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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Honestly I saw quite a few campaign signs in the same couple shots they kept going back to last night. Putting up a few state senate signs near a flood was a smart move yesterday.
  2. The point i'm making is not that the data is all perfect. It's simply that nobody except Dick Morris will run around talking about a landslide in all the swing states. It's that simple. Almost nobody denies it is close and Obama does have an easier route. Romney still can win btw, it's just he needs a bit more b/c he has less in his pocket. That's why Obama has a better shot. You can complain about basically every poll and pretend you know exactly what the turnout will be, but you don't. Hell sirius radio just talked about new polls including a right leaning poll showing NC is close now! Does that mean obama will win there? No. It means what every other poll means, nobody knows for sure, it seems close, obama has more in his pocket
  3. Close election, Obama needs to win less swing states. That's it. When you look at 538 that is basically all that is presented. And when you look at the electoral college you see it is true. Also, we'll know in a week. So who cares.
  4. lol "after we die we're going to look down on you from heaven and make a point of watching you while you have sex"
  5. Well in any event he uses a million polls but ultimately the issue is simple and you don't really have to understand anything to get it.....there are a lot of close battle ground states and Obama needs to win less of them. While Ohio could go Romney, if most people had to bet their saving on it they would choose Obama, which would makes things even worse for Romney. That's it. That's all you need to know.
  6. Excuse me Tom but a loved one of mine actually is an idiot, literally, so I would appreciate it if you never use that word again.
  7. Ok you convinced me. A big storm hits several states flooding places all over the NE, hitting Jersey hard and streets of NYC flooding....and it's Obama stealing the election b/c the national media covers it the same as they do every huge storm/hurricane.
  8. Storms are always sensationalized, and this storm is dropping a lot of rain all over the place. And clearly God just sent this storm to make sure a Mormon does not become President it wasn't Obama's fault
  9. lol I think I'm beginning to see why the national media aught to go ahead and cover storms ... is it fair to say that perhaps Virginia was not hit the hardest? Or is it more likely the storm is faked?
  10. can you post the not sure if serious joker face for me? I skimmed it...calls for impeachment....lots of "if true" this and that...hell I watched an episode of Hannity the other night (I almost never do this)...I'll talk some Benghazi when there's more than just desperate attempts to break a scandal before next tuesday...when there's articles you don't have to put an "if true" in front of and when there's a comprehensive story to evaluate.
  11. I'll never be put in the position of defending weather reporting...but I would suggest you consider areas throughout the NE that are flooding, loosing power, etc...and not think the story dies with the fact you got your trash picked up at noon
  12. 3rd has some Benghazi fever right now...every 3rd 3rd post most contain the silver bullet "Benghazi"...the scandal of the century sure to lead to the impeachment of Obama and destruction of the Democratic party. Hey, I'm not big on whether either but the idea that a huge storm threatening to flood several NE states becomes a media storm shouldn't be news to anyone. Every hurricane is a media storm...this one effects a lot of land and areas that don't get hit all that often so there you have it...when news sees abnormal weather they see $$$...everybody understands "rain" time to tune in
  13. Na...I think a wonkblog post said something about Obama planning it then covering it up but some drudge links says those claims are false and/or unconfirmed.
  14. Why would I delete that? B/c it says how retarded I think the victimology/conspiracy theory/and often historically blind paranoia is that drives a not so small segment of the conservative realm? "Religious persecution!" "Socialism!" "The death of business!" "Obama conspiracy #100!" This stuff is just stupid. Plain and simple.
