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Everything posted by akm0404

  1. You lost all of your credibility there, sir. Please leave the vocal evaluation to the experts. Weird how you say that the song should be sung as written, but then use the Whitney Houston version as an example. You do know she used her own arrangement there, right?
  2. What you talkin' bout, Willis?
  3. Anyone who watched that and felt like it was nationalistic propaganda or the government being forced down your throat is a completely cynical whack job. The notion that listening to/reading the Declaration of Independence should lead one to a desire for revolution is absurd. And to those that compared that poignant moment with Nazi Germany and Imperialist Japan - you people are sick. Complain if you'd like about the current climate of overpolitization in America, but goodness, it's a stretch to knock the greatest single humanitarian document ever drafted.
  4. It is fine to use artistic expression when performing a song that gets sung literally millions of times a year. It is also possible to take this too far, but that is what artistry is all about. Her arrangement was fine and would have been considered good had she not blown the lines. This whole, the anthem is a march and needs to be performed the way our military SUPPORT THE TROOPS stuff is bogus. The contrasting styles and vocal deliveries/arrangements makes listening to our anthem before sporting events is a fun, American experience. There are good and bad renditions, but to enforce some sort of national mandated version is just shallow and makes you look strange.
  5. Yeah, quarterbacks are the most important player on any team in any professional sport ever conceived. This is obvious. To think otherwise is lunacy.
  6. She performed it decently, minus the lyric gaffe. I don't feel that she was embellishing for her own self aggrandizement, and believe that had the lyrics been correct, it would have gone down as a solid to strong performance. People were looking for another Whitney moment, and it came up short. Aguilera is a top-notch singer though, anyone who can't recognize her talent (putting aside how you feel about her style/look/etc.), doesn't know music much.
  7. Omg cheaters! Put asterisks next to all of their names because all we have is living in the past and a truckload of sour grapes!
  8. I just don't get how Bills fans, after watching elite quarterbacks lead their teams, often depleted, to championship after championship still rail against the utterly obvious notion that the Bills need to improve their qb play at all costs.
  9. You guys realize that free agents have a choice in selecting their new teams, right?
  10. Just FYI - our offense was actually statistically worse than our defense last year, relative to the other teams in the NFL. I know they were terrible in a "spray the ball around wildly" sort of way, vs. the defense that was terrible in the "methodically pounded into oblivion" kind of way, but still, let's not just make junk up and call our offense good.
  11. I'm sure I'd have been crying and begging to be rushed to the hospital if that happened to me. But, anyone who has watched NFL football over a large period of time has seen countless examples of players participating in meaningful games with serious injuries. Call it the warrior mentality, call it dumb, call it what you want, but it happens all of the time. Cutler's problem is one of perception. People perceive that he wasn't suffering from a debilitating injury because they've seen countless examples of how athletes generally tend to react to a debilitating injury. Generally, when an athlete blows out their knee, they fall to the ground and writhe in pain, pound the fists into the turf, grimace, scream, etc. Generally, we see the player eventually either carted off the field, or hobble to the sidelines, face contorted into a grimace of agony. What you don't tend to see is a guy blow out his knee, proceed to continue playing (such that people aren't even aware that there was an initial injury), leave the field at halftime without a limp, come back to the field after halftime, walk into the field and off after a three and out, and then never return again. People aren't used to seeing a guy unable to continue pacing the sidelines with a blank, vacant stare, or sitting alone on the bench. People don't expect to see a guy ride the exercise bike and not continue playing. Because people generally don't see players walk without a limp, ride an exercise bike, continue playing after the injury without people noticing, pace around the sidelines, etc. with blown out knees, they tend to wonder how hurt the player really was. I know it looked bad to me at the time, and I too wonder if another player might have continued. The fact that he is a jerk also hurts his perception issues.
  12. I don't get it. If a team drafts a Pro Bowl player in the 7th round, they don't get any extra credit for that?
  13. Amen. Was a hell of a run and we might never see anything like that again in out lifetimes. Great team.
  14. Get over it. Guy paid his dues and is entitled to make a living and fulfill his destiny however he sees fit. Perhaps you should do some research into what Michael is doing in his ongoing role with the SPCA before you spout off about all the things HE should do to make YOU feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
  15. Food Network fan calling people soft? Jk sounds lame.
  16. Yes you are. (A homer) The team got worse. Their offense was still statistically worse than their defense, somehow. They still can't score. They still can't run. They still can't stop the run. Their draft picks still can't sniff the field. Their new GM wasted last years draft. But this year, that's when we are really going to turn it around. Boy, I wish you were right. Offseason is the time to recharge and find the optimism. Just hard when your offseason starts week 4 every year.
  17. What a terrible, dumb idea. So you trade the #3 pick in the draft, a HUGELY valuable thing to a team for their 2012 pick that could turn into the #20 pick in the draft. FYI there are a lot more numbers between 4 and 32 than there are between 1 and 2. You're literally guaranteeing that you devalue your pick. Terrible, dumb, laughable blunder.
  18. CJ, James Hardy, and Aaron Maybin are sooooooo close to their breakout seasons! Just wait! Then you'll see!
  19. When will you guys finally realize that the Bills will never trade down? First, it's hard. It take a lot of creativity, flexibility and smart, dynamic members of your war room ready to wheel and deal. We have a bunch of old fogies who can only think on the first level, who plan out their draft using concrete, inflexible if/then scenarios to keep the pressure down. That is how we are constantly able to run our card up to the podium the minute we are on the clock. Rarely, we can shoehorn in a trade up, because we get our inflexible plan set on one guy, and it's much easier to do the trading up than the trading down. Still a rarity though. And also to the OP who claimed that he'd be happy if the Bills traded the #3 pick for #25 and a 3rd and 4th - hahahahahahhaahha. Thank god you don't run the draft - not that our cast of characters is that much better.
  20. C+?! After a trainwreck season where we watched our "electrifying gamebreaker" ride the pine and relentlessly fumble away his few touches, grading that out to be slightly better than average is a farce. Fans tout him as the second coming of O.J. Simpson (lol) while at the same time saying that he needs to improve his ability to run between the tackles, and run North/South, and his vision, and his ball security, and his pass protection. After a season where we watched rookies all over the league start and make huge impacts for good, playoff caliber teams while ours couldn't even dress for the games at times, it is hard to swallow the notion that Spiller, who couldn't wrestle carries away from a 30+ year old middling running back, was a slightly above average pick.
  21. Yet another nepotism-fueled promotion from within. Glad to see that we reward people for proven success.
  22. Differences between the Green Bay Packers and the Buffalo Bills: 1. One team has an elite, superstar QB that will make them contenders for a decade. 2. One team has a generally competent front office, and one team is run by someone who likely can't control their own excretory functions.
  23. Funny stuff with the Marcus Easley hype. He was a 4th rounder, something like the 100th best college player. And that's the shooting star that we are desperate to hitch our wagons to. I hope he is super great too, but let's get serious - there is absolutely ZERO reason to believe that he is a superstar in the making, aside from blind optimism.
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