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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Well clearly Johnson has no problem lying about Obama and Romney's views, he would fit right in w/ both of them on stage in a debate. Either Obama or Romney could checkmate him of course, with the simple question of "Do you realize you would not get done 1 single thing you say you want to do?"
  2. No problem. Ya I thought it was entertaining, both funny. Also thought Mitt told better jokes (felt like he also told more jokes but I didn't keep track).
  3. Both funny. Mitt was heavier on roasting Obama...and it made his speech more funny. Paraphrase: "I know how to debate. Set up a straw man and attack it mercilessly. Big Bird didn't' know what hit him. But in the spirit of Sesame Street Obama's remarks are brought to you by the letter O, and the number 16 Trillion." hehe
  4. Ya you would kill at the Al Smith dinner btw link http://www.breakingnews.com/topic/2012-elections here goes mitt now
  5. not final b/c infallible, infallible b/c final...etc...
  6. LOL I made my post in response to you saying you consider yourself a constitutionalist. So go on, what makes you say this? What does this even mean to you....
  7. Tell me what why you call yourself a constitutionalist and then I'll label you (since you asked)
  8. I would agree w/ that. It's electoral politics in all it's glory.
  9. http://www.breakingnews.com/topic/2012-elections Anyone watching any of this? I don't even know if I'll watch it but may catch some to see if either guy is actually funny (Bush was pretty funny) 67th Annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner Thursday, October 18, 2012 The Waldorf=Astoria Keynote Speakers: President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney
  10. Probably no surprise from here on out just a grind
  11. Ah! Forgot about the who will win. Nice. Keep these going, good. My votes won't change now, but if there was somehow an option to reduce the margin or certainty for the Obama vote I would utilize it.
  12. You know there comes a point where successful actors always become this? Will Smith for instance is just Will Smith in most his movies...same can be said of DeNero...this is what happens when you get old and established.
  13. I would get the book "The New New Deal." It is a left leaning author...but it holds no punches back it reveal the sausage making in all it's glory...without a doubt the best thing available to understand what happened. If you want to learn about the stimulus...this is THE thing to read first, and then you continue on of course from there to round out your understanding Opposing OBAMA's Stimulus in mass. They had many a stimulus proposal of their own...all of which got a majority of GOP support despite the versions being wholly different from themselves...and btw...700B was one that got support..so the idea it's about the money is ridiculous.The only common scheme to the GOP stimulus proposals was that they weren't Obama's. That's it. Money. Areas on influence. All over the place. It was politics plain and simple.
  14. Of course some people got in on the action. All you need to do is study the stimulus to understand though, that as a bloc there was no cooperation in mind from the very beginning. And Arlen Specter...he's the one responsible for the damn Cocaine Monkey's the GOP then called ridiculous.
  15. It comes of as partisan to say this. But this just isn't true. Plain and simple.
  16. I do agree with the general point...but the actual fact is in his 2 years he passed a ton of extremely significant legislation. Whether you like it or hate it...within the first month of his Presidency he had done more than most do in 4 years and he had checked off about 70% of his campaign promises.
  17. Describing yourself as a consitutionist is nonsensical
  18. You don't remember exactly right. He insisted he said it, then said check the transcripts, then Candy said it was in the transcripts.
  19. The repeal Obamacare....lol...it's like closing guantanamo. Not going to happen and everyone knows it.
  20. hehe, if you buy the narrative that Obama made Washington gridlocked, then I have a bridge to sell. you. It's like saying some guy who's boat leaked fuel in some river which has various manufacturing plants polluting it as well and other boats leaking fuel into it...like saying that guy polluted the river. Well, yes...he did...but it isn't his fault the river is polluted. And that isn't even a good analogy b/c quite frankly, the way the incentives in Washington are you literally cannot help but leak fuel...there is no way with the current procedural rules in Congress and partisan forces in local districts that anyone can be some "magic man"...not Obama in '08, and certainly not Romney in '12...which is why when people bring up Mass as a liberal state and him being governor they just sound stupid b/c it's basically admitting they don't understand Washington and why it sucks...it isn't Mass
  21. Example if Romney says oil production on federal land has gone down and Obama says it hasn't and they sort of go back and forth and at times Romney says it's gone down 14% in a year then as they quibble he says it's going down generally and Obama equally being weird about it and says it isn't...and the truth is it went down 14% last year but hasn't gone down net over the presidency...it's not her job to jump in and say "whoa, BP oil spill, also let me explain the lease situation, also there are concerns about the administrations focus as Romney says, also the year stat is right but the trend it is trying to show is misleading, and on and on"....that isn't the role. If they literally go back and forth over a plain and simple fact of record, she can say it is or isn't on the record.
  22. LOL retraction. Candy said Romney was wrong on "act of terror" and he was...he was focused on that trying to make Obama seem like a liar for saying that he said that...he said that. Candy also said ON STAGE the video issue was also a cluster. Which she said after. The right knows no bounds when it comes to the bubble here. There was no retraction. She said the same thing after, that she did on stage. She was not wrong. Romney was wrong on his weird little attack he thought would be a "gotcha moment." Once again, it is nobody's fault but Romney he thought he had a big win focusing in on some semantics about the word terror.
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