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Everything posted by dayman

  1. In general I have come to terms with my feelings on the Bush administration. I was not here during an alleged posters reign where inside info was "proven." And given the current substance of the board that I have known (that I have only known) you'll just have to excuse me. I am sorry if I offended a personal relationship of yours, all I can tell you is...it's PPP on TBD as I know it and I was not here. This is the last I will respond the Paul insults.
  2. Difficult as it may be to believe, yes. Don't take it personally. Imagine you started coming to a board fairly recently that seems to be a center of idiots (but yet you like it so still stay and contribute when you care to) and someone says "Paul" (whom you do not know and have never heard of) knows secrets and told them here otherwise not available about 911. Not trying to be an ass. But put yourself in my shoes. Don't care to think about it further, I wasn't here, I don't believe it and have no reason to believe it, and if that makes you offended so be it. But yes, I could care less about "Paul"
  3. For the record I could care less about some poster named Paul. Obviously to believe there were things expressed on this board that was credible inside info I would have to been here and be convinced myself. I was not. That is all there is to it.
  4. I actually completely disagree. If there is a moderator who knows something is wrong, they should speak up. As for the meaningful distinction...terrorism? Seriously what does that word even mean? It's a tactic. Whether this attack was planned 6 months in advance or whether post-revolutionaries w/ massive weapons on hand saw chaos all over and attacked...it was still basically what we call "terrorism" and there is no real distinction I can find.
  5. LOL wtf is this "Paul" multiple people saying they truly believe he is a credible source inside the Bush Admin? wow
  6. This is pure stupidity. There is no other way to put it. It was a bad specific point for Romney to make, it was inaccurate and corrected b/c the moderator knew it was wrong and said so. If Romney wants to attack on Libya, let him do it based on the facts. The killing of US diplomats is an act of terror. Whether people knew to what extent it was premeditated at the time or separate from the protests or an opportunistic attack..that's an entirely different question. Do you think, OC that Romney would have stopped that from happening? It's as simple as that. What is your answer. And if you say no, that doesn't mean this can't be used as a political attack...it's just a key think to ask yourself at the outset.
  7. LOL. I am not Tom's other profile. Maybe I am a fake Dem...but no Repub on this board would say that. I'm partisan as anyone who follows certain policies must be...but hate that 2 private organizations with expansive platforms control politics (if they had less expansive platforms it would be tolerable as it was in our nations history). As for you saying what you want, absolutely right. As for me saying what I want in response, absolutely right.
  8. Agreed minus the idea someone on this board had credible info not available to us all
  9. I can't speak for the American people. To this day, I do believe that Bush had intelligence that there were weapons of mass destruction...however "over hyped" the lock-solidness may have been. To this day, probably you don't agree, I do think that there were protests in countries all over about a stupid video, apparently there may have been protests in Libya as well (not surprising at all), and there was an attack in Libya as well that was deliberate and willful regardless of the scope of the plan. Do I think there was a massive lie or cover-up? No. I do think the interplay between protests and attacks over all the countries was confusing in the media reporting...and likely confusing in intelligence that has to be right and thus must be slow. And yes, I do agree that the official position was still confusing beyond the point that the unofficial position became clear...in a situation like this...I don't see how that is surprising. I look at reasonable repubs both in congress and on message boards like a joke at time when they stand by and let insane people say stupid things. So don't take too much personal offense, but STFU about this old cranky white men schtick. It's stupid. Don't be stupid. People associate you with me wrongly since we both support the same presidential candidate, so don't be an idiot.
  10. I am in awe at Repub surrogates keeping with this "unraveling" theme. When asked why...they can't answer...they should stop saying this.
  11. Agree on both points. I mean I know I'm an Obama supporter over Mitt...but you can search...I've consistently "defended" Bush on those points and never dig into the man like many Repubs think all Dems do
  12. No doubt, and so are you. It's all sizzle. It's not two men of substance it's two private organizations of sizzle. NOthing more. But it's entertaining. Hell I was at a GOP fundraiser last night....it was fun..and it was sizzle and there's nothing more desirable than to take the sizzle there and present it to everyone that both sides want to do.
  13. I fully accept this is an issue where partisan feelings (even if not "Repub" or "Dem" straight up or whatever) effects how you interpret this. Willful act of terror, fixated on "pre planned," "attack period," "is the investigation too slow or is the region chaotic etc...all will effect anyone's view on this. Personally this attack and what I know on it, doesn't drive me to Mitt's foreign policy over Obama. Then again, everything Mitt has said is either ridiculous or the same as Obama while still somehow bashing him b/c of perceived "tough guy" attitude (which is ridiculous). If you believe had Mitt been President a few weeks ago he would have saved those people, that's your opinion. I don't believe that.
  14. Mishandling a message (compared btw to Romney's handling of everything related to this) in an election year matched up w/ Obama's foreign policy record as a whole makes the realm of foreign policy as a whole a winner for Repubs? Every surrogate on Fox and CNN for Romney doubling down on defending the act of terror issue on behalf of Romney. Krauthammer doing his best to keep Libya in the game. Repubs will keep this alive for Romney certainly leading into next week. Also over under "Israel" being mentioned next week is at 50 IMO...but the entire post debate coverage on Fox is Libya that signals problems
  15. Also the bottom line as Mitt conceded (rightfully so)...is that there will be stuff like this from time to time certainly in a middle east that is in a historic revolution as a region with so many radical groups. I mean if you can't basically say this is a scandal...people basically get it...it's terrible it's tragic and certainly people will want to know what happened but in the end..this "a group attack and consulate" = Obama is making the middle east unravel...that's not a winning argument...if they were smart given the botches so far they would scale back and use it as a knife and not a bazooka b/c it's effective as a knife but ridiculous as a bazooka. And when he says oil production has increased in response to a question about why gas prices increased the rebut is that federal land should be drilled more? Even when Obama has the comeback that the permits were not being used, retracted, and are in the process of being released.
  16. BTW why did Romney think that cutting federal drilling while issuing more overall permits was a winner?
  17. Not really sure what the high points for Mitt were...I mean I am not saying Obama slaughtered him but it seemed much better than Mitt
  18. Nobody who doesn't support Obama will agree...but Obama did very well tonight. Much better than Romney.
  19. "There's some jobs that just aren't going to come back" It's about time a politician said that
  20. Candy had the transcript and corrected Romney! Literally calling a mistruth a mistruth period
  21. Romney....certain parts of Obamacare extend medicare viability
  22. Of course they ad up? Well by all means put it out on the internet and win the election today
  23. Obama is night and day from the first debate
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