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Everything posted by dayman

  1. For a moderator to be fact checking everything on the spot, not possible and not correct role. For a moderator to speak up when they actually know that a plain question of if something was or was not said is true or not and the two candidates are both insisting one way or the other...totally fine b/c the bottom line is these debates aren't for a candidate to look great...they're for the people watching them...and the people would just prefer to know in that moment of nonsense who was right since it's a matter of record and they both say the opposite.
  2. I still don't get this. THey went back and forth over if the transcripts said this, he was trying to call his opponent a liar on a strictly factual question. The American people watching and in that debate are like "I have no freaking idea"...there is a right answer and she gave it. This is good. On Fox News afterwords you have people screaming "The time for fact checking is after the debate"...actually...in a situation such as that...it's during the debate. If you don't want to be wrong, then don't be straight up wrong about a black and white issue. And btw....nobody even did this to Mitt...Mitt was focusing in on this weird semantic "atc of terror" issue all on his own...so don't be mad at anyone but Mitt if you think it hurt him.
  3. It is absolutely amazing how retarded some of you are. Mitt was fact checked b/c he spent time fixating on if "act of terror" was used, and was trying to make Obama look like a liar, he was instantly fact checked, was completely wrong. Get out of your bubble. Candy went on to acknowledge there was confusion over the video, which to Mitt's broader point can be said. But if you are angry that he was fact checked on "act of terror"...then you are a conservative bubble dumbass who is just angry Mitt looked bad so you find a way to pretend it didn't happen.
  4. haha say what you want Perot had charisma!
  5. The race is over. There is no coming back from this epic gaffe
  6. Mack trying to argue that extending the debt ceiling was stupid. Mack is a knuckle dragger...as Boehner would describe it
  7. Haha, well this fake Mack isn't coming off like the sharpest tool in the shed. Although he is going hard after Nelson over this cow farm Nelson has.
  8. Not that anyone probably cares but they go on at 7. Close race for Florida Senate Seat. There have been some pretty rough ads too. Repubs need this one if they still dream of pushing for the Senate. Also it would mean Florida has gone completely red on basically every issue of Mack wins. http://www.wptv.com/generic/news/news_livestream1/live-streaming-coverage
  9. It hasn't been open season on the Al Queda network? I think you need to read more news...or maybe less of the news you read....
  10. Pssh...there's nothing outlandish about that girls twitter...if you know about twitter. Sad that people think this is news...a girl has a twitter with some stuff she wouldn't put on a job resume and now she can't ask a question at a debate without being vilified by faux-news gossip websites?
  11. http://www.dailydot.com/news/violentacrez-reddit-troll-fired-gawker-profile/
  12. I've brought this up before, he's ok way with it. Move along.
  13. Someone should tell this guy that bank probably doing more for his cause than he is. For real though, damn...keep catching these mofos.
  14. We won't agree so no use in arguing. But the fact is she did know the answer and they were not giving it to the American people so she clarified on both accounts and was right on both accounts and people liked that she did so on both accounts. You may say there is no point for a moderator (who is always a journalist and not Ryan Seacrest) to do these things. People are sick and tired of this nonsense. Romney fixated on if it was referred to as terror. It was. Plain and simple. Romney said there was confusion in the 2 weeks following on if it was related to protests all around the world. There was. Both of these points are accurate. Both confirmed. There is no argument that the American people watching are the better for it. Plain and simple.
  15. BTW the best line of the debate IMO, and in politics in recent times "Some jobs just aren't coming back." True. And addressing an issue both sides try to attack each other on. Something Buffalo of all cities should know is true.
  16. Actually, she's a journalist and she knew the transcript b/c that's why journalist are asked to host. She acknowledged the confusion Romney was trying to get at which got an applause. She also acknowledged that when Obama said if you check the transcripts I referred to it as terror the day after which Romney was hell bent on focusing on, and was wrong about plain and simple. The idea that there is no role for a moderator who is a journalist FOR A REASON to not speak factual information when unfactual attacks are flying and contested...is bizzare. Romney says the grass is blue. Obama says...well it's green. Romney says "on the record?" Obama says "check the grass." It's no place for an informed moderator who has checked the grass to say "green?" And btw the fact that she got an applause for both confirming Obama was right on what was said, and that Romney was correct that there was confusion for days following on what happened...basically proves this is what people would prefer a moderator to do. And considering she was right on both accounts, it was a good job, on both accounts.
  17. Except she wasn't wrong and it is her place to interject. If you are hell bent on backing Romney on this point, you can convince yourself of anything. He specifically focused on if his buzzword was used or was not going as far as to say he wants to get this on the record...the record shows he's wrong. If he wanted to focus on confusion about the riots in many countries and perhaps in other areas of Libya being confused he could have .... he fixated on if it was called terror. it was. it's that simple.
  18. The bottom line is you look at the actual clip in the debate...Romney specifically doubles down on Obama saying he never referred to it as terror. Obama responds that he did the day after. Romney completely converts all energy into "getting that on the record." The record shows it is true (I just watched the speech). You can go off and say oh well it wasn't really and blah blah blah...he called it an attack about 100 times in that speech and said these acts of terror will not be blah blah blah. If Romney wanted to focus on confusion about protests over videos in countless nations in the region and potentially in Libya as an attack that is fine. Romney did not. He basically said in a stupid way the buzz word terror wasn't used quick enough, and it was used the day after. If you are upset this makes Romney look bad, don't be upset at anyone but Romney
  19. For what it is worth Carville once called Penn "Pitt and Philly w/ Alabama in the middle"...probably not completely accurate but funny.
  20. If this happened, after Gore...would we see the abolition of the electoral college?
  21. We're all doing better than Texas defense.
  22. On that specific question he did get to Lilly Ledbetter obviously. Romney then talked about staffing women as governor then talking about the economy as if that addresses equality regardless of conditions.
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