doing better if he was the nominee, saying that he'd probably have a "substantial lead" on President Barack Obama at this point. "The reason is quite simple: I have some depth to my ideas," he said. Cain ran for the Republican nomination in 2011. He dropped out of the race in December and ultimately endorsed former House Speaker Newt Gingrich before Mitt Romney sealed the nomination. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/herman-cain-says-substantial-lead-over-obama-135949668--election.html?_esi=1
  19. I look at that and that's what I think also. No other logical conclusion.
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