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Posts posted by stuvian

  1. Yes, Ryan screwed it up, but Pegula is the one that hired him, not Whaley. Buck stops with him, although he seems to think it stops with Whaley.


    I never heard anything out of Marrone as to why he left. Maybe just wanted a $4mm paid vacation.

    looks like the prospect of working with Whaley was the deciding factor in Marrone's departure



  2. I saw Williams last year....he is no McCoy...by any stretch anyhow. He looked plodding to me, a power back but not quick. Don't see a backup to Shady on the roster myself.



    I don't want to ever see J Byrd on the field here again....he is slow, slow, slow............he would be the second coming of Drayton Florence

    was Williams suspended or hurt last year?

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