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Posts posted by akm0404

  1. So most here think that Whaley has committed a fireable offense in blundering MG's RFA status by not tendering him at Round 2.


    Why is it that NO OTHER TEAM submitted an offer sheet for him up until this point? If we so clearly undervalued him, would not all of the other much savvier GMs have jumped at the chance to acquire this talent at such a deep, deep discount?

  2. MG turned out to be a better football player than any other team in the NFL thought. He also landed in perhaps the best possible scenario (elite run team with an injury-prone starter). Performed nicely for us. Would be fine keeping him.


    Would also trade him straight up for a 5th round pick every day of the week.


    You guys need to get over this Patriots god complex. No, Bill Belichick doesn't sit around devising creative ways to make you suffer. They have had the best QB in the history of the NFL for the last 15 years. Not coincidentally, they've been the best team in the NFL for the last 15 years.


    This too shall pass, and they'll most likely be back to garbage tier with the rest of us don't-have-a-all-time-great-QB teams.

  3. It amazes me that the "gay dudes make me puke" and the "gay dudes kissing are trying to turn my kid gay" crowd can't see how hilariously backward they are.


    Seriously, you are the people that were against black people using your drinking fountain.


    You are the people that were against women being able to vote.


    Bigoted, closed-minded people like you have been, and will continue to be on the wrong side of history. 40 years from now, people will look back and laugh at your antiquated, simpleton views with the same disdain they have for the misogynists and the racists. They will roll their eyes at you and feel sympathy for how dumb and sad you must have been while trying to look back and imagine how people could have possibly been so silly in the olden days.

  4. Personally, I was wondering why they took him in the second round, when most prognisticators had him in the 4th or 5th.


    Sorry, but this is highly misleading and pretty much a lie.


    Every scouting service I've found has had him listed as a late second or third round guy with upside because the knocks are character and not athletic.


    Haven't found one that has a 5th round grade on him (possibly the Hug A Kitten Character-First scouting service?).


    Consensus was either the third or fourth rated ILB in the draft behind Ogletree and Te'o and possibly Bostic.


    Arthur Brown is going to play OLB due to his lack of size.


    If the Bills felt they needed an ILB (not a huge stretch), they got either the highest rated ILB available or the second highest rated ILB with upside.


    Burn them!

  5. He'll obviously be picked tonight, he is just trolling you guys.


    Te'o didn't make an impact in the BCS Championship, but the entire team was outclassed. Frankly, from the video and watching every play that was posted, I came out of that thinking that he played better than I've heard reported. That defense as a unit played like garbage.


    He was a Heisman contender for a reason - sure he played some amazing games against weak competition and some amazing games against good competition, some average ones, and an inopportune poor one.


    I don't think the Bills should draft him, but he's going to be picked tonight and most people denigrate him now because of the whole catfish situation and the strong suspicion that he's homosexual.

  6. Didn't read through the whole thread, but the OP has no idea how gambling works.


    Vegas has nothing to do with being right or wrong, they merely set the line to attract half of the action on any bet to both sides. They don't win by "being right", they win by setting a line that entices half to take each side, to guarantee their profit by the vig or juice.


    The more you know.


    Edit: The Bills have no chance to make the playoffs. Do you really watch these games and see a playoff team? Come on.

  7. Sorry, the bottom-feeder hat is worn by the Dolphins now.




    Lol no. There is no more laughable franchise going right now than the Bills. Plus, we got clowned by Matt Moore twice last year.


    It really stinks to say it, but everyone knows that Steve Johnson is a coveted free agent. Everyone also knows that coveted free agents get to pick their destination.


    There just really is no reason for an NFL free agent with options to select the Bills. How I wish this werent the case, but that is the condition on the ground. We can all hope that someday somehow we can turn it around, but we won't see a coveted free agent sign with the Bills this year.


    We will miss you, Steve. Happy New Year to you, and best of luck. Don't kill us when you play us moving forward.

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