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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Remember the infamous quote from Reggie Bush about juking in the NFL? And how it doesn't work? He was right....you have vision and make cuts and use speed and break tackles. EXCEPT...CJ Spiller jukes people in the NFL. Love this man
  2. IDK why he hasn't been active. Maybe he's having trouble with the playbook. Maybe he's not that good. Maybe he just can't get the reps in season to get it all down...idk...but I'm assuming here he is what he is...an averagish QB who will know the playbook by week 8. So...despite 3 demoralizing blowouts...we're looking at best-case or almost-best-case scenario coming up to the bye at 4-3 (once again assuming we beat Tenn). Will this on it's own stop a QB change if we think we can get a slight bump there? Will we just say "well 4-3...QB hasn't been great but stick with it" or will we have the balls to say "lucky to be 4-3 and we need to get better at QB if we're going to steal a wildcard?" To me there is 0 risk at moving TJ in if he can pick up the offense by week 8. 0. We get NOTHING out of Fitz...and frankly...I'm sick of watching him. But would a winning record stop us from making a move despite the on-field play showing we should try? As I see it even at 4-3 (assuming we beat Tenn)...we're still not making the playoffs as is. We need a jolt and even if he plays worse it would be worth a shot. Do you agree w/ this? Or am I an idiot who just needs to accept Fitz for the rest of this season?
  3. Ya but I think the idea is that there's a target, timeframe, and plan...who is to say that people who know about education don't think this is "reaching for more" over the next few years?
  4. I can't still care about this....been too long...
  5. Had to google it, not that surprising really. One guy was banking though...
  6. hmmm....not sure if I consider this racist. Maybe dividing it by race is necessarily racist...but once you do divide it that way and get a lower baseline...having a lower goal is then just realistic.
  7. Basically 0 chance anything suggested in the first topic is true. 1) Obama can't shrug off the Clinton machine, he knows this...as do we all 2) Obama can't put this on Hillary, he knows this....even if he could...not in the next month and come out clean by election day 3) No signs of Clinton publicly doing anything different. 4) Use common sense.
  8. Ass for a few days. yes. 3AM....assuming football weekend goes well...ass next week as well.
  9. Agree w/ the first part, completely disagree w/ the second part. I understand you are Canadian, so it may be hard for you to understand what power our President has and what we sometimes do w/ that power...but "sideshow" is not....US foreign policy. Maybe Canadian foreign policy... (btw...I know you understand this...I'm being an ass)
  10. Tom so terribly disappointed that the great wonk wasn't "allowed" to provide all the secret details that make so much sense? It's just the same crap Tom, Biden cut him of b/c he would delve into the same mismashed fudged figures every idiot blogger uses. It's convenient to assume that had he been able to speak more the world would have realized he is right and all others are wrong (and btw...he spoke a lot...I like how now all the sudden he was never allowed to speak). The bottom line is the Ryan worship from conservative corners is a product of marketing, largely derived from the fact that the left doesn't like his budget and him calling himself a "wonk." It's stupid.The ticket is weak, vote for it if you hate Obama and think that ticket is weaker...fair...but pretend there is some great plan as opposed to anything more than a campaign...stupid. Obama or Romney...pick a ticket...lets not pretend either one is the second coming.
  11. In the short term we'll take reasonable steps in the name of protectionism. In the long term China won't be able to artificially keep wages low and dump whatever they want on whoever they want... ultimately the answer to China's "cheating" will be China...am I wrong?
  12. He has quite a bit of time to talk, and gave nothing more than the boilerplate BS on every single issue. One after another. Anyway this thread is hilarious, people debating whether the Kennedy comment was rehearsed? .... better chance the "send me a letter any time I'll entertain it" was rehearsed...and that was a good line.
  13. Na, this may be crazy for you to hear but in my honest opinion, MSNBC and Fox both have better coverage than CNN. CNN frames the entire debate around some arbitrary meter that distracts viewers the entire time in the middle of the debate...then spends a bunch of time afterwords talking to idiots. These "undecided" focus groups...are idiots and (imo) not even reflective of actual people who can be persuaded. It's just nonsense. I get that networks will do stuff like this, but CNN frames the entire thing around it and you can't even watch it live w/ out an "undecided meter" doing God knows what telling you what to think based on what some idiots think. MSNBC, Fox News...PBS, Network television...it's ALL better than CNN. That's just my opinion. Hence my CNN rant. And like I said...I actually kind of like CNN...just not for debates. Fox and MSNBC both actually do debates ok (when compared to CNN) considering what they do the rest of the time...it's kind of strange.And like I said earlier...I mainly like CNN on Sundays anyway.
  14. Look if Romney wins and says it's retarded and leaves...you'll not see me complaining ...you'll see me surprised but clapping. I don't know what you've been sold that there's some firefight where we're outgunned and surrounded....but it isn't what is going on. We're trying our best to train them (whatever you think about that...I'm not here saying they will ever be amazing), and increasing their role in actually doing stuff b/c soon they will have to do it all. It's really that simple. More Afghan, less US. I don't see what you are even arguing ... and air support? If there is anywhere on earth where there are bombs falling when we want them...it's there. Bottom line is our policy (from both men) is make one last push to set them up best as possible (despite everyone knowing they suck) and then just leave. There really isn't a difference. So to sit here and fake outrage like Ryan makes you look ... like Ryan. Leave that hell hole. ASAP. It's that simple. It's a dirt pile.That's basically what Biden said. IDK what the hell Ryan was saying...I know at one point something about "not loosing ground"...well...we're leaving and I'm ok w/ that...that's what I prefer...not to hold ground on a dirt hole.
  15. LOL, I really don't care btw to argue about who "won the VP debate" b/c it really is like arguing who is better the Bills or the Dolphins...it just doesn't matter. But all I'll say to you, and OC...who seem fixated on this CNN focus group of "undecideds" ... when Tuesday comes around...no matter what...we should all agree...do not link to or refer to them or the CNN "meter" they control ever...and the board will be better for it.... I mean...seriously..."lets hear all about what some 'undecided' voters who the media rounds up have to say that's a good idea that's how to make sense of what we watch!" Once again...not trying to lay on any of you or even debate who won tonight b/c it really, really, doesn't matter. But for next Tuesday...lets all agree to not watch CNN. (and I actually like CNN on Sundays)
  16. Ya we're going to "win" ... we're going to permanently transform Afghanistan into a metropolis and kill "all of them" w/ ground troops. That's reality It's been 11 years in freaking Afghanistan...I think it's been long enough.
  17. Is this your first election? hehe...it's VP debate night and that's what they're covering (read: selling)
  18. On Afghanistan...he had his attack line cocked: We brought American troops home, and had less American troops there to fight. Biden wasn't having it...yes....and we are going to continue to do so. There will be a larger proportion of Afghan troops doing stuff...and soon, it will be all them, b/c it's been 11 years and we're about done. Once strategy 1 failed...ignore that we're transitioning to Afghan troops...there was...nothing. He was going to sit there and complain our troops are coming home? You can't do that. The truth is there is no real way to argue with ending wars, and not having new ones. Thank god.
  19. Joe Biden is more passionate than just about anybody in modern politics. I think that's known across the nation, for better or worse.
  20. I really can't express, given my views, how much I disliked every foreign policy statement that came out of Ryans mouth. It was a bloodbath. But that sort of talk still resonates with people...so there's room for the "Joe was rude" angle to get traction.
  21. Best line "I'll consider your letters any day Paul" ..but you all know my stimulus opinion
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