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Everything posted by dayman

  1. There is never an absolute expectation of repayment. If they wanted, terms of the loan could be conditioned upon proof of insurance, it wasn't. What is the incentive to not make every loan on earth if there is no worry about if the people can pay? Once again, all I'm saying is my heart does not weep given these facts for the lender.
  2. I'm not arguing there is anything wrong with what you have just laid out. I'm simply saying, my heart does not weep for the lender here. Every time the don't borrow money you can't pay back comes out, there's the flip side to that...
  3. Of course. That said, from the info in her sob letter my heart does not weep for the lender under these circumstances....3rd loan, private loan (so obviously the fed wouldn't put up another for some reason), music production, dead.
  4. IDK about this one, seems fake certainly if that's what the /1 means how do you even do that? I'm no fiscal conservative when it comes to eating out ... but that is outrageous. Also...screw waiters that post checks online anyway. They should be tipped...but they should not go bitching by posting people's checks online most places (especially those where you can rack up a bill like that ) will fire you for that if they find out.
  5. It's true. But there is a predatory aspect to much student loan activity ... this private loan... I don't know anything about it but I doubt it had the best terms and it was piling on after 2 other federal loans for music production co-signed by apparently an old lady that can't pay? Old lady is guilty for stupidity but you feel sorry for her loss and having wanted what she thought was good for her son (that doesn't mean she "deserves" anything necessarily). Bank? Nobody should feel sorry for the bank under any circumstances if they don't get their cash back.
  6. What is the main libertarian argument against Johnson?
  7. "Conservatives and libertarians don't be discouraged by moderate Mitt just vote for him anyway; Libya was Obama killing Americans and Obam/Romneycare is evil...just vote Mitt" hehe....either way though I do agree that if you are in a swing state and dislike Obama it will be stupid to vote Johnson EDIT: Although it is stupid to suggest any meaningful primary action against a President Romney in 2016 would mean anything and honestly on principle alone for those that truly do believe in Johnson they should just vote for him...two sides of this coin
  8. Well how you would use Clinton is one thing, but one way or another he has his role and it's head surrogate...I actually am in a rare point of agreement here that they can't overplay him and shouldn't worry about it but one way or another he is not going to be anything other than second fiddle and for reasonable reasons...so to just to look to where Big Bill is and say that means they're terrified just isn't reading the campaign right. That's all I'm saying.
  9. Clinton is in mop up mode though. He's been in Fla and Virginia lately and whatnot...Obama himself and sometimes Biden (although he's been in Fla a bit) hit the crucial swing states hard first with as much possible after that,,,but first priority for the actual ticket is Ohio, Iowa, etc.... Clinton is left to hit up Fla and virginia and apparently PA in these final moments to maintain a presence there and try and push when Obama is out in the areas he must lock up that may be at risk. Just saying...Clinton is what he is...valuable no doubt but to think that where Clinton is the last days means desperation is not accurate. At this point Clinton is gravy...
  10. Building and maintaining a strong lasting economy that works for the broad base of the public is hard practical work. All ideas in history have flaws and it would nice to see two parties bang out a variety of ideas, practical real world ideas, and hammer out something good. One side insisting on some theological dogma, demanding CRS reports to be retracted that contradict it, shading history to represent these ideas as something they are not, and refusing to consider other ideas or critically examine their own...is banana republic. If there was a magic pill that was so simple, the party that preached it would forever dominate. There isn't. Just reality. Taxes are low right now (contrary to certain insane rambling). Deficits matter (now more than ever). The economy is changing and must be reactionary the rest of the world. And strong public-private partnerships is what works in the real world.
  11. I'm thinking Obama takes it 281-257 Obama: IA, WI, MI, OH, PA, NV, NH Romney: FL, VA, NC, CO
  12. Think about what you are saying. Let's take 2010, 2006, 2002, and 2004, and average them out. That's 2012. In other words lets take 3 non-presidential races (where the dynamic is different and turnout is lower obviously), and the presidential race last time the GOP won, but lets leave out 2008 b/c Obama is black and nobody cares anymore....if we average these 4 years where only 1 was even a Presidential race then we magically have the 2012 electorate. Forget any growth in minority participation that's just a Dem pipedream. It's ok we leave out the electorate that happened most recently for a President, b/c Obama was black that time and it was new, and b/c I am personally so disgusted with him that I can't imagine everybody else doesn't feel the same it makes sense that blacks will not turn out as they did nor will other minorities grow as expected and white people are back ready to make 2010 look like the new normal! Red State supreme! Woo! I'm not sitting here vowing for every pollster or even getting into the minutia...but I know you have been deluding yourself and too into Dick Morris and other people who are much too bullish on this GOP surge and fail to recognize the reality of certain struggles the GOP has while emphasizing struggles the Dems have. Romney can win. Obama can win. If Romney wins it will be an upset, not a historical upset but an upset. Why? B/c your nonsense isn't reality. It's the reality distortion field you think you can materialize to boost your enthusiasm. Settle down, stop thinking you know what you are talking about, and accept reality.
