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Everything posted by dayman

  1. So they're driving around America w/ a car w/ steering wheel on the wrong side and perhaps a number of design requirements not in compliance?
  2. Who buys a foreign made car and imports it to the United States himself? That is not the situation almost anybody I know is in....
  3. ....ya but keep in mind if the transaction where you obtain the alternator in the US occurs with the authority of the US IP holder...
  4. But that is what First Sale is...a defense to infringement when distributing licensed material...that would be nonsensical. We're going to get into the subjective intent of every purchaser each time an infringement suit is brought now? "Well judge I purchased it for personal use but then changed my mind...."...bleh...never going to happen. I think it's most likely they will rule in favor of the copyright holder here. They get the exclusive right to distribute/reproduce/a number of other exclusive rights. The first sale doctrine limits this exclusive right for second hand sale for goods "lawfully made under this [copyright law] title." (17 U.S.C. 109a). It's ambiguous in the text what that means..."lawfully made under this title" could mean "made in the US," "work protected under this act," "lawfully made under this title had it been applicable" etc... The basic scheme of our copyright law does allow copyright holders some flexibility to divide up markets... § 602(a)(1)—that “[importation into the United States, without the authority of the owner of copyright under [the Copyright Act], of copies . . . of a work that have been acquired outside the United States is an infringement of the [owner’s] exclusive right to distribute copies”— ...if first sale applied to all products manufactured outside the US...that provision has little practical effect. EDIT: What they should do to protect our right to resell is hold "under this title" to include goods "lawfully made under this title [uS Copyright law] had it been applicable" so as to cover works copyrighted under foreign copyright law (including treaty countries) ... obviously countries have their own IP protection...to maximize our freedom first sale should extend to them. Of course this would limit the exclusive right to distribute and divide up markets which is built into the system as is. Hence I bet they uphold it and say you can't do it. Then write, "if globalization renders the consequences of this decision unjust/outdated then that is a question for congress" or some crap like that. Then Congress won't do anything b/c they can't do anything and if they could do anything they would do the wrong thing.
  5. I'm trying to enjoy my herbal tea and MSNBC would you please stop responding it's messing with the enlightened vibe I have going right now I'm in a great place
  6. so I have criticism based on hate? please...I could care less if you question jobs numbers they're revised constantly sometimes entire years...it's inherently imperfect...every one of them...last 2 months have been revised...this month will be revised...etc...you guys are livid and it's hilarious...it's not some liberal conspiracy to say out loud that I find this funny. and in any event I'm not here to battle I save my energy for issues I care about all I'm here to do is post my little posts and generate paragraphs of responses by accident
  7. Hehe, not trashed (yet). Seriously you guys need to step back and breathe when you get so worked up
  8. This is where Obama supporter inserts a Dez Bryant = George W Bush joke.
  9. god you are so mad...I type the obvious which is Repubs talk about the numbers when they're bad and hate on them when they're good you blow up...yesterday I talk about corrupt state legislatures (on both sides) gerrymandering safe districts and handing our democracy over to two private clubs who establish ridiculous procedural rules in congress and OC somehow insists I vouch for Nancy Pelosi's honor...you guys need to stop superimposing some militant black panthers mask over everybody's face just b/c they aren't marching in lockstep...say anything and all the sudden whatever is on your mind is being attacked. "Hey PPP conservative guy! How is the weather? Wife doing ok?" "How can you say that! Did you see the methodology of that poll it's corrupt. Nancy Pelosi is the devil and you defend her?! Chicago thugs messing w/ jobs numbers! Get the !@#$ of my lawn you are my enemy!"
  10. Well my language was "not so bad"...not great. Chosen for a reason. And as for the team that once dominated the AFC. That's a blip now it's been about 30 years and the 30 years before that sucked too. It's just a losing team that had some sort of fluke which mercifully allowed them to become the greatest chokers of all time over a 4 year span. I love the Bills but this is what O'Reilly would call "fair and balanced" analysis. Or if you prefer Anderson Cooper...I'm merely keeping ya honest. Bills are one of the worst franchises in NFL history. Our sole brighspot is the part people use to knock us...it's hilarious.
