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Everything posted by RealityCheck

  1. I think that some people need a new TV show to watch.
  2. The NFL is for entertainment. Ever since the Pegulas took over, I have been entertained. All of this works for me. Go Bills!
  3. Can't the Bills find someone a little older?
  4. Rex and Whaley are here to stay for the foreseeable future. We all have doubts, but it is reality. The blame game is good for wasting time under the current set of circumstances. JMO. While we all cry about it, personnel moves will still occur and the beat as always will go on. The 2016 season will still have to get played out. As I remind myself often for my sanity, football is just another TV show that is filmed live. When you buy the ticket, you take the ride. Pegs bought his tickets, and one year is not the summation of a truly unknown future. If they s*** so bad and it's all doom and gloom, why watch in the first place?
  5. Wow! Talk about a golden nutshell. Whaley is a keeper. Let him do his job and get the players that Rex needs. The players crying to the media have shown their true colors and the opportunity exists for some real progress moving forward. Football IQ and "want to" seems to be lost on some of the players. Intelligent players with less athleticism than some of our players have had great success in RR's defense over the course of a decade.
  6. They should cut MW today.
  7. Perhaps Ashy Larry is the secret DC?
  8. It sounds to me like a dice game is being played in that booth to call the plays. Perhaps a magic 8-ball?
  9. That certainly aren't bad, but they are also a team that has Tom Brady passing to set up the run. The Bills run an offense that demands teams to key in on the run game to set up TT's passes, and they still did very well on the ground.
  10. He'll go to the highest bidder. Which 4-3 teams have the most cap space?
  11. I was a huge FJ fan, but everybody's days are numbered, and Karlos is just better right now. I'm not really the sentimental type anyways.
  12. This is a strange thread. Are people really that surprised about cutting MW? Cap space, complaining, and scheme fit moving forward kind of dictated this outcome. If you want to resign Glenn, Gilmore, and Incognito, this is the type of move you make. Mario will find a home playing in a 4-3 somewhere else.
  13. Free agency is for needs. The draft is for best players available. JMO.
  14. No question about it, another WR is needed, whether it's through the draft or FA.
  15. Tyrod has another year left on his contract I believe, so no, I wouldn't sign him to a long term deal. I wouldn't even consider it until the end of next season. As for the Broncos, I just don't care.
  16. Are you saying that you won't be buying a Tyrod Taylor jersey?
  17. The Bills have had a collection of dumb players for a long time now. Hughes is just one example. It seems effort and results are the same thing for some people.
  18. Harvin lacks the most valuable talent of all, availability. Later dude.
  19. Crushing the Jets by 30 would be great, but Fitz throwing a pick into the end zone in the final seconds with the game on the line might be even better. I want to see the Jets experience the Fitz that we were watching a few years ago. Mr. "close but no cigar". The agony of defeat.
  20. I hope the children are paying attention.
  21. It's nice to know that Polian isn't a Pinko-Commie. I would still prefer that he minded his own business.
  22. They weren't all Pro-Bowlers the year before last, and they were a million miles away from that this year. So, I gotta give Pepper Johnson and Jim Schwartz some credit for getting these guys up to being all that they could be. The Bills' four man front coached by Pepper Jonson last year was the bomb. The biggest problem with Rex's scheme is that really good 2-gap players are more rare than ever. Bellicheat moved to a 4-3 years age, and has adapted to the availability of these players and how much easier it is to plug news guys in.
  23. If this was Hughes acting like that, he would have been ejected and given a 4 game suspension. Parity?
  24. Is that a bad thing? I know a few fans that would love to do that.
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