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Everything posted by dayman

  1. TARP was not unconstitutional. Maybe the auto bailout.
  2. Dick predicted a 325-213 Romney "landslide" A possible 332-206 outcome for Obama is now a "squeaker"
  3. Dick Morris admits to having egg on his face and being completely wrong (also continues on later to blame the weather): http://www.dickmorris.com/why-i-was-wrong/ I’ve got egg on my face. I predicted a Romney landslide and, instead, we ended up with an Obama squeaker. The key reason for my bum prediction is that I mistakenly believed that the 2008 surge in black, Latino, and young voter turnout would recede in 2012 to “normal” levels. Didn’t happen. These high levels of minority and young voter participation are here to stay. And, with them, a permanent reshaping of our nation’s politics. In 2012, 13% of the vote was cast by blacks. In 04, it was 11%. This year, 10% was Latino. In ’04 it was 8%. This time, 19% was cast by voters under 30 years of age. In ’04 it was 17%. Taken together, these results swelled the ranks of Obama’s three-tiered base by five to six points, accounting fully for his victory. I derided the media polls for their assumption of what did, in fact happen: That blacks, Latinos, and young people would show up in the same numbers as they had in 2008. I was wrong. They did.
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if only Ginsburg goes. Breyer is still sharp as a tack and full of energy. Scalia will die on the court. Kennedy probably won't retire under Obama.
  5. You have to understand that whether you believe Romney is a true thumper on that issue, he made commitments to people along his journey to the nomination. He couldn't beat the "strawman" b/c of those commitments. And if he had been elected, when the party pushed up what they could manage through congress (who knows what a 2014 senate would look like if Romney won), and when SC justices retire...he would keep those commitments. So you can call it a strawman all you like, personally I always used to feel it was nonsense to appeal to the base and nothing would come of it...but in the past couple years as the party dynamic shifted it became clear that various changes in policy were a real part of a powerful GOP niche...you take people at their word in politics when they commit strongly to certain views...you have nobody to be angry with except Romney and the social conservatives who must vet everybody that comes through the party.
  6. http://www.theonion....magines-c,2849/ Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be ESCONDIDO, CA—Spurred by an administration he believes to be guilty of numerous transgressions, self-described American patriot Kyle Mortensen, 47, is a vehement defender of ideas he seems to think are enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and principles that brave men have fought and died for solely in his head. [ "Our very way of life is under siege," said Mortensen, whose understanding of the Constitution derives not from a close reading of the document but from talk-show pundits, books by television personalities, and the limitless expanse of his own colorful imagination. "It's time for true Americans to stand up and protect the values that make us who we are." According to Mortensen—an otherwise mild-mannered husband, father, and small-business owner—the most serious threat to his fanciful version of the 222-year-old Constitution is the attempt by far-left "traitors" to strip it of its religious foundation. "Right there in the preamble, the authors make their priorities clear: 'one nation under God,'" said Mortensen, attributing to the Constitution a line from the Pledge of Allegiance, which itself did not include any reference to a deity until 1954. "Well, there's a reason they put that right at the top. "Men like Madison and Jefferson were moved by the ideals of Christianity, and wanted the United States to reflect those values as a Christian nation," continued Mortensen, referring to the "Father of the Constitution," James Madison, considered by many historians to be an atheist, and Thomas Jefferson, an Enlightenment-era thinker who rejected the divinity of Christ and was in France at the time the document was written. "The words on the page speak for themselves." According to sources who have read the nation's charter, the U.S. Constitution and its 27 amendments do not contain the word "God" or "Christ." Mortensen said his admiration for the loose assemblage of vague half-notions he calls the Constitution has only grown over time. He believes that each detail he has pulled from thin air—from prohibitions on sodomy and flag-burning, to mandatory crackdowns on immigrants, to the right of citizens not to have their hard-earned income confiscated in the form of taxes—has contributed to making it the best framework for governance "since the Ten Commandments." "And let's not forget that when the Constitution was ratified it brought freedom to every single American," Mortensen said. Mortensen's passion for safeguarding the elaborate fantasy world in which his conception of the Constitution resides is greatly respected by his likeminded friends and relatives, many of whom have been known to repeat his unfounded assertions verbatim when angered. Still, some friends and family members remain critical. "Dad's great, but listening to all that talk radio has put some weird ideas into his head," said daughter Samantha, a freshman at Reed College in Portland, OR. "He believes the Constitution allows the government to torture people and ban gay marriage, yet he doesn't even know that it guarantees universal health care." Mortensen told reporters that he'll fight until the bitter end for what he roughly supposes the Constitution to be. He acknowledged, however, that it might already be too late to win the battle. "The freedoms our Founding Fathers spilled their blood for are vanishing before our eyes," Mortensen said. "In under a year, a fascist, socialist regime has turned a proud democracy into a totalitarian state that will soon control every facet of American life." "Don't just take my word for it," Mortensen added. "Try reading a newspaper or watching the news sometime.
