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Posts posted by akm0404

  1. Of course the only way we will win consistently is with a franchise qb. Most obvious thing ever.


    But I almost guarantee that the next reply after mine will be from some clueless yahoo that wants the best player on his favorite team to weigh more than 300 pounds.


    Lots of Bills 'fans' are scared to draft a qb #1 so the spotlight will shine on us and we might lose our Loveable Loser persona.

  2. Just about every team in the NFL has at least one rookie starter. Some have several.


    Ask yourself why the Buffalo Bills, a team with such a near complete lack of talent, can not find a draft pick that is better than the incumbent trash.


    The Patriots plug in a handful of rookies every year. Why is that?


    Hint: The answer hurts.

  3. Guys, seriously, you'd have thought Kool-Aid time was about over once the harsh reality of things set in.


    Before the season, I'd express my dismay that we wasted such an unbelievably high draft choice on a running back, when we had good ones. I'd protest that you needed a total stud Adrian Peterson every down type to reach that high.


    I'd groan about how we drafted a 10-touch a game situational back and the delusional among us would scream bloody murder.


    And now we see what we have. A running back that has literally less carries than Michael Vick, Matt Ryan, Aaron Rodgers, David Gerrard, Joe Flacco, and Jason Campbell.


    A half dozen quarterbacks have more attempts than our "workhorse", and several of then have missed considerable time. 63 players in the NFL with more carries. If Eli Manning gets frisky this week, he'll likely catch him.


    You guys need to stop this dysfunctional cycle of excuses and acceptance. It is killing you.

  4. It's way too soon to express outrage that the team, despite being flush with NFL-caliber running backs used a luxury pick on another back who allegedly would be an immediate game-breaking field position changer, and he can't sniff the field?


    Spending top picks for a kick returner is dumb, 5 games in or 500.


    It was dumb in April, and it continues to be dumb.


    Meanwhile, literally countless picks for other teams are making impact week after week, while we sit around wondering if Troup will get 5 plays on defense or whether Carrington will actually dress for the game.


    Sweet! We so good.

  5. On that same note put Payton Manning behind Buffalo's PoS O line and they win 7-9 games

    Wow you are dumb.


    So having a franchise quarterback on your team like Peyton Manning is worth LITERALLY SEVEN WINS to you, but you are still so desperate not to have one.


    I wonder how many games a season your fat lineman is going to win for you.


    Holy crap it is scary how desperate some Bills fans are to maintain their lovable loser status.

  6. Lots of NFL greats were undrafted - give the guy a chance.


    I agree with giving him a chance, Cornell Green obviously fails the eyeball test for competence.


    But, to play Devil's Advocate, while there have been a small handful of undrafted players that became good NFL players, pretty much every good NFL player ever was drafted. There is a reason for that :)

  7. There are also a good number of us who would be happy with EITHER. Personally, I back Mallett only because Ive seen him play a lot more than I have Luck. But I dont really have a horse in this race.


    There are three camps on the Stadium Wall right now with regard to the Bills draft future.


    Camp #1: Andrew Luck

    Camp #2: Ryan Mallet

    Camp #3: Draft fat guy


    I fall into Camp #1, and think that Luck passes my eyeball test for what I want in a QB. As with most Camp #1ers, just about all of us would also be happy with Ryan Mallet, because both camps recognize the absolute critical importance of having elite-level QB play. Heck, people in the Luck/Mallet camp would probably even be able to rationalize Jake Locker, as he is a highly-touted QB prospect and while he isn't our ideal, at least there would be a chance that we'd become a relevant franchise with him.


    Unfortunately, there are a few hold-out Camp #3 folks who think that the best player on your football team should literally be fat. While people in the Luck/Mallet camps agree that having good offensive and defensive line play is important, we believe that the quarterback is the single most important player on any professional sports team in North America.


    Only what is best for the Bills. So if both come out and we have a choice, I'll go with whoever Buddy picks.


    Get ready for them both to come out and Buddy selects...Mark Ingram.

  8. Oh no! He reminds me of a 4-time Pro Bowler and is a debatable Hall of Fame QB. No, I don't think he'll make the Hall of Fame, but a quick Google search for drew bledsoe hall of famer tells me that it is at least a conversation.


    That sounds terrible, DO NOT WANT.

  9. Don't have to break the bank with massive No. 1 signing bonus.


    Again, a lot of people are really misguided on this whole, "Don't draft a quarterback #1 or you'll have to give him a BAZILLION dollars and a HUGE SIGNING BONUS!!!!" garbage.


    Whoever the Bills select with the #1 pick (or #2 or #3) will receive basically the same exact amount of money, whether he be a QB, OL, DE, etc. It really drives me insane to see people spout this same tired drivel.

  10. If Fitz performs well in this game, I'll give him the starting job through 2011 while we build up other parts of our team.


    If he performs like garbage, then it's back to looking at a QB with our high draft pick.


    So you're going to base your decision to try to draft a franchise quarterback on how a journeyman back-up does in one game?


    I mean, yeah, he's going to get crushed, but I think you can safely evaluate Fitzpatrick's long multi-stop career and decide that he simply isn't good enough to win playoff games.


    Great guy, great teammate, great back-up quarterback.

  11. I'd rather my team tried and missed acquiring an elite-level franchise quarterback than ignore the most important position in all organized sports.


    I'd rather my organization recognized that, without an elite-level franchise quarterback, your team is doomed to hope for a miraculous single-season playoff appearance, rather than being able to compete for a championship each year for a decade.


    I'd rather my franchise shared my belief that having an elite-level franchise quarterback gave your organization credibility and hope for the future, thus helping to persuade high-quality free agents to come play for them.


    I'd rather my favorite team was committed to the pursuit of championships, and resolved themselves to build for that goal, instead of rebuilding to 7-9, fully acknowledging that striving for that level of excellence opens you to ridicule when you miss on your franchise quarterback.


    So yes, I'd rather the Bills had drafted Jimmy Clausen instead of Terrell Troupe. At least our pathetic play and hopeless standing in the NFL would be helping us evaluate the potential that we have our next elite-level franchise quarterback.

  12. The Washington Redskins - What happens when your franchise tries to fill the two most critical factors for NFL success:


    A respected NFL-caliber head coach.

    A franchise-level quarterback.


    Instantly transform your team from one that drafts before the Buffalo Bills to one that will draft much, much later.

  13. I'm not suggesting that the Bills shouldn't draft a QB, but let's be realistic about the Jags. They've made the playoffs two times in the past five years, and in 2007 their awful QB had 102.2 rating with an incredible 18-3 TD/INT ratio. And he completed 64 percent of his passes. His lifetime QB rating is 84.9, and 84.7 this year. If only are QBs were so awful. They're a decent team this year too. Whether that gets them to 10-6, neither you nor I know, but they can hardly be compared to the Bills.


    Good reply. I give you a consistent gold star for always bringing some stats to the table.


    I know you aren't arguing against this, but just imagine how good they could have been with a real, franchise-caliber quarterback instead of Gerrard. Instead of an 8.5 win a year team, they might have contended for a championship or two.

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