  11. He's being compared to Romo. I would feel sorry for Romney also. No man deserves that.
  12. LOL. Actually a legit LOL when reading that. Poor Romo (and Obama)
  13. Well to be fair when it's bad it's fine. When it's not so bad it's either imperfect or corrupt.
  14. My list would be: 1) Prepare for debate 2) Wait for Obama to "X" 3) Be secretly shocked that Obama fails to say "X" either at all or well 4) Say whatever the hell you want and forget you prepared b/c wtf is this 5) Hug family and walk of the stage victorious 6) Call Paul and tell his ass he better not lose to freaking Biden or you bring in Palin 7) Sleep easy for the first time in a month
  15. Well we've had the jobless recovery already. We're working on the job part now... Haven't read through this thread but what's up anyone say anything about this QE3 or has it not been enough time for that?
  16. Important/accurate as a predictor of the end result? Historically...it's not. But important to Mitt Romney and a huge win? Absolutely. There is no debate about that. C'mon now Marcell...don't be such a party pooper. Repubs are happy b/c Obama did not look as good as Romney. They should be. Let them be. hehe...no need to sour puss everything.
  17. Truer words have never come from a Bills fans mouth.
  18. Are you crazy? Do you just talk speak to fictional characters while talking at real people?
  19. MSNBC: "It appears DC Tom has stacked the rules committee to allow for consideration of rules dealing with what he calls "the idiot problem in America" and those rules only. All proceedings will be closed, no amendments. The committee on defining idiots, also stacked by DC Tom, is terrifying the public as they walk through the street suspiciously eyeing citizens going about their day." She's been around a long time and fundraises her ass off controlling access to party money. That's how. And as if majority of even politically concerned Americans understand Congress and leadership roles.
  20. LOL it's Harry's "do nothing Congress" regardless ... "as mad famous by" if it suits you better...it was the guys campaign. In any event the House could care less of it's approval rating...it's partison nonsense the Repubs hope to impute it on Obama and say he's blaming others if he mentions it and the Dems try to bring it up as much as they can w/ out looking like they're shamelessly blaming others. There is no "Congress" anymore...there is only warring tribes vying for power...no great deliberative body serving as the trustee for American wellbeing...no shame in 11% approval rating.
  21. Congress has delegated more power (hard/soft..whatever) through partisan urges to the President (both sides)...even to the point of failed unconstitutional attempts... And Truman coined the do nothing congress not FDR...in any event the last congress did far less than that congress so it's hard to say they are afraid of being that again
  22. It was nasty until Clinton crushed Gingrich's power march, just as nasty as it was under Pelosi or Boehner. One big problem is that Congress is not independent anymore. The President is the most powerful figure in government, the President is a member of party X, therefore the President is the leader of party X, therefore it is the duty of Party X members in Congress to serve the President. But the real harm is the internal workings of Congress itself. It's rigged TO BE PARTISAN and has been trending that way more and more for 30 years w/ Sir Gingrich kicking it into overdrive. Committees are not deliberative bodies....it's a complete joke. The Speaker is automatically selected based on the party in power...the Speakers doesn't even HAVE to be a member of Congress...in a perfect world it would be someone outside Congress who 60% or more of Congress could agree should be speaker.
  23. The $5T is the tax cuts over 10 years Romney says he'll make specifically through his 20% reduction. That's what happens if you take that specific cut and the few other taxes he's specifically called for, you lose about $5T over 10 years. As Romney made clear despite this "his plan is deficit neutral" b/c...well just b/c he says it is. He says he close enough loop holes (impossible on it's own and it would disproportionately affect lower income people) and otherwise people will be doing so well under his rule that they'll all be rich and paying more taxes to make up the difference (classic trickle rhetoric). Thing is, it won't happen. Romney's big tax cut actually is impossible as he describes it. Not a serious proposal. I mean yes, he can keep saying he won't have a $5T tax cut on stage, but that's the policy he goes around talking about...that's what it is. And when he says he'll make up for it...that's a huge hole (really impossible without doing very drastic things)...yet he doesn't talk about it at all. Revenue is not only off the table, but even more so. If just doesn't work. The bottom line is you can't just go w/ that level of reduction and not talk about the other end...if it were less drastic you could...but it's too much to say nothing and be serious. As for Medicare you choose between the voucher and future Medicare, what it will be. Not the voucher and what current Medidcare is.
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