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Posts posted by akm0404

  1. Say what? Most #1 quarterbacks start their first year these days. They are almost exclusively on terrible teams.


    I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, but anyhow, draft a quarterback with the #1 pick overall, and build around him using the viable means to bolster the rest of your team (you can actually improve via free agency in positions OTHER than QB).


    Say what? Most #1 quarterbacks start their first year these days. They are almost exclusively on terrible teams.


    I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, but anyhow, draft a quarterback with the #1 pick overall, and build around him using the viable means to bolster the rest of your team (you can actually improve via free agency in positions OTHER than QB).


    Quarterback is the most important position in organized sports. Period. How is this even a debate?! Who wants their best player being some 300 pound offensive linemen? Bad teams are set up like that. Good teams have their best player be their quarterback. Arrgh.

  2. Yeah right I gotcha, who care about anyone but ME and my enjoyment, because the world revolves around me. people will pick up after me and its your problem if you get in the way of what I want It's all about me me me and my urges and my needs the hell with everyone else I could care less.


    Boy, I bet you are a barrel of monkeys to hang out with.

  3. While I value an elite QB and would be all for the team picking one (if available) in the draft, I wouldn't want that kid on the field until the OL is fixed. We've seen it over and over again in the league what happens when you stick a rookie QB behind a suspect OL.


    Um, in the modern NFL era, most all quarterbacks drafted #1 overall start immediately on bad teams (because well, you can't get the #1 pick without being pretty darn terrible).


    They come in, they take their lumps while the team rebuilds the rest of the team, and they hit their peak as the rest of the team comes together.


    That is how it is done by large part.


    Rebuild the offensive and defensive lines first if you want to rebuild to 7-9 and be a typical Bills team.


    Draft a franchise quarterback if you want to be a contender for a decade.


    Your choice.

  4. Your choice:


    Use the #1 pick in the NFL draft to select a franchise-caliber quarterback.




    Use the #1 pick in the draft to select a defensive lineman or linebacker.


    Let's think about the elite teams in the NFL. The ones that compete for the playoffs and championships every year. Go ahead, think of them along with me.


    Ok, good.


    Now, you will notice that those teams happen to be the very same teams that get elite-level quarterback play year in and year out. What a coincidence!


    If you don't have a franchise caliber quarterback, you are doomed to season after season of mediocrity, fighting for a flukey chance at a playoff berth while the teams who have the great quarterbacks are penciled in for division championship after division championship.


    Saying that the Bills should use the #1 pick in the draft to select an offensive lineman, defensive lineman, or linebacker is the same as saying that you want the Bills to rebuild back to 7-9.


    That isn't good enough for me.


    It shouldn't be good enough for you either.


    Franchise QB = decade of relevance.


    Franchise lineman = decade of who cares.

  5. Oh jeez, you probably hate people standing up during the game too. Watch at home if you don't want the atmosphere. They bleep out the "foul language" so your virgin ears won't be offended.


    Also, you can take your kids to a game. That is, if you are a decent parent who isn't afraid of their kids hearing some *omg* FOUL NASTY LANGUAGE. It would just be a shame if little Jimmy saw someone drinking evil alcoholic beverages and using words that mommy and daddy doesn't say.


    One Bills game, and your niece is doomed for a life of prostitution.


    *rolls eyes*


    Learn to parent better if someone saying the F-word is going to morally corrupt your child.

  6. Almost 1000 yards rushing allowed 5 games in, (180/game) a distant 32nd run defense, I mean absolutely abysmal and people want to whine about the safeties...




    We were bottom of the barrel last year in rushing yards allowed, and had a dismal pass rush. It was one of the true weaknesses of the team (behind QB play and offensive line play).


    The defense lacked talent last year too. The personnel is completely the same. The only difference is that Byrd isn't getting as lucky.

  7. If there are teams willing to trade with us, keep trading down and stockpiling draft picks. If we get lucky and play our cards right, we could probably trade our 1st picks in round 1 and round 2 and end up with 5 picks in the first 2 rounds. That is HOW YOU BUILD THROUGH THE DRAFT! (assuming we don't draft Maybins, McCargo's, Whitners,...!)


    Don't forget that you can't win without an elite-level franchise QB. So you'd better take him #1 (since nobody can trade out of the #1 spot anyhow), then start building.

  8. Heyward is the best player on the board, and one the Bills desparately need. A #1 QB wo'nt help the team right away


    Which is exactly why the Bills MUST draft a franchise quarterback this year. The Bills are at least 3 years from being competitive, so let's draft the most important player on the team first, and build around him while he develops. Rather than wait on an NFL-caliber quarterback until year 3, and be forced to wait 3 seasons for him to develop. Awesome plan.

  9. There was a big debate before the season started between the realists and the Kool-Aid drinkers with regard to Byrd. The Kool-Aiders used Byrd as one of the big reasons why the Bills would be playoff contenders. They cited our young, blossoming offensive line that would soon become the strength of the team, and our ball-hawking secondary featuring the future Hall of Famer Jairus Byrd.


    As is typical, the realists were correct.


    I know it hurts to admit, but Byrd was exceptionally fortunate last year to come down with as many interceptions as he did. Big overthrows, tipped passes galore, etc. I can honestly only remember one pick that he made where he went up and took a ball from someone. I'm sure there was maybe another one that I can't remember.


