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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I think it will run into more trouble than people think. He'll get best actor, and I'm a huge fan of his he's my favorite actor ever...but I actually think Denzel should at least compete for that this year which is something nobody even talks about and he may not even get a nod...and they may give the picture to Le Terrible the Movie.
  2. Just saw Le Mis. I know pretty much everybody disagrees I've seen give opinions on here or anywhere else...but my and my gf hated it. I was shocked I don't even see the appeal or how it got the buzz it got. It's absolutely terrible imo...my gf loves musicals and she hated it too.
  3. and for the record the millennials are in greater numbers and will enter their working prime about the same time the boomers start dying off.
  4. Government is government, not family, and not business although more like a business than a family. Next time your CEO goes to the board and announces he paid off debt but lost money lets see how persuasive that is. In any event we've been in debt basically every year for our 200 year existence, and still had good times and bad regardless...not many families I know are like that. Nor can they print their own money and then tax and demand the tax be paid in that currency. And of course if a family went the bank for a loan and showed that budget the bank would laugh at them...when the US and Japan (two of the countries with the worst debt) issue bonds they're among the most popular in the world...people almost pay us to hold their money. We can't just say "!@#$ it" but we certainly should not say the government is a household and it's time to do whatever it takes to pay everything off. We can implement austerity that would stall growth... the best solution to our problems...and see how that works...if we want to be the CEO losing money. But that's probably not the best route. Hence, some new revenue (we're at a huge low), some plan to get things in order and provide some stability in the coming decade (real cuts of course), and IMO some smart stimulus now to get help us get moving. A little shot of caffeine to get us off the coach and some confidence in our ability to govern and whala...nobody is coming for to foreclose on the Capital Building. It's really not the huge disaster some like to make it out to be, just a problem in need of a plan that is well within our reach.
  5. IDK my grandmother is authentic Italian and her sauce is sweet also. She has a non-sweet sauce (which IMO is amazing) but her go-to sauce is sweet (which is good but not my style). Anyway IMO Buffalo pizza is sweet sauce...at least what I've had. Oh man, you are def. in rural NC...that's sad. I spent some time in the triangle plenty of options there. Closer to the mountains you get the more you might as well be in WV.
  6. Well...depends on how we define "cheap"....but in any event I'm not crazy about sweet sauce and don't drool over WNY pizza like others.
  7. Personally I'm in favor of dairy products staying affordable. 1949 milk policy is probably not well suited for our current situation. Not a big milk drinker but I like a cheap pizza.
  8. Yes, he's that selfless. You could learn a lot from him.
  9. Agreed. CJ is explosion...if he can't explode 100% on a carry he should come out for a second and then go back in...
  10. A win would be disastrous. After this train wreck of a season we deserve as high a pick as possible and if we ended up 13 it would be a complete disaster. There should be back ups started to "evaluate what we have" and Thigpen should start and this order should come from the top b/c quite frankly for the organization that's what is best.
  11. I don't usually jump on the "lose for the draft" bandwagon but there is absolutely no excuse for beating the Jets. We had better not win next week.
  12. Not say anything about Gruden but the line could be a bit longer if we are willing to spend some money (which be probably aren't) since we have some better talent (which is true despite record)
  13. Ponder sucks Kap is not that good Wilson is good and we could have had him Dalton is good and we could have had him We could not have had anyone else ...still 2 guys who really are leading that we could have had
  14. Seahawks beat us down even worse than the 9ers and are at home. By the never-fails transitive property of football...9ers will be exposed tonight
  15. Look I get it....it's a game of so-and-so is stupid and so-and-so is corrupt....but seriously Gutfeld is a smoking gun for posters posting what some have said about him....wow...I am in awe
  16. Saw "The sessions" at a local theater...they don't always have new releases so I don't know how new it is it's one of those "indie" theaters that shows off beat movies sometimes old and serves beer...but either way the movie is good
  17. IDK what interview you watched but Joe is a conservative he was simply trying to talk about the reality of divided government and that you do in fact have to work with other elected officials to run the country. That guy said in so many words he wasn't going to do so. That my friend, is extreme.
  18. Obviously neither side actually wants that. The Dems/WH want the taxes but not on everybody...they hate the tax that hits the "middle class." The Repubs want the spending cuts but likewise hate the defense cuts. Both sides hate the overall effect on the economy. And while people can debate the political cost of going over the cliff and for who it is worse...it's a net loss for both. The bottom line though is the longer Boehner negotiates the more ground he loses on the tax increases...could have had it at 800B last time, now can get it around 1.2T...and in a few months he'll be wishing he got it at 1.2 b/c it will go higher. At some point he's going to have to build a little pack of Repubs who will deal and just bargain with the Dems in the house with that group to get the best deal they can....Plan B suggests there's no other way b/c he isn't going to bring a majority of house GOP to a position where they would accept anything negotiated.
  19. As long as Tasker thinks there is a chance for a faction of Repubs who refuse to engage in negotiated compromise when they hold the minority of a divided government...they can't disappoint him...or else...something... In all seriousness though....get the tax cuts extended as high as you can above 250 and get as much cuts as you can and move on man...seriously do that and fight another day then purge those who threaten to primary you further from the right by saying "yes...some of us have to govern and there is such thing as Democrats who win more than us ya jackasses ... it's b/c of you they do..so go find a mountain top and scream your lungs out while we actually do the real world work necessary to run the country and hopefully w/ out your interference steer it more in our direction next election...b/c ya know...elections happen...and that's what gives you power"
  20. Pretty sure these suits against law schools for misrepresenting employment statistics are without merit. Unless you can prove actual fraud, which is unlikely, what's the complaint? Helpless 30 year old Elizabeth Hallock enrolled in law school, read a San Francisco Law School pamphlet and thought she would be rich? Everybody knows if you go to law school right now and it isn't tier 1, you had better finish at least top 3rd of class and come out with some decent experience on the resume hopefully somewhere that can hire...it's no secret. That said, some law schools are churning out too many. And for profit places that don't have a good rep or network and can cost over 10gs a semester and let in hundreds each semester...well...that's life...if you go there then you had better do really well or have something set up when you come out. But I would hardly turn around and sue saying they led me to believe I was somehow going to be placed in a job.
  21. Williams will be the guy if the backfield is all his. If not...or if uncertain right up until game time I would go with Smith. The recent production is there, Cam is playing good, and Oakland is terrible. Jones will most certainly put up 2 tds and 80 yards if he's on your bench, but if you start him he'll give you 30 yards and other guys will snag the TDs. Go with Smith...he's guaranteed a lot of targets against a week D and plays on an offense that is doing well right now.
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