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Everything posted by akm0404

  1. With how happy we are about the 25th best offense in the NFL, it makes me wonder what we'd do if we actually had even an average 15th ranked offense, let alone a top 10 or top 5 offense. I think the ground would open up and swallow the Ralph whole.
  2. Surprised there were even 35k there, since everyone on earth knew that'd be one of the most boring games of the year between two awful teams in pretty unfun weather. Says a lot about Bills fans.
  3. Lol. The Rams, by far the worst team in the NFL last year, are now in playoff position with 3 weeks to go. Sure, getting the #1 pick in the draft and getting a potentially elite QB didn't help them. Lol. Bring on a 300 pounder to provide some small incremental improvement instead of trying to land a qb that will compete for championships for a decade. Rebuild to 7-9 - that's where we like it.
  4. I get that you are scared of missing on a quarterback. There is definitely a risk of failure. But there is also the risk for wild success and the resurrection of our inept franchise. Put the fear aside and dream big. We don't always have to be the team doomed not to have an elite qb.
  5. No. People want an elite quarterback because the teams that have elite quarterbacks make the playoffs year in and year out. Teams with bottom-third quarterbacks hope for a flukey playoff run once a decade. It is worth aiming for elite qb talent, even if you have a qb that is serviceable. Try for a top-5 NFL quarterback and watch how your coach gets fired after the crazy year where you DON'T make the playoffs. Don't bother rebuilding to 7-9.
  6. Well, we've improved from #30 in the NFL in offense to #26 and from 28th to 23rd or 24th (depending on the Vikings tonight) in scoring. So I guess that's better. I just hope that Chan's genius will get us out of the bottom quarter of NFL offenses. More watchable this year, yes, but we are still lightyears away from being considered an average offense.
  7. BTW - though a lot of people pussyfoot around about it, there are a large number of racist Bills fans that wouldn't be thrilled about having a black quarterback and wouldn't hesitate to call him a thug or a loafer or whatever. Not saying it is you or anyone you know, but let's not pretend it doesn't exist.
  8. Reasonably productive isn't good enough at the quarterback position in the NFL. You can get away with that at any other position, but damn, having an elite QB is a million times better than having an elite defender against the run.
  9. A superstar quarterback is the single most valuable commodity in professional sports. Period. More valuable than a superstar linebacker or defensive end or left tackle or starting left-handed pitcher or goalie or whatever position is important in synchronized swimming. Period. If you think you can get one, you do it. Can Cam Newton be a superstar QB? Maybe. Nothing is certain. There is a chance though, and it's worth trying to shoot for the moon. We stink anyways.
  10. Now that is some seriously wishful thinking.
  11. It also makes me feel sad to think that this travesty of a season will bear no fruit and we will again miss out on a superstar QB. So close to turning everything around and being relevant for 10 or 15 years, but instead we will pick some big fat guy that'll probably make us marginally better in a boring way. Oh well. Life isn't fair.
  12. Fred Jackson for LT.
  13. But can Dez Bryant block linebackers? That's what is truly important here. Touchdowns are for losers.
  14. Actually no, he is far more worse than that. Was just being cute to make the point. He's currently 20th in the league in rushing. But yeah, I guess you'd call him a slightly-below-average-NFL-running-back, but average is easier to type. A universe away from being elite, though.
  15. Seriously, its a nice luxury when your RB is able to excel in pass blocking. But really, to say that their ability to block is as important as their ability to RUN THE BALL and SCORE THE TOUCHDOWNS is absurd.
  16. Wow. I'm shocked at what people here think the role of an NFL running back is. Running the ball and catching passes are of equal importance? Blocking as important or just slightly less important?! Scoring touchdowns irrelevant?! *head explode*
  17. So you guys really think that, for an NFL running back, the ability to successfully gain yardage on rushing attempts and score rushing touchdowns is ANCILLARY to being able to block?
  18. And if you really believe that how good a running back is at pass blocking is even a FRACTION as important as how good they are at say, actually running with the football and scoring touchdowns, you are delusional.
  19. LOL, yes. That jealousy. Respect greatness, and perhaps try to tone down the homophobia/bigotry. Makes you look very small and very simple.
  20. Fred Jackson defines average. I think just about everyone on earth can name 10 running backs better than Fred Jackson. But hey, it's definitely someone elses fault that his production is pedestrian.
  21. SHHHHH. Nobody tell the NFL that you can watch their games on the Interweb. It's a secret that nobody but us smart folks know about.
  22. Oh sweet. That's like saying we have the best quarterback in terms of hobo-bearding or that the Bills are the best team in the NFL in terms of home-game-selling. Wish we had an elite running back in terms of rush-yard-gaining or touchdown-scoring.
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