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Posts posted by stuvian

  1. Why? He's significantly worse than what we currently have. We are looking for an upgrade (which is why we are opting out of this class). We'd be much better off trying to get that guy in 2018.

    if we can negotiate his contract down he wouldn't be a bad option. Did Dennison not coach him in Denver? I think we might be looking at a Rich Gannon / Jim Plunkett situation here where a guy can succeed in the right circumstances

  2. That's the thing fans like you are more the minority than the common denominator.


    I wouldnt be thrilled if we took one at ten, mainly because I don't think the talent is worthy of the top ten. Coming from a big time Clemson supporter who absolutely loves Watson.


    That being said, I would rather them try and find the guy than be complacent.

    If we get a name guy in he 2nd I won't balk but NFL history shows that only the 85 Bears and 2000 Ravens made it on defense alone. The rest of SB history is written with great QBs

  3. It's not


    The contract alone makes him the hardest player in the league to move. That is the 1st trade that I can remember (in the NFL) where a team attached an asset to get rid of a guy. In addition to the horrible contract, he is a bad football player. If we are looking for a reclamation project I'd rather Kaep (and I don't want him). At least Kaep has played well at the NFL level.

    don't disagree with anything you've said but if we opt out of this year's QB class we may need to look at long shots like Brock

  4. You didn't mention trading out of the first round. If we traded down with Houston, for example, and took their 25th pick, it's not unlikely that two of the three- Mahommes, Watson, Kizer- would be available. But, even if we did trade out of the first round, one of those three, as well as Webb, Kaaya, and Peterman would likely be available as late as the third round.


    Frankly, I would suspect that trading down would make it easier for us to draft a QB.

    I don't disagree but trading out of round one entirely is tantamount to saying this year's QBs offer nothing. Trading into the bottom of round 1 should land us the likes of Mahomes, Webb or Kizer.

  5. Just imagine if they draft a QB at 10 and he doesn't turn into a franchise guy. All these people saying take one will be crying about how we reached. Rinse, repeat.


    I agree that he had a primo setup in Dallas, but I've always liked the kid. Nowhere near garbage.

    Just the opposite, I'll credit DW for rolling the dice. I'd rather see him fail in trying than backing into the 3rd round on some long shot nobody. Now if another team drafts a QB later than ten and gets the next Tom Brady I'll second guess Doug but until then I'll support him for being our GM

  6. I think the opposite. We'll likely start off slow with many new players, but as season goes on, players figure things out, last 4 of 5 games home and home with Miami and NE could be tough and may not win any but will fight to the end, but by the end of the season, teams will be happy when the game is over and done with us and things will be looking up for 2018.


    OK taking a page out of your optimistic playbook you may be onto something here. I think we'll go 4 - 1 because our first 5 opponents are beatable and McCoach is too smart to overload his guys with a complex playbook. I suspect that our playbook on offense will change little if at all. My observations with new coaches is that it takes about 6 - 8 weeks to absorb a new scheme but if McCoach plays this right such an adjustment won't be necessary.


    So if we go 4-1 to open the year another 6 wins out of 11 might be enough



  7. He started one year in college and had twelve games as a Bronco before going to Houston. I am aware of how badly things looked for him as a Texan but I can't help thinking that at some price point he is a good contrarian play. I think that Houston saw him as a finished product which he wasn't. I believe in renaissance QBs when given the chance in the right system (Rich Gannon, Jim Plunkett, Randall Cunningham, Doug Flutie, Steve Young).


    My question is at what price point does taking Brock Osweiler make sense? I believe he is salvageable and in time could be a competent QB along the lines of Matt Stafford.


    If we are trading down we are essentially opting out of this QB class and would likely entertain such options along with AJ McCarron etc


    That is going to be the problem this year and the next few I'm afraid...the current Franchise QBs are getting older and need to be replaced soon too. We can't afford to wait...

    Thank you. It feels like OBD can avoid accountability by drafting late round flyers and passing them off a legit franchise QBs. If we wait later than the top of round two I consider it an admission of incompetence



    That is going to be the problem this year and the next few I'm afraid...the current Franchise QBs are getting older and need to be replaced soon too. We can't afford to wa

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