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Everything posted by dayman

  1. O'Reilly posits that Americans are addicted to the internet and do not know the issues therefore the polls are wrong. He has it figured out.
  2. Hilarious add just ran on my tv. Campaign voice sounding like it was selling something cheap on an infomercial came on saying "attnetion patriots! if the election was held today Obama would win and continue the spread of socialism. donate now and pledge to vote for romney at xxx-xxxx" hehe....got to love that
  3. I know I'll be hit with a prompt "you don't know football" but the truth is we've been good up front but not dominate as the personel suggests we should be
  4. Ya know that could have actually been funny...but you failed somehow...despite all the words and promising premise.
  5. That's forgivable. Fool us once etc...
  6. In all honesty I would LOVE to hear what are Cigna's thought's one issues that are important to him. Let us do it. Not as a battle...but you feel so wronged...so lets go. What are your problems?
  7. Topic turned into people blaming politicians for being politicians? Prepared speech! OMG!
  8. Ya we'll do another after the first debate. This is the baseline.
  9. Sorry 3rd parties...but you don't get in the poll hehe. If you can, vote for who you actually think will win...that's why there's another poll so you can express your feelings separately.
  10. lol...do you people ever consider just pretending you are on the "other side" and then evaluating the things you say to see if they are not asinine?
  11. It basically said "she won't release every detail of everything she did so we don't know"...then it fixates on the fact that she listed her office *gasp* where she was and cites part of the ethics codes that says not offices in state w/ out going into great detail on all the exceptions.
  12. Even conservatives must admit the charitable deduction edit was hilarious in that 1) w/ out it it would have put him closer to 10 and made him look like a cheat based on 13% comments and 2) he paid more taxes than he had to which by his own words means he isn't qualified to be president hehe EDIT: Btw I don't really care I just think it's funny and anyone who doesn't admit that is just being partisan...that is funny
  13. I agree just discussing. She won't be disciplined by the bar anyway everyone knows that, certainly not before November. This is just a political op-ed. In any event all lawyers fear falling into some ethics trap so ears and eyes light up when this stuff is talked about.
  14. W/ out showing she represented anyone in Mass or in matters of Mass law, and while admitting the ABA is rule isn't really modernized to the internet age, and glossing over the "temporary" provision...it's really just a op-ed piece slanted against her...plain and simple. The fact is at most it's an academic type argument you would find on a professional responsibility essay in law school....he's writing about not having all the info on her practice and even insinuating she wasn't licensed at all for a period of time she was practicing....to read this as "one guy argues there's a chance she could be subject to discipline" is fine but to read this as "she was definitely engaged in the unauthorized practice of law" is foolish.
  15. She's fine she's authorized to participate in the bankruptcy case and did so "temporarily" from her office in Mass....what systematic presence did she have as holding herself out to practice in Mass? I don't see anything in here that shows she was truly setting up shop in Mass and holding herself out that way or handling matters of Mass law...
  16. What is your point B-Man? I said it's the kind of story that Fox news often features...which appeals to the traditionalist who feels under attack. It's a non-story of fluff and things that don't matter. I read the story I knwo the specific link here was from some Rhode Island source w/ nothing else to talk about...my point is that this is a stupid story to care about, which it is. But predictably you see the cascade of responses "Oh lord what is the world coming to"..."Oh lord the PC of our society" "Oh my God this is pathetic" etc ... it's just stupid.
  17. This is the kind of story Fox news jumps on and appeals to the "traditionalist" who thinks America is under attack by the left and law. This is a stupid non-story. Who cares about this and why would anyone get worked up? Unless it's just one sign of America being destroyed! hehe...now you have a guy running for state senate on the platform of "I will restore FAther-Daughter dances!"...idiocy
  18. I believe the Ravens officially have a front 3, but I catch your meaning.
  19. http://www.rotoworld.com/player/nfl/4155/darrelle-revis CBS Sports' Jason La Canfora reports that the Jets fear Darrelle Revis tore his left ACL in Sunday's OT win over the Dolphins. It would be our fear as well for a non-contact injury. Losing Revis for the rest of the season would be a massive blow to a Jets defense that is constructed around his ability to take away the opposing team's No. 1 receiver. Kyle Wilson, who has struggled mightily in coverage, would take over as the starter across from Antonio Cromartie. Ellis Lankster would be the nickel back. Sep 23 - 6:00 PM
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