  15. Where do I get my news is what you are dying to know? Pretty much wherever (including the endless and almost exclusively conservo-links posted here) but if you must has things listed: some of the more common online sources include: sayfirereview.com, drudge, cnn's gps blog, ny times, washington post, the local paper where i live, etc...real news, spiegel, india times, a bit of weekly standard ... other things like scotusblog and things of that nature for more specialized reporting... a number of breaking news twitter feeds that will just take you to whatever they link to (a few twitter follows also consistently link to some good hard data reports and nice charts to stare at)...on tv I watch quite a bit of all 3 main cable news outlets and a little of current (mainly just 1 show from time to time)...60 minutes, meet the press, gps, face the nation and other sunday news shows from time to time get DVR'd, occasionally some nightly network news though not that often shamelessly...etc...read a few books here and there (probably the best source of understanding on various things I get although when you busy it's not always possible to get to everything)...and of course various news ags for which this serves as a nice little conservative blog ag and perhaps reddit would serve as an equally slanted left ag.... The point is you get out side your little bubble a bit here and there. And when it comes to endless election coverage and you got people like Dick Morris out there...when they end up wrong...you remember it. And when people have insane articles on ongoing issues that end up wrong and motivated by partisan hackery looking back...you remember that as well. Happy? Of course you are not.
  16. The real question is will certain unnamed posters...in the event of an Obama victory which some places like 538 predict is very likely (pure propaganda if you ask any hardline GOP thumper)...say to themselves "Hmmm...you know when I look back at the things I read and what I thought would happen I realize now what happened...I read what I wanted to hear" or will they just somehow say it was a fraud election...or will they just B word and not think about it too much...what will they do if Obama wins? They can't continue to have faith in their sources that shape and back up their wishes can they?
  17. Oh c'mon they don't have to do it. And when they have larger programs they affiliate with or run that go outside the scope of just a church (often employing lots of people .... not all Catholic) then they have to do what everybody else has to do under the law. This is not some assault on the Church. As someone else said it is well within the Lemon test. Lots of other beliefs are subject to societies laws...can't take illegal drugs to be closer to God can't sacrifice people can't do a number of things...can't deny women working for a catholic hospital access to birth control through her insurer is now on the list...that's really no big deal NOR is it (and this is really the point I would like to stress) some new form of government expansion on steroids...as much as the narrative against Obama would have everything turned into some big dramatic take-over it just isn't. This is the America you already lived in, like it or not. It's a nice little political narrative to pitch and can get some people riled up and invoke passion but don't go around buying some nonsense story about religious oppression. It's just stupid. Preach against it, make your case, encourage followers it is immoral or whatever you would like...open a food bank or whatever and employ a bunch of people then you have opened a business in society and that's that. There's nobody in this country that can't take issue with something they don't like about gov't or society in this country...but that's life. And that's what you we tell kids they will learn as they get older. And it's true. Yes there is a process where we have a gov't and pass laws. Health insurance reform happened and birth control is in. Fracking fluid may need to be monitored. We may go to war again over something not everybody likes. Top tax rate may go up or down. Etc....get over it.
  18. This is what it comes down to. Every stupid abortion debate getting into "what is a human, when is it a human" etc...always stupid. To me people who think that abortion should be safe and legal and hopefully rare should just say that when it comes to the government preventing it b/c it's a life...they just don't care. Not enough people say it b/c then someone else will bust out the "oh what a monster you are!" Well...not exactly saying I like it, or do it, or would do it in my personal life...but as to the issue of the law regarding how much control people should have over their own human reproduction (the most intimate and personal thing we do)...the argument that a group of cells has a heart beat doesn't do it for me. If you think it's wrong don't do it, and convince others in your personal life and through private efforts not to do it. Don't legislate on this issue b/c you are somehow more right than others on something most agree is a contentious and difficult issue to think about.
  19. I'm currently in a civil suit for having about 500 fraudulent ebay transactions of which i am completely guilty. Idiot judge is about to let me off. It's pathetic.
  20. 30 year old professional wrestler. Ah...Romney's base. And lol at the end of the article...for $15K that guy would have a penis tattooed on his face.
  21. Even Ben Stein who hates Obama went on Fox and Friends and said it's obvious taxes are too low. Every staffer who wrote an article I've ever read identifies the tax cuts as the primary problem w/ deficits since 2000. But no...cut taxes more. All you hear...from "that" crowd...they get upset if you say this but the truth is they are brainwashed and uninformed. You don't have to support Obama btw to acknowledge this...you just have to say "yes, it is true" and then say "for the following reasons I still hate Obama"...
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