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Everything posted by dayman

  1. oooooooooooo 1.1 trillion in loophole deduction? We have a number now but no holes?
  2. Moderator was doing really well early...but you can't moderate Joe
  3. LOL Biden is not letting Ryan run away with his trash
  4. This is getting ugly...Ryan is honestly doing terrible
  5. Ryan "including traditional medicare"...not true..taking after Mitt here
  6. Biden's oversight of the stimulus spending was one of the greatest oversight in gov't spending history...Biden should talk about this. I'm being serious whatever you think of the Stimulus as a concept, it was executed well.
  7. LMFAO they're going back and forth w/ car accident stories now?!
  8. Unfortunately that's the tickets take on it I fear...hope I'm wrong.
  9. lmfao I don't care what people have got to say...I'm loving Joe. He's Joe, but he doing "good for Joe" right now
  10. That meter is an abdication of their responsibility to cover the debate. Literally...take the most idiotic amongst us and they'll score in real time? Jesus. Either way....I'm in awe with Ryan's gameplan on talking about Iran...jesus
  11. This watered down sanctions bit he's fixated on is unbelievable This really is a bunch of "stuff" flying out of Ryans mouth right now...very weak on Iran. My God...
  12. There ya go Joe....please...currency riots on the streets of Iran and Ryan is talking about soft sanctions...
  13. This administration watered down sanctions on Iran............wow
  14. If I was against deficit spending and adding entitlements...i would vote...republican? I'll refrain from the obligatory woman joke
  15. It's well put by that FDR video now trending all over the internet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3RHnKYNvx8
  16. It just doesn't pay for itself. That philosophy is just wrong. Right time right place it can add to growth, yes, but 6.8T isn't going to come from growth and loopholes. It's not a serious position, to complain endlessly about deficits and demand 20% across the board cuts and explode the military budget more. You can say "I don't like Obama" for whatever reason, but it's stupid to run around pretending Romney has put forth some sort of reason to believe he's got any answers to anything.
  17. Btw 3% alluded to above not correct, but the point stands....these tax cuts will pay for themselves (and an additional $2T) b/c they always do and always have?
  18. lol...of course nobody cares...this debate is for fun...and w/ these two...I think it will be
  19. So when he goes on Sunday shows and 60 minutes and says he isn't cutting taxes on the rich, he just means he isn't cutting the full 20% on the rich. And the 3% of small business effected (idk about this number but they appeared to have stipulated to this in the last debate) will decide to hire enough people they apparently need (even though they otherwise wouldn't hire them) to combine with "loopholes" to offset $4.8T (plus $2T military increase if it suits your fancy)? This is the what we're going with to fix that debt clock at the convention?
  20. Being purposefully misleading about the policies you run on during the election is not a strategy Presidents use a whole lot in the past brother. It will be interesting to see what Ryan does though. B/c whether you love or hate him...that guy knows what he advocates and says it. Can he do so tonight following the last debate? If he is allowed to, Biden can highlight the last debate. If can't, he can't be himself and won't do well.
  21. Can Biden curl like this? Thought not. Game over old man
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