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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Agreed. I had basically the same knowledge as you...although I had a bare bones understanding Tesla died poor and was a bad business man and figured Edison won that little battle...which obviously was wrong as the show explained (his ideology having won, him having lost). I did find it hilarious the electric chair was allowed to proceed b/c hanging was perceived to be cruel and apparently after frying that guy they figured this new electric chair idea was something to continue on with. The way people manipulated stock and bought/blocked out competition back then is fascinating though. Good show.
  2. Anyone watch this series? I would recommend it. Nothing groundbreaking and a bit repetitive (they feel the need to recap everything after each commercial break for some unknowable reason)...but all in all pretty good, pretty entertaining, and certainly worth a watch if you know nothing or only something about post-civil war business. Follows a number of story lines but mostly focuses on Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Morgan...tracking their rise as they crush their competition (through business practices now illegal) and the competition between themselves. It ends with the rise of the anti-trust movement and the new wave of business leaders that rise in that era (Ford, etc). Well worth the watch.
  3. Agreed. I don't care who we play we aren't going 7-0 we aren't even going 6-1. We'll win 7 or 8 games max
  4. lol I saw that exact play also and thought "damn!"....McKelvin knocked the hell out of that OLman
  5. Williams was/is our #2 before he got hurt. So I will not calm down. Williams is done. I don't want to see him out there again. McKelvin is a SOLID CB when compared to Williams.
  6. Why does it take Williams getting hurt for us to see the switch. Why can't this team evaluate their own damn talent? Same w/ CJ splitting 50/50 w/ Fred. On and on... McKelvin is better. Period. Get it through your skull Wanny.
  7. 80/20 carries. I'm sick of this nonsense. Spiller might be the most dangerous man in the league. This idiocy must end.
  8. The bottom line....how long are we gong to ride Fitz? To actually be good and have a chance to WIN in the playoffs...the answer should be "no longer."
  9. We lost b/c Fitz threw an INT in the area TJ was in with the game on the line while everybody else was playing great. /topic
  10. I would second this. B/c it wasn't just this thread...it was a summer of lunatic posts all 1000 words long about how stupid everybody was and how smart he was. About how he "looked at the data" and he "knows how to do that" and we should pat attention to him b/c it's clear somehow that the GOP angle on the polling is right. So we should pin it. Do it mods.It's not even partisan. Romney supporters on this board didn't go nuts in mass about things like "polls"...OC did. And it was hilarious.
  11. Not the best source of info on any president but PBS has a series available for free called "The Presidents" you can stream about 3-4 hours on him and others.
  12. Obama declared winner of Florida officially today. Silver 51/51
  13. Personally if I could make good money doing manual labor I'd take it...of course one day I would get old.
  14. The electorate is the same old idiot America it's always been. I would caution the GOP against shifting from bashing Obama to now bashing the American electorate.
  15. Debt ceiling debate must be figured out later (per his presser this morning). Can Boehner control his conference? Since Obama won and Dems kept the Senate the only fight left in the house is to try and use that along with some Senate maneuvering to attach rider amendments to "must do bills" such as appropriations and debt ceiling deals which would defund or kill certain potions of the ACA. Thus forcing Obama to sign or not sign things crucial to running the county. Ultimately this showdown would come down to who the public blamed and what they understood. So my question. Are we done with this battle? Or will it continue?
  16. Stimulus worked as was predicted for short term stability and set groundwork for good things he ran on. But that isn't the point. In any event, the Stimulus was created in about a month and half. So, go figure. As for money, GOP had a $715B stimulus of their own so lets not pretend this is about money. In any event, all I'm saying...there are hacks and there are data wizards. At least this round we know who is who.
  17. Haha, data mine the nation to manipulate the economy? You guys would freak and claim Obama has made himself overlord. Imagine though Fox reports on the latest Rasmussen sample of 1000 likely voters in various swing states and then Dick Morris goes on to talk about the turnout being way down (causing OC to get hard and write a novel on PPP complete w/ so many emoticons he nearly crashes the system) while in Chicago they're looking at a sample of 29,000 in the last month alone in Ohio. I don't care to knock Romney when he's down but he's supposed to be Mr. CEO, manager extraordinaire, and he isn't writing consession speeches b/c he is totally thinking he's going win? Like I said even outside people were saying it could be huge Obama win (Silver). Romney is supposed to know how to get good people around him, get accurate info to make great decisions...and he may have basically mismanaged a $1B enterprise.
  18. Would be chastising it along with you if I get reason to believe it's true. Reports show Patraeus was not compromised just place himself in a bad position at one point and by the investigation he was monitored and seen to be basically just having an affair. Guy on CNN reported when Obama got the resignation last night he didn't want to accept it and it took a while before he finally did. If he was actually a security threat that wouldn't be the case. Patraeus is by all accounts a good general/director and while made mistakes and got investigated was not actually security risk. Just my opinion. I know you will feel differently. Which is fine.
  19. Also contrast this to the Romney campaign. Romney apparently lived in the GOP bubble and thought he was winning...he couldn't even know what Nate Silver knew from the outside. Obama's squad knew they were likely good AND knew how to make it that way.
  20. Jesus Patraeus use your brain...you are not young or good looking also lol 3rd uses bing
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