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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Well assuming Obama is a sucker (for the sake of argument) since we have a huge stockpile and can just make more whenever we want it's a sucker proof issues. And Obama will deal with Iran. Iran is breaking already, they're ready to deal soon. Their in shambles and dealing w/ riots, no medicine, currency crisis, etc...
  2. IDK about that but the social conservative lost the senate and presidency tonight. So they may be done. In which case all benefit.
  3. Well I was just giving you my take on the idea hehe. Anyway I think we've moved past the era of global nuclear war on a massive scale...it's now about stopping 1 or a few nukes from getting to a terrorist.
  4. The idea I believe is that we have plenty so if we can cut some that we have over what we need (which is a lot) to get others to cut them and reduce the amount floating around to be stolen or sold then it's a good idea.
  5. and odds are florida or virginia will go blue ... one of those at least
  6. There's going to be civil war in the GOP and what comes from the ashes will be more libertarian in all likelihood
  7. will you make a thread w/ a million word count about how completely and passionately wrong you were for the entire summer?
  8. I hope Obama in his second term lets this just go to the states. Been ages since I smoked any weed I'm sure it would turn me into a zombie nowadays...but I seriously hope we move towards a smarter approach than putting people in jail for weed.
  9. While there are some nuanced credible points under that umbrella there is clear cut evidence Palin does not know what those are.
  10. This election is basically turning into a repudiation of the GOP as a credible alternative
  11. A wise man once said nothing wrong w/ America can't be fixed by what is right w/ America. Cheer up.
  12. This Florida thing is a disaster for Romney
  13. You guys should have sent Brown over to one of those states where you ran a maniac
  14. This could be a blowout if Fla holds for Obama
  15. Warren wins Not that I care but significant for senate makeup
  16. Clearly in cranky mode, complaining about whites not being more influential, Obama giving out "stuff," and a hurricane
  17. Notice OC is nowhere to be found tonight lol
  18. CNN shows 49/49 in NC according the GOP exit polling...that is shocking
  19. Well some other guy on CNN was quite clear and said they thought they were behind by 5 in the latest and final look
  20. CNN guy says source told him Romney thought they would lose Ohio by 5 points in the final analysis
  21. So will Fox get into exit polling early this year?
  22. Obama, Nelson, and a no party affiliated House candidate
  23. http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20121106/METRO02/211060410/Southfield-Twp-voter-appears-die-then-asks-Did-vote-?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE Man dies while voting, saved, first question "did i vote?"
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