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Everything posted by TheBows

  1. Amen!
  2. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d822769f9/article/kehl-who-played-under-fewell-says-dc-teaches-fake-injuries?module=HP11_headline_stack Can't tie it to anything in a Bills game, but thought it worthy.
  3. My mistake. We were spectacular for one game after and -THEN- we sucked until two weekends ago. But, damn it felt good to watch that game. Bills were on the Red Zone for probably a third of the time. Still feels good. Trust me, I'm not comparing the two quarterbacks. I am comparing the results after the media hype in '08. I don't think we'll see the same results this year, but I allowed myself to believe in the hype and was woefully dissapointed. Trying not to read too much into the media for now. Just hoping we keep playing some great football!!
  4. I believe Edwards was interviewed by Jim Rome when he was on a four game winning streak to start the 2008 season. The bills were becoming media darlings then too. The next game was Arizona, which started a four game losing streak and Edward's post-concussion play. Let's hope the new uniforms shield them from the Jim Rome curse...
  5. If he was so sorry, why did he keep stating that there were reasons for the stop that weren't your common variety? Why did he keep writing steroids in quotation marks? If he's sorry, he should say he's sorry and drop it. Thanks to this apology, I can only think about what the stop involved. He must have done something wrong, right? This apology is not the high road, it's a way for Moran to restate that Merriman did something wrong without having to supply evidence. He's simply made another allegation.
  6. Go to church...the rapture was moved to 10/21/11, so I might as well.
  7. I can understand getting on the guy for his BS tweets. He's an idiot when he arrives at his keyboard in the morning and deserves all of it. However, he's not a terrible safety, he's just NOT Troy Polamalu. We will be worse off if he leaves as it would create another hole in the defense that will amount to a draft pick we can't afford to waste (depending on your interpretation of "waste" as it may have already applied in this year's draft). That being said, his contract offer was fair (to generous) for his production and it would be a good business move for Nix to stand his ground. Nix needs to show that big production equals big contracts, and the soft ways of the Jauron years are no more. I think Nix will hold him accountable with the contract he offered and set the tone for the players he brought on. I sincerely hope Donte takes it and is with the team when they report.
  8. Say what!?!?
  9. Vince Young is a good quarterback. I seem to remember him going through some emotional turmoil in the past few years. I hope, for him, that he's sought help and got himself on track. I wish the guy the best and a second shot at success. However, I don't see him having the right opportunity for success with our team (and I hope for his sake that second chance doesn't come with Shanahan in DC).
  10. You're right. Changing the uniforms does nothing but sell more jerseys. And, when the uniforms look like a highlighter made it with a box of crayons, I'm wondering how many the team can actually sell. If this change happens, we'd really look the part...
  11. These uniforms look like they're meant for the circus. I'd love to revert to the standing Buffalo. Otherwise, I refuse to sign on for uniforms that make us look like Bozo the Clown and the Pats look like Captain America. No way.
  12. This is really a poor reflection on us as fans, not Wilson's generosity. This is now our biggest division rival and we didn't sell out. I don't get it. (I guess it is the holidays and people are out of town...and maybe family should take priority at this time, so I do get it, but c'mon man!) The game sold out in time because of the generosity of a local fan. Good for him and I hope his restaurant gets a ton of business. Best holiday wishes to Ralph!
  13. Huh? That's sort of like being a PRO in accounting or sales. Wait a minute, you're fighting with your wife!?!
  14. Not making a character judgment on Jim here. Just not the adjective that came to mind when I thought of Jim Kelly. I'm sure he's a good guy.
  15. How many college students are "family men"? Kids between 18 and 25 should be inherintly selfish so that they can work on their professional crafts to be able to provide for an eventual family and contribute to the world by providing services associated with their craft. I'd rather have a quarterback thanking his conditioning coach and not thanking his family and worrying about the three children he had to two different mothers when he was fifteen. What the heck does being Irish-Catholic have to do with character or football? Maybe an extablished guilt complex? Check out the history of the Kennedy family, there were a lot of weeds along the way. And who the heck on this board pushed for an Irish-Catholic quarterback? Was Jim Kelly "classy"? Down-to-earth, maybe, but classy? If Cam Newton is stupid, do we want him? I think of all the attributes you listed, this one is actually important. Stupidity can lead to a lot. Just look at Ben Rothlisberger (alright, bad example. He's a good quarterback, but I think you get my point). Where are you going with this? Is this post to support Cam Newton or to suggest that the people on this board are too ignorant to evaluate talent. Atleast you're hopeful that Fitz can be Irish Catholic one day...
  16. The Pats are unstoppable. No chance. Dolphins better be a win. We might pull one out with the Jets. My money is on 1 - 2 for the last three weeks.
  17. NFL should be incentive based - Min. base salary + $ for personal achievement and $$ for team achievement (to keep the players honest). Base salary, like every other business in the world, would be based on achievement, not time. Enough of my ranting. He's having a rough season, but I wouldn't say he's not trying. No one can comment on that but Lee. Let's hope he returns to form next season and go from there.
  18. I was all for trading Lee early in the season. I was thinking about draft picks at the time, but I like the direction we're moving on offense now. I'm not sure if getting rid of Lee is "addition by subtraction"...it's just subtraction. I could think of a few other players to drop this offseason.
  19. I get that Fred's not performing as he did last year, but does he really deserve this? Joique hasn't even played a down in the NFL and I believe Fred's name is now in the record books. Let's give him some credit.
  20. It's sad that this makes me happy...but it does. Nice to see a positive on the board.
  21. Hmmm...I didn't know until you informed me. It's a bit unsettling.
  22. You think that JP personally set us back a decade? I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt that he tried his hardest but maybe wasn't a good fit as a starting QB in the nfl. It was those who picked him, coached him, and paid him, that put us back. He was an alright guy and I believe he tried to help the city of Buffalo while he was there. He seemed like a pretty good guy to me and he gave us some exciting moments. Why would you want him to fail? That's messed up.
  23. Take a breather man. We still gotta play the Chiefs first.
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