the Cover 1 podcast had a guest blogger who covers the Ravens. He expressed a lot of worry that this Center may be facing some combination of Kyle and Star and that he felt this made them vulnerable
bad weather should mean less scoring and a closer game. Still I think we'll need points off turnovers to win
Some facts of note:
none of the current Ravens WRS were on their roster last year
The starting TE Hayden Hurst is OUT
starting Centre Matt Skura has only 12 NFL games under belt - all at OG. This is his first game as a Center
Good article. That secondary was one of the best ever. It sounds like Wilson was one of the guys and that they shared a culture of internal accountability that the coaches didn't create. I'm sure it was all lovey dovey until the SB loss to the Pats. I don't think any team could recover from that loss and stay united. That was such an epic fail on the biggest of stages.
Nothing lasts forever in football. The defensive stars don't sound like they understand that the rules are different for franchise QBs. The Pats have shown us that the other parts are interchangeable but the franchise QB is not.
I think that it came down to money. When Wilson outgrew his rookie contract he had to get paid and that meant the rest could not get star treatment or pay. Since then Seattle has lost its personality. They haven't looked the same since Marshawn left. Their OL which was once a strength is now an embarrassment.
I'm sure that having Sherman scream at everybody was Ok when they were winning but when it they didn't the coaches felt the need to take back control. Typical management tactic of bureaucratic control.
Still I think Wilson is a special player and should be treated like one. You wonder if they'll rebuild a winning culture. Sherman was a special leader and I think his clout in the locker room outshone Wilson. The team will always go with the franchise QB. Still you wonder what might have been had they held together another season.
childless heathens are the bane of the world. We have them in our neighbourhood and I hate them with all of my being. They used to snarl at us when we brought our kids to the bus stop and complained to the school board to have the stop moved. The kids never misbehaved once and I was there every school day. These people hate children and therefore life itself. They have spent their miserable lives enslaved to the mortgage holders and now must justify their sick choices by hating kids
it's clear their fan base is drunk with overconfidence. We want this and deserve this more. There's no game tape on the Urban Sombrero so we have the advantage of surprise
the Giants dropping Webb is telling of nothing more than that he was part of the McAdoo/Reese regime. New regimes drop old regime players routinely even if they have promise.