  7. The bottom line is women were concerned b/c the platform and rhetoric and supreme court choices of the GOP are concerning. SDS blames Obama for pointing this out. Look at the GOP first my brother. The party has gone off the deep end on the one, going backwards In the end it's quite simple IMO and comes down to what I thought during the GOP primaries: "are people seriously going to throw Obama out for Mit Romney in mass across this nation?" The answer was no.
  8. http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/house-races/266467-tea-party-favorite-allen-west-loses-reelection At this point it appears West lost a close race. If he did in fact lose, it's probably only a matter of time until there's a new conservative personality on talk radio/cable news. http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2012/11/07/michele_bachmann_is_cutting_it_close_tight_race_against_jim_graves_in_minnesota.html Michele Bachman possibly up a little? I do not understand...I guess this just shows what a fundraiser power she is.
  9. NBC now calling Nevada officially. Obama clear 300 w/ out Florida which is still close. Electoral dominance.
  10. They need to turn into the party of less taxes not "no taxes." They need to completely ditch the immigration nonsense and abortion issue. And honestly as radical as it sounds if the Dems leave the door open they need to be the party to jump on this states rights issue as per weed and somehow be seen as the "put less black people in jail" party to help get it done. What would that do to their strong base? IDK. Probably send it into chaos. But is that base going win elections as is in the future? Nope.
  11. lol if you voted for him thinking he would deliver actual goods at 2AM with an acceptance speech ... idk what to say
  12. I know PPP is conservative and in defeat mode and hates Obama but that was sort of a vintage Obama speech. Strong.
  13. I disagree with you on that. Obama has pulled the fringe of his party more than Boehner has been able to pull his (even though I know you will disagree and say he's a far left president worthy of the title loon). It's not easy to become a strong house leader particularly when you need to pull them towards the center and not towards the fringe...but Boehner has to do it. And for the record I do not think Boehner isn't capable. I hope he is. And on a personal level I don't dislike Boehner. But he needs to do a better job this next 2 years.
  14. Na, country can't take it. Time to do work, and the both sides must bend. Fact of the matter is though, GOP better ready to bend. If Boehner wants to be a great house leader, and Obama wants to be a great President...the time is now.
  15. Not sure Megan Kelly said "looks like it ended up D +6" when talking to someone about the election as a whole but I only caught it in passing Either way...I'm not here to kill you on it although I know you would ride it hard if you were right. But your take on the whole thing was just not very accurate.
  16. I'm ashamed to be a Floridian tonight. Our polls close at freaking 7pm Eastern time and we are the 1 state in the union to not have a verdict in when the election is over. They just reported on NBC that Florida officially said !@#$ it and won't count any more tonight. Absolute garbage.
  17. "Please concede, governor" - President Obama
  18. Nate Silver..where are you excuses for not missing a state so far? Where are they?
  19. he will never admit it...just let him continue on
  20. That's looking way out and not really the thing to do tonight...but I will say...Rubio ain't a President. Plain and simple.
  21. now that they call Colorado it's over. NV is not a place GOP is confident. For that matter neither are the counties in OH. FL and VA I think both leaning Obama now also...although who knows in the end w/ them but it doesn't matter.
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