As a Canadian I am very familiar with the dangers of the fleur de lis.
Exhibit A - Quebec flag
The fleur de lis symbolizes the conspiracy to turn North America in to a french speaking territory. It's already happening in Canada where the vast majority of yuppie parents have enrolled their children in french immersion under the deluded belief that their kids will get some high paying government job. To say nothing of the ransom Canada pays to Quebec to stay within Canada. As a result, our entire government is run by francophones for whom Canada is a flag of convenience. To add, Quebec has the highest income taxes in North America.
The last referendum very nearly took Quebec out of Canada. With the populist, anti-globalist sentiment sweeping the world I suspect Quebec will separate in my lifetime.
Beware my Americans friends, the fleur de lis must be stopped or you will all be eating croissant and drinking cafe au lait before you know it.