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Everything posted by akm0404

  1. Oh ok I guess we are dealing with a poster with special needs vis a vis reading comprehension. I’ll try one more time but I’m not optimistic. 1. You said that there were NO MEASURES where Josh Allen was superior to Josh Rosen. 2. Yes, there are. Better? Edit: looks like we got this figured out. Resume your regularly scheduled echo chambering.
  2. The secret Easter egg in that tweet storm was when the guy contradicts himself by saying that he understands that coaches have a certain system that they like to run BUT... The numbers show that they maintained a similar run/pass split for like always. Seems like this might suggest more about the coach than the QB but don’t let me rain on the echo chamber parade.
  3. I support this thread. He does indeed resemble a police sketch of a guy that the authorities are looking for because someone caught him filling up his car with the engine running.
  4. Subtract the word up that got erroneously added and you should be able to figure it out.
  5. Lol and then he doubles down on the bad faith posting. Nice.
  6. This is just patently untrue. You up can not argue in good faith that there are no measures in which Josh Allen is superior to Josh Rosen. You are simply lying with an agenda. Bad faith posting should be a bannable offense, imo.
  7. A thought on why Allen over Rosen: Rosen was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, is already a wealthy guy and has a history of head injury. His father is a doctor. Is it a huge stretch to think that he gets popped in the head again and decides that he simply doesn’t need football? That was always my biggest concern with Rosen. By all accounts, Allen NEEDS football.
  8. I’m very surprised that every mock draft and NFL scouting resource indicated that Josh Allen was going to be a tip top of the first round selection when he is such an absolutely terrible quarterback. Awful accuracy, terrible footwork, slow eyes, lack of anticipation and touch, failure at every level of the sport, bitter racist... Very surprising that other teams were trying to trade up for him and that every scout and pundit mis-evaluated him by 7 full rounds. You really don’t see that every day.
  9. LOL so many silly geese in this thread. There were like zero mock drafts that had Allen outside of pick #10 in Round 1. There were a lot of professional (read: they get paid for their opinions) NFL talent evaluators that considered him the #1 prospect this year. But the silly geese here already know he will never play a down in the NFL and is guaranteed to fail. LOL again. The echo chamber here is ultra strong. The silly temper tantrums folks are throwing because they got the wrong top 10 prospect are entertaining. Please do continue with the salty tears.
  10. Friendly reminder that we are not entitled to any particular player or pick. There are 31 other teams who all want to boldly select the best, most talented players.
  11. Of course it is fair. Everyone has a record of their past deeds in some form or another. It would be, on the other hand, foolish to overreact to stupid stuff said by a stupid kid. Trust but verify.
  12. It certainly gives your team an insanely bigger margin for error.
  13. No, we don’t. We need a qb. You don’t need to fill out a perfect 52-man roster and then start thinking about finding someone to play the most important position in all of professional sports.
  14. Yah we definitely need to keep punting quarterback for another decade until we get that offensive line and WR corps JUUUUUUSSSSSST right. And, this can only be done via the draft because we all know that offensive free agents love coming to teams that start backup-caliber QBs. Be be sure to let everyone know when that offensive line and WR corps get your seal of approval so we can start the process to acquire enough draft capital to actually be in position to draft an elite QB prospect. Thanks!
  15. Love the draft. Perfect combination of football during a dry spell, boundless hope and optimism, the human drama of kids making good on their life's ambition. So much better now that they don't tip the picks (unless you seek out spoilers). A++ would watch again.
  16. Every action this front office has taken tracks with a desire to acquire the capital necessary to move up in a strong QB draft. Thusfar, this front office has given me no reason to imagine that they are foolish, nor have they given me reason to doubt that a plan is in place. They will trade up.
  17. I'd bet the farm on both of those unders.
  18. And I said let's start with him being better than option 3 on his team. You seem to think that'll happen, most think otherwise.
  19. LOL. Let's start with him being better than the 3rd best WR on his own team before we commission his bust.
  20. Unfortunately, you weren't allowed to have him. He wasn't ever going to be a Buffalo Bill in 2018. Sorry!
  21. You guys are watching the draft coverage wrong if you think the "experts" are supposed to successfully predict the future. Their job is to know the strengths and weaknesses of hundreds of college players, and be able to speak to the composition and organizational issues of the 32 NFL teams. Chastising them for not being able to predict the future is pretty dumb. They are guys who study the available material and are entertaining on television. Nobody can predict the outcome of the NFL draft. Literally nobody. To expect someone to do it is just silly. Take the coverage for what it is - entertainment and somewhat more in-depth information than the average fan has access to.
  22. I assume that’s a rhetorical question, but the reason is that they are a very popular team with a star QB.
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