    He also is proving to be quite injury prone, which is troublesome.


    The immediate response from the embarrassed Kool-Aiders is to find any excuse that they can make to explain away his poor play. Whether it be blaming injury or the other players on the team, the fact of the matter is he is not making ANY plays. None. People cite the lack of pass rush as a prime excuse for his awful play. Let us not forget that the Bills defensive front last year was a weakness of the team. Pass rush has been a problem for this team for a decade. Perhaps it is worse this year - it certainly isn't any better. But Byrd wasn't playing behind the Ravens front 7 last year either.


    Should we trade him away? Of course not. But it's about time to start accepting that he isn't going to be the playmaker that we were all hoping for.

  10. FYI - the fans have stopped going to games in large part. That is why half of the games will be blacked out this season. This has not happened in a very, very, very long time.


    But heck, if you have fun going to the games, keep going. Ticket revenue is such a tiny, inconsequential part of the financial picture for the Buffalo Bills. The difference between drawing 40k and 70k is nothing compared to television dollars and revenue sharing.


    Like it or not, selling out a game just doesn't matter. The fans will come back when the product improves and there is some hope again.

  11. Hilarious. Bills fans will do anything not to draft a quarterback. Can't be the lovable losers if you take the steps necessary to compete in the NFL.


    Maybe we can bring in Jason Campbell, Matt Hasselbeck, Alex Smith, and Jake Delhomme and have a rip roarin' good time. Run some sort of wildcat variant that features 3 washed up quarterbacks at once.


    We'll call it the Last Chance offense.


    Fortunately, I think we're down to the last couple of clueless holdouts that don't recognize that without the hope of a franchise caliber, elite-level NFL quarterback, the franchise will never pull out of its tailspin.

  12. it maybe better to secure both sides of the ball and get a quality vet QB e.g. like Coach Vermeil did with the Rams, when he signed T. Green (only to find a jewel in K. Warner) if the QB's don't grade out as a franchise player.


    The Rams didn't really secure both sides of the ball and find success with Trent Green, a veteran pickup. They were terrible with their free agent retread and almost imploded until they scored huge finding an NFL rookie to turn things around.


    We should want to find the Kurt Warner franchise qb rooke sensation, not some retread. That strategy rarely works.


    I mean, what quality veteran do you want? Matt Hasselbeck? Groan.

  13. You guys always forget one small thing when you get rolling on a circle-jerk of Sullivan bashing:


    He is right.


    I know it hurts to have to look in the mirror and not like what you see, but he has been calling the Bills a failure for a decade and uh, is right on the money.


    I wish it weren't so, but it is what it is. If you want propaganda, read what Chris Brown writes. If you want to know how the Bills are actually seen by the rest of the football world, read Sullivan.



  14. no way Buddy Nix will pick him. Nix doesn't like green, inexperienced college QBs. Also way to early to think that Buffalo - not San Francisco, Detroit, Carolina, Oakland/NE*, etc. - will have the opportunity to pick the first QB in the next draft.


    (Might be more appropriate for Luck to 'come out' in San Francisco, anyway.)


    Whether Buddy the Blunderer would actually pick him is the real question. Of the teams you listed, only San Francisco would actually draft a qb, and San Francisco was widely thought to have enough talent to compete for their division so there is hardly any chance that they'll finish worse than the Bills. Carolina, the Patriots, and Detroit all have quarterbacks already.


    I also think your post lost a lot of credibility when you intimated that Andrew Luck was a homosexual. Classy.

  15. Given any other options and the promise of a bright future, would you throw your career away in Buffalo?


    Going to have to draft a senior with no choice but to declare and force him to come to this festering pile of mismanagement, I'm afraid.


    Luck is a clear NFL superstar waiting in the wings, though. I wish he'd come to Buffalo and turn this thing around.

  16. the Bills appear to be in good hands for the first time in a long time. I think it's pretty clear from the way they've been handling business, from both an evaluation and coaching standpoint.

    Are you serious or is this just a joke post?


    We appear in good hands? We were a terrible team that, by any objective measure, is getting WORSE. This team is literally worse than they were under Dick Jauron. Much worse. But yet we are in good hands? Our pathetically feeble offense over the last 5 years is MUCH worse this year under the stewardship of Chan 'The Offensive Genius' Gailey. Dead last in offense, with more than 20 ypg fewer yards than the worst Jauron offense. Ouch.


    And your claim that this regieme are such great talent evaluators???? This is the part that convinced me you were trolling this thread. CUTTING your starting QB, who you evaluated painstakingly over the course of 9 months after two games. Really evaluated the heck out of that one. It only left every NFL person scratching their head wondering WTF these clowns are doig.


    Oh yeah and they extended Kelsay. Way to evaluate talent and lock up your horses.


    HAHAHHAA. We are in great hands!


    Really, you don't know what you are talking about. You are implying that this organization hasn't changed in 10 years. It has changed a lot.

    Nix was a promotion from within. Same same culprits that have driven this franchise into the ground are still there. A cosmetic change here and there doesn't cover up the fact that the same core group has ruined this thing, and the majority of them are still fleecing Old Man Ralph. It is pretty sad - this is definitely a case of a group of shrewd men taking advantage of the trust of a very very old man.

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