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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I'm wearing underwear from Walmart right now. It seems to be covering my balls well enough.
  2. Seems like a bit of an over dramatic prediction. In any event, until some details on some new policy negotiations come out we are getting ahead of ourselves. Last I heard Boehner was insisting he can't sell it to the house unless it's done w/ our raising the rate, Obama saying his thing...so we'll have to wait and see.
  3. ah...the old aids in the eggs trick eh? And also, 11c more a pizza is unacceptable. I'm done w/ papa
  4. Chris Matthews always sounds like he just ran up a flight of stairs.
  5. Well we'll just have to see what they settle on and how it goes. There's no question you can always argue for a lower rate, but in the end if they decide to raise it a bit as part of new revenue we'll just have to see how it goes. I still don't think that capital is the problem and if demand gets going again I don't see 5% uptick holding things back.
  6. You'll have to go slow with me now I'm challenged...where do you get the 50% income off the table for reinvestment from? And I do think (for what it is worth) that if a lot of people on the left felt that capital was the primary problem they would be with you...
  7. I still think all things considered, the budget problems, the recessions effect on the middle class, the election results...while certainly not being happy the people most effected would feel 22/23% isn't the end of the world. Once again, not that they wouldn't like it lower...but it's not going to crush investment...and I'm not sure but I do think it's half that for lower income investors. As for dividends at income levels idk about that...
  8. I think a lot of Dems want the cap gains up to about 23 to put it around the middle effective rate if not slightly above before deductions...argument being it'll help revenue w/ out disrupting investment too much and would be more equitable.
  9. If the argument is things adjust to new rates I don't disagree I just am not buying that people in mass will just say "eff it" and all the sudden there is no capital just b/c it goes from 18 to 23 or something like that...ideally you would like to have it at 0...but if part of the revenue recipe includes some acceptable increases in capital gains I doubt it will kill us...
  10. That's worse case scenario for dividends...probably won't happen and in any event much lower for capital gains...
  11. Have they been talking about 40%? I thought it was 20% max?
  12. lol jesus Christ if you would like to enter the fold and give your take on what scheme would be best then just do so
  13. More people now identify as independent....but they still have leanings and often times winning them is just roping them back into the fold not really winning over a true "independent/undecided"
  14. So it has nothing to do with eating BBQ sandwiches for lunch and pasta w/ meatballs for dinner 3 times a week all with servings fit for a king? C'mon...the portions we eat and frequency with which we eat fatty foods is the predominate factor...not the lack of walks. Exercise certainly would help....but it's not like the world ran 5 miles 5 days a week and then just stopped.
  15. I'm waiting to find a way to launch a missile at a few posters
  16. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/technology/2012/11/israeli-military-twitter-hamas/ Twitter War Erupts Between Israel and Hamas During Gaza Strikes Email0Smaller FontTextLarger Text|Print As the Israeli Defense Forces waged a military campaign on Hamas targets in Gaza today, a different kind of war unfolded on Twitter between the two groups. “We recommend that no Hamas operatives, whether low level or senior leaders, show their faces above ground in the days ahead,” said a tweet from the @IDFspokesperson account today. The tweet followed news that the Israeli attack had taken out Ahmed Jabari, the chief of staff of the Ezzedeen al-Qassam Brigades and leader of the military wing of Hamas. Read More: Israel Assassinates Hamas Commander Hamas launched mortars in retaliation, but also fired back on Twitter. “Our blessed hands will reach your leaders and soldiers wherever they are (You Opened Hell Gates on Yourselves),” said a tweet from the @AlqassamBrigade handle that was directed to the Israeli Defense Forces Twitter. Throughout the day, the warring groups used their Twitter accounts to provide real-time updates about the military action. The IDF account even broke the news of Jabari’s death on Twitter and quickly posted a video of the strike that was said to have killed him. “Hamas continues to try to kill Israeli civilians. So far today, the Iron Dome has intercepted 17 rockets fired from #Gaza,” another update said, referring to the missile defense system installed with the help of the U.S. Meanwhile, the militant unit of Hamas said it had shelled numerous Israeli bases. “Al Qassam hit Isnad Sofa base with 6 mortars in response on assassination of its leader,” a recent update said, as the Twitter war continued well into the evening.
  17. Government does provide health insurance cheaper than the private sector that is a fact 3rd. At the same time the massive profit margins of insurance companies and their "evil nature" is a huge exaggeration tgreg. There are bad insurance companies out there but there are a lot of not-for-profit insurance companies that have a profit margin barely above 2%...MUCH lower than most industries.
  18. It is significantly more expensive to eat healthy. I'm not saying that it can't be done or is an excuse....but it's a factor.
  19. It's business, it's culture, it's people, it's government...it's everything and it's been moving this way for a long time. Etc Etc...we're too fat right now but maybe we'll slim down ... that or go broke.
  20. Edison v. Tesla is a good part of the series but honestly it's more about Rockefeller/Carnegie rivalry and JP Morgan who IMO seems to be the star above the others.
  21. Democrats like American business and history just as much as the next Republican people. Enough of this nonsense seriously. The average democrat hates business as much as the average republican hates minorities or helping the poor....not very much. How this topic has to turn into bashing is nonsense.
  22. it only killed 5 kids Vanderbilt's "favorite" son died in the war btw...crushed him
  23. Watched it a little while ago but pretty sure they settled on AC not DC...then Morgan bought out Westinghouse and fired Edison lol (could be wrong on the exact details here) EDIT: And by "bought out" I mean threatened a law suit he knew he would lose but knew Westinghouse couldn't afford to take on
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