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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Well if we are confined to those examples I would have to take the first given that Obama was hardly the team of destiny, had the early lead, then got close, and the rest is uncertain.... In any event, I think Dewey v. Truman is a good analogy from the conservative view. Obviously it's not the same as Obama is not a huge underdog incumbent from the masses point of view, if anything it's close and he's a slight favorite. However, the parallels are there in the conservative bloc. Gross overconfidence, can't imagine how a campaign promising to repeal a liberal agenda amidst a less than booming economy can fail, and then...a loss.
  2. As somebody who is not religious but comes from a Catholic family (to the extent we have religion, mainly Italian grandma and Irish Boston relatives), I would go so far as to say I am Catholic for the sheer fact I have endured many a Catholic mass.
  3. This could well be a Dewey v. Truman moment for some of you who are so overconfident. Not that I will ever say Mitt has no shot, but you guys are all in with these blogs and conservative confidence.
  4. Romney can win, but it is much likely that he loses. That is just the way of things. He isn't beat, but he would be an upset. Step outside PPP and this is known. WH should be confident. Without some changes he will more than likely be president again.
  5. If my candidate loses it means I now root for and wish success upon Mitt Romney
  6. They just "chose not to rescue them" that's the takeaway you get from this story? Basically Obama was sitting there and said..."nah, don't worry about it." That's certainly an interesting takeaway. We probably won't see this the same you are correct.
  7. I read links in here 3rd. What I'm saying is what specifically has you so riled up that is the worst cover-up/scandal in history? It basically comes down to commanders telling the guy to stand down? I mean I agree it's not something people like to hear, lots of stories of that happening in the military including that really high profile Ganjgal battle with that guy that wrote that book... It comes down to the communication about exactly what happened and why th days following? I'm not here to defend anything against any theory (of which there are many)...I'm just wondering what is it that is so scandalous that this is the worst act of cover-up/whatever in history that people in here are calling for impeachment lol...or is it really just something bad happened before the election you and want Obama gone so it's got to be turned from bad to the worst scandal in history? EDIT: And also the other thing I don't get is the implication from some places give that somehow all would have been saved by Mitt? I mean I don't get what it is that Mitt would do, or Obama should have done, in the midst of this cluster that makes this whole thing good...crazies attacked the consulate and now there's post-hoc critics out there just as every loon did w/ Bush talking about conspiracy and should have done this and that...it's just sort of transparent.
  8. What specifically am I thinking about for that question? No hellfire reigned down by a drone or jet?
  9. You guys who have various issues with Benghazi, so be it, I don't know everything and it's fair to question things. You all who think Obama willfully sacrificed people to cover up the attack from happening for political reasons are out of your minds.
  10. You are completely out of your mind. Completely gone. Way worse than any Bush conspirator.
  11. guard Will Conroy said. "You've got a guy like Chase Budinger who can jump out of the gym and then you've got Brandon who's not jumping out of the gym, which is the opposite. Usually you have the black guys jumping out of the gym, but on our team it's switched around." hehe...off to buy my Timberwhites jersey
  12. So it's a clear cut scandal of complete and utter disgrace and it's a job for surrogates?
  13. Oh stop romanticizing the WW2 generation. They were just like us, diverse people.
  14. Bleh this is not working well for me. You iPad folk can't use it and I can't see the maps b/c this site does that "..." to hyperlink everything here messes it up (another site that just posts the entire link takes me to the map...this one just takes me to a map that last was on my computer)
  15. Damn for some reason I can't see your map B-man...it just goes back to whatever the map looked like last time I looked at the site...any IT geniuses have any brilliant ideas?
  16. LOL, damn. Serves ya right for not having a PC (even though I love my iPhone)
  17. Instructions 1) Go to http://www.270towin.com/ 2) Click around on map until it looks how you want it to look 3) Click "share map" just below map...it will then give you a link in the box below the map to paste here (I had a little trouble IDK if you will...I had to load the site in IE instead of Chrome to get the share feature to work so if that's an issue consider trying another browser) 4) Do not bother waiting around to give 1 map...just give whatever map you want and post another one if you change your mind...whatever your LAST map posted is will be "the map" for you to try and be the topic champion next week Here's my first little map just to get the topic going. IDK about Virginia or Colorado but I'm willing to give WI, NH, PA, and Ohio to Obama and that is enough for 270 (I will undoubtedly post another map later on w/ all states filled in): http://www.270towin....s.php?mapid=YCJ
  18. You would be surprised to know that a lot of "liberal" movements actually have little wars w/ PETA. Feminist movements for instance, have had notable beef w/ PETA for various reasons. PETA is really a bunch of crazies out for shock value...they're crazy enough to attract hate from other orgs you would consider "leftist crazy" groups
  19. I mean, the only thing about that logic is just that he didn't seem to be too against "making it political" before that debate. also, thank you for this post prompting me to google HAARP
  20. Hehe, I'm just asking...you think that was it? If so, you think it was the right move?
  21. He does kind of have a point I would be interested in knowing...how do you feel about Mitt...a guy who gets intelligence reports now and has more interest in unseating Obama than anyone else does not press this to make a scandal out of it in the debate...how do you feel about this/what does it mean to you? Certain groups are desperately trying to make this some sort of huge scandal before Tuesday...Mitt had every opportunity to say whatever he wanted to Obama's face in a debate. He did not.
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