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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Wow. Too much drink sad. Not to get political but too much weed would not have a man in a creek dead. In all honesty though...this is very sad. I think this is at least the 3rd drunk person to die at an NFL game this year by my count. I know I read a story of some guy dying at a game just weeks ago (I think it was an NFC east game can't remember exactly basically a guy falling down a 30 ft over an edge)
  2. Honestly though for people who do not know, it's not a pure bio...it mainly tracks the passage of the 13th amendment .. the debate around it...the horse trading to get the votes...and Lincolns involvement in all that including possibly delaying quicker end to the civil war in order to make sure it passes (although it is unlikely the supposed "negotiated peace" would have been acceptable anyway). Well worth the watch. Several great performances in there btw besides just Day-Lewis...truly a star studded movie and about 19th century legislative politics.
  3. Lincolns body double is shot and he goes to the middle east.
  4. Thought it was very good. Would be interested to hear others thoughts. By my account, Day-Lewis has handed in yet another stunning character performance.
  5. The end of the series is basically them grouping together and buying McKinely, and putting Teddy as his VP so he is powerless. Then of course, some anarchist in Buffalo kills McKinely, Teddy takes over, and breaks up their trusts.
  6. Chan is the perfect combo where he is conservative in general but goes 5 wide and fails on 3rd and short every time. In any event I do think he gets more out of this talent than most would. Deal with it until we get a new QB.
  7. I have been drinking...but I do not understand how that makes sense right now...
  8. Miami played well..they can defend the run ok CJ played well.
  9. Still best we have...and good enough honestly if we get a slot guy and some lbs
  10. Fitz calls and points "mike 58, mike 58"...then throws right into mike 58 hands
  11. He starting to get a little George Lucas look going
  12. 120 on the ground 45 through the air 2 tds Probably end up let down but I'm excited tonight...very exciting knowing Spiller will get all the touches.
  13. As per that particular policy, I do not think you are correct. As to the basic line of thinking that noncompetitive taxes will drive business away, I do agree.
  14. Honestly all kinds of different rice out there....find a few different ones to keep variety, cut up some mushrooms, onions, peppers, etc...and throw them on the pan with some different sauces....that basic approach a number of different ways is usually good. Not saying it's crazy expensive and I know Chef will kill me for bringing it up again but that is still more expensive than hamburger meat and frozen french fries.
  15. Nobody is throwing money around while there's a mess that has yet to hit rock bottom either way. When people feel it is over and climbing and there is money to be made, an extra 5% isn't going to scare away the capital needed to bounce back every bit as strong as we are capable of. It's not as if I don't hear all points made and to some extent agree...all I'm saying is 23% =/= France and 23% when we're growing is fine for investors if that is what it comes down to. Europe is crazy, even China and India are sluggish as a result relative to what they expect...when we pick up we'll be a great place to invest whether it's 23 or 18. And that 5% by itself isn't going to stop of us from picking up when we're ready...the capital is there and waiting for the storm to clear when it does if there's an extra 5% skimmed off it'll be fine. Not the end of the world, is all I'm saying. Certainly not if it helps get the house in order and takes a bit of pressure off of the purchasing class spurring demand.
  16. Going from 18 to 23 is far cry from what that guy aims to do. And when things get cranking again, everything settles down, people know what Obamacare will do to them (good or bad) and there is certainty in the tax code...if things pick up money will be willing and able to profit off it. Nobody is thinking 2013 is going to be gangbusters is all I'm saying either way. If we end up with a 5% increase in capital gains it's not going to permanently strip our nation of capital when a hypothetical 2014/2015 start making big gains.
  17. No I get it, and it's not going to change until there's a deal...which there probably will not be until late January of next year (which can be made retroactive back to the 1st). Obviously investors, the market, etc...not going to pick up until after that point. The question is not so much where will we be on February 5th but more so do we have a deal that makes some of the budget insanity doable that also allows for a strong economy to take off in the next 1-2 years.
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