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Everything posted by akm0404

  1. Makes a lot of sense as he's about the only piece we can afford. Obviously that's why he commands such high draft compensation for a half year rental. So all that seems fine, but honestly Cooper's attitude/outward expression puts me off about him. Always looks disinterested and lazy/loafing. Obviously he's been a producer, but something about his body language bugs me. Hope it works, kind of surprised we're looking to add in what was clearly a lost season to get out of cap hell and unburden ourselves from Diggs/Miller. This doesn't hurt that per se, but it's a bit of a mixed message.
  2. When you have a top 5 QB, there is no such thing as rebuilding. No matter how many holes the rest of the roster has, if you have an elite QB you are always a playoff contender. That's why it is worth literally everything to get one. Let's be honest, the entire Bills roster is mostly replacement-level NFL average, with a couple above average players sprinkled around. Every team has an Oliver, Dawkins, Milano to go with their rando commandos. Was Diggs good? Yes. Was he a top 5 WR? No. Can he be replaced? Yes. One Josh Allen is worth 50 Stefon Diggs. Swap rosters with the Panthers or the Falcons and we'll still have a strong chance at the division and an even stronger chance to make the postseason tournament. Plus, now you don't have to make excuses and pretend that your best WR is ACTUALLY a team-first leader and not a selfish diva who is always a nanosecond away from blowing up the entire franchise.
  3. Remember when Josh was heroically putting the team on his back in the playoffs and dropped an absolute dime deep ball right into Diggs hands who dropped it and jogged back laughing holding his hands in a "it was THIS CLOSE" gesture as if in some universe where the ball was 2 inches lower he wouldn't have blown the entire season? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
  4. Washed up diva acting like he's Jerry Rice when he's just a bootleg Peerless Price. Good riddance, cut out the cancer and maybe we can save the rest of the body.
  5. My phrasing is fine, your understanding of the situation is not. But it's fine, take the L and move on.
  6. Denver's two timeouts did not factor into the result of the game. In fact, they kneeled the ball multiple times because they got in position to win the game with far too much time remaining, with the Bills actually using timeouts to stop the clock at the end. This should inform your opinion on the mistake of foregoing the go-ahead touchdown on the 2nd and Goal from the 6 play with 2:00 remaining. It is a different store were the game tied and you had a go-ahead score more or less in hand with a short field goal. That was not the case here; the deficit was too large, the time remaining too great, and the opponents times-out too many.
  7. Any scenario where the correct play was for Josh Allen to slide down at the 1 yard line on 2nd and Goal from the 6 with 2:00 to play, down 6 points, with Denver having 2 timeouts is simply not true. It doesn't matter who says it is true, it just is not.
  8. Stop it, you are wrong. The play was 2nd and Goal from the 6 yard line with 2:00 left, Bills down 6, Denver with 2 timeouts. Explain to me how the game goes if Josh Allen slides down at the 1 instead of scoring the touchdown with 1:55 to go. I'll even let you just magically gift the Bills a free touchdown on whatever down you think they should, ignoring that like, you don't just get to push a button on the Touchdown Machine.
  9. A ham sandwich? Marv Levy? A fan from the stands? Literally anything is better than the rot that has destroyed the team.
  10. What basic math comes up with Allen, on Second and Goal from the 6, falling down at the 1 yard line with 1:57 left on the clock and Denver having 2 timeouts?
  11. No it doesn't. That Allen run was with 2:00 on the clock with Denver having 2 timeouts. It doesn't make sense in a perfect world, an imperfect world, or any world in between.
  12. Yes, yes it is. There are times when "going down" to keep the clock running is the correct play. Second and goal from the 6 behind by 6 points with 2:00 left and your opponent having 2 timeouts is most assuredly not one of them. Whether you're an idiot like Sean McDermott or a genius like Peyton Manning, it doesn't change reality.
  13. No stop that. Allen scored on Second and Goal from the 6 yard line, with 2:00 on the clock. Denver had 2 timeouts remaining. We had 3 plays left to try to take the lead. You really think we should have kneeled on Second and Goal from the 6 with 2 minutes left? Ok, now it's Third and Goal from the 7 with 1:58. Kneel it on Third and Goal from the 7? Jeez, risky, but ok! Denver takes their final timeout! 4th and Goal from the 8, we push the magic touchdown button and great news, we win the game! Except that we don't, the exact same thing happens, and we coach ourselves out of a victory by being unable to count to 12.
  14. Because we have a team where, outside of the defensive line, you must be extremely undersized to make the roster. Linebackers are your special teams core, and we simply do not have those here.
  15. Again, people are just making stuff up. It was First and Goal from the 7 yard line, with 2:35 left to play. We handed it to Cook for 1 yard, to take it to the two minute warning. We ran again with Allen and scored. Denver had 2 timeouts. There is no "go down at the 1 to run the clock out" scenario. It's just something you imagined would be better than losing the way we did, but just couldn't possibly have happened.
  16. Wait, seriously? So it's first and goal from the 7, with 2:35 on the clock and Denver has 2 timeouts. You are losing, and have 4 plays to try to take the lead. They ran the ball twice and scored. You would have what, kneeled on First and Goal from the 7 to take it to the 2 minute warning? Then Second and Goal from the 8 you would...kneel it again? Ok, Denver takes timeout #2. Third and Goal from the 9 with 1:58, do you kneel it again? Sweet! Fourth and Goal from the 10 with 1:56, Denver is out of timeouts, and now you push the touchdown button. Excellent! We win! Oh wait, the same exact thing happens and we just lost by having 12 men on the field again
  17. It was second and goal from the 5 with just under 2 minutes left, with the Broncos having multiple timeouts. What in the world is this nonsense narrative? McDermott and Dorsey need to be fired immediately, but "scoring too fast" doesn't make the top 500 list of grievances.
  18. There is no way that he said that. Like, it is absolutely something that a complete moron would say so it does make me wonder, but naaaah nobody is that stupid. Just not possible.
  19. Cmon, don't be silly. Are you honestly saying that someone other than the head coach benched him? Or that perhaps he was benched for something other than his brutal game-changing fumble?
  20. And yet absolutely positively all of the available evidence suggests very much otherwise.
  21. Bruh we know exactly who benched Cook and exactly why he was benched.
  22. lol chararcter Even though we know it isn't true (character never mattered more than dumb slogans), it does make me swell with pride to think about all of our Character Victories and Character Championships, rather than the countless humiliating losses fueled by a consistent lack of preparation and abundant in-game coaching blunders.
  23. Josh deserves better than having his career destroyed by a bunch of overmatched clowns. He'd be 100% reasonable to demand a trade, it is that bad. We play checkers against a league filled with grand masters.
  24. I'm 100% on team Fire Them All By Lunchtime, but Cook and Davis both cost their team with bad, bad turnovers and didn't really earn their righteous indignation. Take your medicine like men, ya'll done goofed up real bad and hurt your friends.
  25. The year is already lost. This is not a championship-caliber outfit, and they all need to go. Not in a week, not in a month, not in the offseason. Now. Enough is enough. We have moved to the phase of The Process where they are destroying Josh Allen. This must not be allowed. This must not be normalized.
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