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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Obama makes frank argument about the difficulty of Romney meeting his commitments and his ability to meet more of his in a 2nd term: http://firstread.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/10/24/14668862-obama-in-off-the-record-interview-laid-out-path-to-fiscal-immigration-deals?lite Issa in such a hurry to post documents that certain individuals and militias were named which may have been better off not named for their own sake and for the investigations sake: http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/10/19/issa_s_benghazi_document_dump_exposes_several_libyans_working_with_the_us
  2. Not that I really care although I find the string of these to be funny...but in all honesty w/ out being partisan how can you say that isn't basically what he said. "Even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen." This whole "you don't get it" gig is stupid...there isn't much to get. Life is wonderful and it's Gods intent, even when it comes from rape. Duck boy doesn't have anything wrong there...
  3. Mr. Wolfers estimated that it cost the traders responsible $1,250 to give Mr. Romney, the Republicans’ nominee, a six-minute surge. wut?
  4. I believe he's up but 5 sounds like quite a bit in Ohio. Last I heard on the radio it was 1 or 2 538 has it tighter than that
  5. Just got to get it right and show Obama's karate fight w/ Osama
  6. October Surprise is to late round suckerpunch what surprise sex is to rape (or legitimate, or forcible, or emergency rape if you like)
  7. DOJ suing on behalf of Fannie and Freddy who had "no idea" these loans were so bad eh? And demanding repurchase of mortgages going under b/c of the economy when they refuse to write them down at the request of various gov't interests? Shocking...
  8. obviously, but you are smart enough to catch my meaning
  9. Pointless response. Continue on collecting information only from sources designed to get you see the world one way and discounting all others. The quest for some magic neutral all-knowing source of news is a joke of a point to make. The point is, you should consume news and opinion from a variety of sources with an open mind and then you think for yourself. The idea that the entire media is out to get you and suppress your conservative nature is a complete blinder that has been pulled over your eyes (apparently to your pleasure) and your news consumption is only confirming your existing bias, not allowing you to think differently even if you ultimately disagree...and you are just making yourself more closed off intellectually and ultimately more stupid. I can't keep track of all the posters to know which ones should be flagged or not...it's hard sometimes you miss.
  10. Actually, it was a long time ago the Soviets beat us into space. And it was a long time ago the Soviets ceased to exist. And there is no cold war anymore, that ended a long time ago. And the forces that are realistic threats to this nation are not going to leap frog us if we scale back our military and spend like a sane nation instead of a paranoid group of maniacs still living a cold war that has long since ceased. We would not need to our current level of spending and if we prioritized our foreign policy adventures and made the operation of our military more efficient...even if you disagree with that (which find ridiculous) the argument that we need MORE and must continue to feed the bloating beast is absolutely absurd. Contrary to my reputation here I am somewhat of an independent despite my support of Obama in this election and feelings about the direction the GOP has taken over the last few years...it's been a while but did some thinking and some reading on this issue (b/c I wasn't sure I opposed the push for more more more) and it became obvious to me after reading various articles many of which written by budget staffers that the entire thing is out of control. In fact, I would go so far as to say the complex being out of control is common knowledge. So I'm rather confused by this hard line "more more more" stance some take even to this day. And it's rather strange to insist on a detailed budget analysis from someone on a message board, but even more so when the counter argument is about as vague as it gets "soviets beat us to the moon, technology changes, we need more to keep our advantage over (unnamed threat)."
  11. Bud why on earth are so hell bent on thinking the world is out to get you? You do realize the MSM is not MSNBC correct? Do you watch/read any non-conservative sources to affirm what conservoblogs and Fox tell you about the rest of the media? This conditioned sense of victimization you have has prodcued such a gross overcorrection in the way you view information sources that it has put you square in the palm of a single private political party counting on you to not think critically about their own narrative and not even consider the viewpoint (or even just a reporting) of anything from a source not sanctioned by them. Not only has it turned in you into a mindless drone for them, but it's rendered you incapable of functioning independently within your own party ...
  12. Personally, I think you would be a fool to vote Jonson if you live in Virginia and want Obama gone...whether or not Romney polls another 2 or 3 % higher over the next week.
  13. Thankfully I am not a staffer specializing in military budgets. But if you so promptly defend the rhetoric of the self-selected groupthink morons in congress who care more about accumulating evidence that they "support our troops!" than asking critical questions and providing actual oversight of our military as they are constitutionally mandated to do...then I suggest you rethink. I don't know if it is true or not but in the laughable 3rd party debate last night Gary Johnson claimed that a 43% reduction in military spending would take us back to 2003 levels. I know the wars have cost around 1.7 trillion, but Pentagon has spent an additional 1.3 trillion above inflation on it's non war budget since that time. Next to the Bush tax cuts, regardless of what your entitlement bashes will claim (and they have their own valid points) that's $3T from the DOD...making it the largest contributor to our debt aside from the Bush tax cuts over that period of time. Clintons last military budget was less than 33B, Bush's last budgets was well over 600B and now we're talking about increasing it an additional 2T over the next 10 years? And then there's Obama saying he'll keep it the same (which is foolish) and being put on the defensive? Let me ask you this? At what point does it stop? We spend way more than the rest of the world, more than most of the countries w/ significant military spending combined. Our military is a gigantic bureaucratic money sucking machine hell bent on preserving the status and privileges it achieved during the cold war...only the cold war is over. For all you socialist hating people out there, the American military is probably the largest and most lavishly funded socialist institution on earth. And when people suggest that cuts should be made and we should reevaluate our spending and priorities for it's use...they're met by hard line Repub backers (and sometimes D's and I's) with illogical yelling about how we need MORE MORE MORE money to keep "safe" and police the world. It's nonsense. Our military strength is unmatched, our spending is unmatched, and our meddling abroad is unmatched. Anyone who is serious about reducing the deficit would be a fool to mindlessly cheer a pitch for more military spending.
  14. The military has all the money they need, they do not need more, they do not need what they have, and nobody in government watches over military spending or questions the military closely enough even about what they say they need. That is all.
  15. If it takes more than an hour before I take my mourning dump on election day then there will be a recount. If not, no recount.
  16. Honestly having no intention to vote for 3rd party this time around, the Rocky guy seemed the best in this **** show of a debate. Then Jill. Then Gary, Then Virgil Goode (although he is hilarious)
  17. Anybody on board w/ this military spending increase is nuts. That's my opinion. Even Obama will spend too much. I'm stupid.
  18. Virgil Goode is absolutely hilarious Well all independents not liking military spending
  19. Nope...Romney was right. Any point that claims the nature of our military has changed is wrong. We need to cut things we don't absolutely need to pay for things we absolutely don't need.
  20. ...just start making steel and don't worry about it
  21. K I'll be right back going to grab my NORML t-shirt and Perot coffee mug
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