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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Seriously, also then we would be better equipped to adapt to changes. First thing we should do is tell all the farmers to stop farming and make steel.
  2. http://www.ora.tv/ora2012/thirdparty It's a party. Larry King hosting.
  3. I've got an idea what if there was like a unit, in charge of the economy? And they planned it out so it all balanced out and everyone had a job and all the jobs were functioning in unity. Sounds perfect.
  4. I think Obama was referring to Romney's support of prohibition
  5. Nixon was allowed to go to China. It's the way of the world.
  6. "There's a lot of talk on Medicare: Make sure you Get the facts!"
  7. lol I mean I skip over them a lot but every now and then I'll read it to see what the hell is actually going on ... often an insane rambling epimone heavy on figures of speech and smiley faces using a ton of words and saying nothing...I understand not having the time to write a short succinct post but my God
  8. OC you are out of your 3rd grade mind plain and simple. Not b/c you support Romney either, b/c you post the posts you post.
  9. It's completely fine and I would rather have ads/competitive campaigning than not. Also got a Nielsen journal w/ $30 bucks enclosed to start filing out this Thursday for the next 10 days...idk if it has anything to do with the election but it is timed perfectly to figure out what ads I get exposed to. So really you just feel like you are important.
  10. I think Romney realized they sucked less than what he had been peddling for 5 or 6 years
  11. You can't create a panic Tasker...c'mon now you know that.
  12. Hailing a foreign policy debate performance that shows you have no foreign policy. It's a hell of a spin.
  13. Then entire thing came off as Romney admitting the political attack of his campaign against Obama was largely hot air. His past statements were political and he was willing to run from them tonight. He doesn't really have strong opinions on any of this...etc...that's how it came off to me.
  14. OC cheering that Mitt left his foreign policy campaign behind him and just agreed w/ Obama most of the night. Can't call me Bush now! What a victory. This debate showed me that Romney's foreign policy views are those that poll the best for the audience in that moment. That doesn't come off as a victory to me...personally
  15. This debate made clear they decided there was a political calculation to just turn back and they won't be hurt bad for it, better than maintaining the idiocy they had said. Throw some stupid talking points out there "apology tour" "weak leader" to the base and move on having finished the night.
  16. I think it was probably John McCain who called Romney a jackass after this
  17. Romney really didn't say much of meaning, he spent most of the night backtracking from his previous bashing of Obama on foreign policy and agreeing w/ Obama...I guess that's a win to the red cool aid crowd. Obama won tonight's debate I don't see it the other way.
  18. Well I would say for 90 minutes on foreign policy we got "some" foreign policy "debate" at times hehe...but anyway it was a mistake to have an entire debate called "foreign policy"
  19. I know one thing, Romney's stance on this day one labeling is something most seem to think is a little out there...Rubio was surrogating for him yesterday saying he was w/ Obama on China he couldn't even bring himself to bend for that one
  20. Credit markets frozen...Romney's words But don’t ask Washington to give shareholders and bondholders a free pass — they bet on management and they lost.
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