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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I'm not a hater of all rap or even all Kanye but live Kanye sucks
  2. LOL it really was great...it was awkward and perfect at the same time somehow
  3. has any one band played the same song so many times on tv?
  4. Head and shoulders above all that has come before ... it's clear makes Bon Jovi and Bruce seem like openers
  5. Ya I mean I get that but either way he can at least do his rock voice...it's like he blew out his vocals and now won't do anything raspy
  6. Sandler can do a half ass singing bit and it's better than any movie he's made in 6 years...love the guy but maybe he should make a musical
  7. hello hello hello ...is there anybody left watching?
  8. did this happen yet? what time and link is it going on at? also...I don't care...but I feel like I should watch it anyway....
  9. The Dark Lord would cut every QB on the roster?
  10. Anyone watching the series as it airs? Interested to know if some of you guys feel he was fair to Ike...
  11. It just matters how you look at it (or better put: from where you look at it). There's a legacy of anti-trust cases examining in what ways sports teams are a cartel and in what ways they are competitors.
  12. .....go to pawn shops and look around for fun if you find something you may want try to haggle for it...but do not go to buy an Iphone from a pawn shop. There are a million places you can find an Iphone...pawn shop is the worst of them all.
  13. Agreed. By far the most valuable part of the Bills is the fans. The team won't leave. It could, but probably not. We need a new owner (obviously) and a nice new dome downtown near all the bars. Then we'll be good.
  14. TJ will never take a snap for this team, ever...
  15. Chan was out of his mind all day and the presser was brutal.
  16. I have not been on the fire Gailey wagon just the fire Fitz wagon. I now agree...Chan needs to go
  17. and I love it when he does...that's him at his best and our offense at it's most dynamic
  18. Just got back. Also saw it with no idea what it was about I just have a theater nearby that has a really big screen and does 3d movies awesome (which I love despite the fact most do not)...and like you I thought this movie was absolutely amazing. Extremely good tale, probably one of the stronger deliveries of "the message" it carries I have ever seen, and absolutely STUNNING visuals. Those scenes where the ocean lights up, and everything is like space above and below...beautiful. And the boat crash was truly terrifying (and that scene where he sees the boat from underwater was breathtaking). Anyway, loved the movie had no idea what to expect and this is by far the best picture I have seen this year. No contest. I thought about that also...since everything else matches up pretty well. There's the obvious take on it that he did find some island for a while but took off b/c he had to get back to society and felt he would be devoured by island life living alone if he didn't keep trying to get rescued. Also there's a little garden of eden type metaphor....but finding that island and the tooth...regardless of how extraordinary the rest of the film was up to that point...took it to the next level and really makes you doubt the truth of the story. One would say as a viewer...that scene provoked my (the viewers) rejection of the miraculous story sort of an expression of struggling to accept faith. Which sort of makes it more powerful I suppose when the end comes and you get the general message of the movie hammered home.
  19. The "McConnell provision" is gaining traction even among business groups who typically support the GOP. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2012/12/06/business-leaders-siding-with-obama-on-debt-ceiling/
  20. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/06/debt-ceiling-mitch-mcconnell_n_2251515.html Ending up having to filibustering himself. Seems to be a bit rattled at the moment.
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