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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I guess it comes down, on that point, to where you are at. I'd start bringing them home sooner if at all possible. I support the 2014 deadline b/c it's been 11 years...and I don't want to sit in Afghanistan forever. So as a "bring them home yesterday" person ... don't mind it. I think Joe did a good job articulating that it's time for them to do it, and Ryan just couldn't get this through his head...if we don't think they can do it...then what we'll do it forever? Don't think that's a very popular stance....
  2. Honestly while Obama was lethargic by his own standards ..part of the problem is he just isn't a pit bull period. Never has been. Even his "passionate speeches" his supporters talk about aren't "pit bull." He won't be a pit bull. He can't be, and shouldn't try. It isn't his thing.
  3. Outside of Libya...everything was a draw at best minus the "but Joe was rude" angle...and the Afghan and Iran segments were honestly terrifying for Ryan. No but Joe would sneak a gun in, so yes.
  4. No. Camera phone pictures night after. You keep talking about the CNN group of idiots. Why?
  5. In fairness Biden was drunk. That was a drunk smile. See it all the time. Know it well.
  6. Probably the guy who thinks nothing is happening w/ the sanctions in Iran and wants more troops on the ground in Afghanistan and wants do some unknown thing in Syria that can only be quantified as "more involved" than we are know.
  7. Haha, media always wants you to think what they cover is important. This was the battle of the world earlier today I know. As for the 47%...dead not dead...idk...I know it'll be on some attack ads the week before the vote.
  8. Not that your asking me, but as I saw it...Ryan won the Libya exchange out the gate...then got steamrolled for most of the middle of the debate with some strong spots...then pulled it together towards the end. People have different opinions but I think Ryan just humiliated himself on foreign policy and Afghan in particular.
  9. It's a VP debate. Biden can't turn thing around for Obama. Nobody can, except Obama. Biden did bring some passion to the "battle" though....for what it's worth. That's about all he could have done...but he did. Once again though...VP debates don't matte.r I know, hehe...
  10. Honestly...nobody cares if you are polite...nobody...it's a debate...stand for something and be passionate.
  11. ....and the most entertaining debate in political history ends....and nothing changes b/c V.P. debates mean nothing...haha...that was fun to watch tho BTW given how crazy the debate went that moderator did a great job
  12. That's fine...you don't want to reform healthcare and bring in people. But the point of why he's lying is b/c he gets up on stage and tell the American people he does, then releases a presser the next day to burried on teh back pages say he "mispoke" and he won't do anything. I'm sorry you didn't watch the first debate. It's right there.
  13. Except he won't and tha'ts the point. People don't get this...he won't. He'll keep something similar where if you maintain continuous coverage and lose it you have a 2 month or so window where you can't be denied coming of employer based coverage. That's been the law since '96. If you have preexisting condition and aren't covered...Romney's policy does nothing for you. But that doesn't stop Romney telling you it does.
  14. Look, Paul...there's no way to sell this "strong man" mumbo jumbo we're sick of war, we don't want to dump weapons in every dispute, nobody is buying these rhetoric points...this is pathetic. I understand you have to defend the nonsensical neocon created plan your party is running on yet again...but please stop
  15. The second came flying out of Romney's mouth in the first debate and was repeated point blank when asked by Obama
  16. Damn Ryan just got Joe to admit the calendar works the same every year. BOOM
  17. We won't increase military spending even though it's our position. We will cover preexisting injuries even though it's not our position. We don't have a tax cut, what are you talking about? We don't want war w/ Iran but we're ready to go to war with Iran. on and on
  18. Ryan talking "strong" on foreign policy is just about the most repugnant thing I've ever heard
  19. Nobody cares that budget boy just said they weren't going to increase military spending?
  20. 4% of GDP on military...right on Romney's website...wtf are you smoking Ryan?
  21. He's running away from his military increase? Am I hearing right? WTF is going on? Ryan...my god...
  22. In all honesty I know no Repub will agree...but it's a **** show b/c some of this crazy stuff is not being allowed to be said by Joe. Power to him. And yes, he's being a jerk about it
  23. OMG hahahahahaha...this is unbelievably entertaining
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