  13. You problem is you are way out of your mind bullish about so called "low propensity voters" just slinking back to silence b/c of reasons they know nothing about (hence why they are low propensity voters in the first place). Additionally, you discount historical growth with naive wishes. Is it possible the Dems have a view of the electorate that is a bit beyond reality? It is possible, of course. Is it likely that the historical developments with the electorate that have consistently built up over years just go away in a presidential election year? Probably not. I saw a post where you advocated taking the last 4 electorates EXCEPT 2008, then averaging them...and proclaiming that is what 2012 looks like. You are out of your mind to say such a thing. There's a reason people who's jobs depend on being as close to accurate as possible don't do stupid things like that...and it isn't b/c they just want to make slow gentle love to Obama it's b/c there is an election next week and everybody will know if they were credible or not.
  14. I have never seen such obsession with polls when the election is less than a week away. Nobody knows the turnout, Obama does have a good "ground game" in swing states, and it's safe to say it won't be 2008 or 2010. But rest assured good men of PPP, there is an actual day where people will vote and it's less than 7 days away.
  15. You can only do a provisional ballot in Ohio EVEN IF you bring the absentee ballot with you to the polls? What a stupid rule...
  16. Our apologies to Matt Damon we ran out of time
  17. lol I was very much there...and I never said I was a true catholic ever...not as in I never said that...as in I never was and never said that...took me a while to figure out if I should walk my ass up there and not eat the thing or just not walk up...how to be respectful in Catholic church...there should be a youtube tutorial on that.
  18. Oh my bad bowing...another good example of a nonsense fixation. In another thread someone else was sort of idealising generations past, particularly the WWII crowd. One thing is for certain, if fellow countrymen began to consistently roll their eyes and not take things seriously b/c of consistent, premature, dramatic overplay for partisan purposes they wouldn't continue on emboldened claiming the others are simply out of their mind. They would at some point have some introspection and humility...regardless of what you think when you ask everyone around you what's up with you...there is no where to run. No shame in hitting this hard on certain points...lots of shame in this topic and in the conservative bloc right now though. Bash Obama on policy, Libya, but do it legitimately. (fyi I thought I was in the Libya topic when I wrote this hehe so consider that for context when reading)
  19. Everybody belongs above politically motivated conspiracy theories against any president. I'm certainly no opposer of criticism and skepticism but this circus is act 2 of fast and furious desperately trying to find anything that supports the natural conclusion that Obama is personally liable of national shame and impeachment. Tom is above this. B/c he chooses to be.
  20. Tom is no friend of Obama but yall turn on him the moment he calls it as he sees it...to say everything is rosey here is naive but to comment as some of you have is nothing short of the exact behavior you hate that came unfairly against Bush in circumstances that by any standard had a much greater impact on the country. It's a topic of politics in here don't fool yourselves...no wonder Mr. Issa is so powerful these days
  21. Hehe, I don't have a link but I think (only think) I read something about him working on his bowling after that incident. In any event, there is no doubt the supported all manner of new energy sectors with the stimulus, but they didn't pick winners and losers, they picked everything with solid shot of one day being the new deal...multiple different approaches and fields and a bunch of companies with different approaches within those got backed loans from the energy dept...he picked the game...but the idea the market hasn't picked the winners and losers after the game was set is contradicted by the facts...the 90B was a base that attracted more than double that in private finance and the vast majority of those companies contrary to propaganda have not failed. He put a unprecedented money in research as well...his game was new energy, he campaigned on it, and he did it. And it's that simple. If you don't like investment and incentive for new energy then you don't like a huge part of Obama's agenda...one that was no secret but one that won election either way. But the crony capitalism is nonsense....it really is...get over it and pick a real reason to bash the man there are quite a few.
  22. Will never understand this crony capitalism and laziness knock
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