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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I'm not quite sure who it was that ended the war in Iraq
  2. hehe, I don't go to bar and complain people are drinking
  3. you guys are hilarious Pakistan question...first real tough question of the night
  4. Why don't they go ahead and talk a bit about pakistan
  5. The apology tour is the most insane thing to have come out of the GOP in the last 4 years. I like how you guys love it.
  6. hmmm obama apology tour = iran nuclear iran GOP math
  7. Doing quite well. Basically just sticking with who he has always been, Romney struggling to say anything really he knows he can't go back to his maniac GOP-pander re: "strength! strength!"
  8. Romney on paying for military "we take program after program that we don't absolutely have to have"...to pay for more military we don't have to have
  9. lol both candidates have deployed the art of a few sentences to the question of foreign policy and then pivot to stump speech battle
  10. Personally, I do not see Obama's foreign policy as a failure due to a number of retarded right-wing talking points. I would hope tonight there is substantive discussion about an array of real foreign issues, and limited "leading from behind" tag lines.
  11. So this is what it comes down to eh? The "we should back dictators and manipulate the rule of foreign people to benefit our interests." Probably not wise IMO, we can see why today. Probably be a rocky ride for many nations in that region going through revolution and with neighbors going through revolution. Long term, this is what's happening. It's inevitable. Accept it. Move along.
  12. What I basically hear is just "Morsi is who everyone knows Morsi is" and therefore .... be afraid?
  13. It's basically nonsense to actually believe that there is some sort of strength we should have/could have shown that would have stopped a radical group of militants from seeing an opportunity to sucker punch us by attacking our consulate in chaotic-post revolutionary Libya.
  14. In what universe do we not have more strength than anyone else now, and for the foreseeable future? We strong armed the Soviets, in a bi-polar world during the cold war, they fell apart and we became the sole hub of power which we still are. Looking toward the future, the world will become increasingly multi-polar and regional as the rest of the world gets their act together. This is not a problem, this should be celebrated.
  15. If you notice I was telling you what a recently nationalized Moroccan immigrant thinks. But if you are asking me if I subscribe to a cold-war strategy in 2012...my answer would be no.
  16. The two most pro-West candidates combined got much more than Morsi and the other guy (Mubarak holdover)...they Perot/Nader'd themselves. Then in the run off, turnout was way down b/c a lot of people were not happy over the two runoff candidates. Point being, there are people who don't find Morsi radical enough within the Muslim parties (of which there are a few), but there are a lot of people in Egypt who are not exactly dying to come out of a revolution they participated and fall under Islamic rule. This whole "Egypt is so crazy" is a bit much...Morsi won...he'll be president...and Egypt will go through an evolution turning into a democracy they create themselves. Leaders will look out of their own constituencies, and Egypt's own interest not the US. And in the end, this isn't something we all need to freak about so much.
  17. Funny enough having the foreign policy debate tonight...my girlfriend just got home telling me her Moroccan friend at work (the warehouse part of her company hires a lot of refugees and immigrants ..he was one he got his citizenship only 6 months ago) asked her if she would help him do his ballot tomorrow to make sure he fills it out correctly (I guess he's heard there are problems with that I can't blame him). She said his quote was "Democrats are more peaceful, Republicans are more war prone. This is why I'm democrat." Not saying this to get anyone riled but just an interesting thing to have her tell me on a night where no doubt certain pundits will claim it isn't an issue Americans care about. I think being the nation of immigrants we are, for some people it actually is the most important issue.
  18. Michele Bachmann watches Homeland and reads this article ... then has a panic attack
  19. Obama and Co. should guard that Florida projection and continue to buy ad space in Florida to force Mitt to stay there and out of the other states ... even though it's likely lost.
  20. I wanted him. I wanted Jenoris Jenkins. I want every talented steal who drops b/c of problems. I want them all.
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