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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Romney would move the team Obama would keep the team in Buffalo, and then give us his current stump speech each year. Improving but not where we want to be etc
  2. BTW right now the Pats are able to march down the field in no time for a game tying/winning drive attempt b/c they can threaten the entire field. It's quite easy if you can physically do it.
  3. He also plays pathetic right now. But this topic is about Dareus and how he's a snowman w/ legs. His body is literally a small circle on top of a huge circle w/ legs. He should be ashamed to walk out on the field looking like that.
  4. ....are you implying he doesn't have a tough time throwing downfield when he is not blitzed?
  5. I had the same thought and agree w/ others in this thread. Dareus looks like giant fat slow blob out there. He needs to lose 25lbs.
  6. I know not many defend him, but some still kind of do pointing to the defense and the amount of points we put up. That's more a credit to everybody else on offense than Fitz. And he still managed to make a game losing mistake. My point here is we were only down 1 and still had a minute. But I bet nobody here (me included) thought we had a chance in hell to hit a few passes and move into field goal range. I know this is the kind of thing good QBs do, and it's impressive when they do it, but everybody who watches this team knows without a doubt there was NO chance in hell we could do it. Not that it was unlikely, but that there was in fact no way we could do it. The game was over. This is my case in point, this is the biggest issue we have w/ Fitz. If the offense plays well, Fitz can put up some points. He'll have a nice throw here and there. But when it's show time and you need a leader to put the team on his back, Fitz has neither the arm nor the mentality to do it. He's terrible. This is the reason why. I'm done typing now.
  7. Put it this way we get it back with a minute left and you know it is over. That says it all
  8. Fitz is terrible. And frankly I'm just sick of watchig. Cut him, b/c I don't want to see him play football anymore. Nobody should pay to watch Fitz play qb
  9. When I say it's stupid there, I mean it's stupid for people to think it's anything...not that it is actually stupid. Both are stupid "to care about" plain and simple.
  10. If you think I'm talking about Obama then you aren't listening
  11. Stop being stupid and think about what I'm saying if you care to discuss.
  12. The problem is the running of Congress...as much people like bash the president. It's teh parties and Congress....plain and simple. Nobody is going to fix that w/ out both having clout and experience as well as being pissed yet having pull/respect.
  13. Lol...not Reagan. We probably need more than anything else some brilliant man, moderate in his views, who quite the Senate or retired sometime ago...to come back and set things right in the House and Senate. Run on a platform that target house/senate rules that no common man understands, explain it too them and why they hurt. Run not against the parties...but to reign them in. Someone who can somehow communicate that Washington is broken not b/c America is polarized, but b/c politics is partisanized in a way that is worse than it has been, and in a way that we can't accept. Someone who will end careers.
  14. Look the bottom line is it isn't ideas that will change this country. It will take a man to run on a platform of process reform. Literally...the entire platform needs to be process reform. The modern day lincoln.And someone will probably shoot him.
  15. Binders full of women ...is also stupid. So what exactly is your point? That every time something stupid comes up against your candidate instead of actually thinking it's stupid you are just mad and waiting for your own stupid thing to go on about?
  16. Words are only words gentlemen. And the internet is the internet. Context is reality. My take. Of course, I'm a pariah.
  17. I think you should go watch the clip again.
  18. Wow. Fighting over if one guy dug up a domestic violence charge. The comeback is the other guy has unpaid child support. Then one guy just starts calling the other a lowlife scumbag over and over. The link below has audio clips...it would be hilarious if it wasn't also sad at the same time. http://minnesota.publicradio.org/collections/special/columns/polinaut/archive/2012/10/ellison_fields.shtml
  19. To be clear some of the things w/ this guy looking at the above picture...reduce spending by 43%, abolish the fed, against bailouts (does this mean he was against bailing out banks in the crisis? wtf is this), he was on sirius saying he would balance the budget in 1 year...I mean this just sounds like nonsense to me.
  20. lol allow me to clarify, I think all libertarian candidates who have been contenders for POTUS are fraudulent in their promises of what they could/would actually accomplish (even more so than mainstream party candidates) ... I did not mean to say that all libertarians are frauds...which I know is exactly what I said
  21. I think all libertarians are frauds, but like Mark Miller I would like to know why Gary Johnson is a fraud among frauds.
  22. Pretty sure i saw a poll a few weeks ago saying Americans would prefer Obama in the event of alien invasion. This is Axelrod at his finest. He's painting his legacy with this one
  23. I've seen an interview with her before. She's grieving for sure, but she definitely acts like the president was baby sitting her 10 year old and let him fall down stairs. In any event, if someone asks u if security was optimal and u say what obama said...that's called no big deal. This topic is pathetic
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