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Posts posted by stuvian

  1. Yeah, a guy with a 16 to 4 td ratio on a crap team doesn't belong in the NFL while studs like Gabbert & Matt Cassel have jobs.


    Peaceful protest in a country with the 1st amendment = bad. Punch a woman in the face = second round pick.

    well said, I'd welcome Kaep in a heart beat. Dude has played in the SB and did well. Regardless of whether you like his politics he's a leader.

  2. This is the world we live in *Phil Collins voice*

    Phil Collins won a Grammy for whiniest male vocalist of the year with that performance

    Tell that to Ryan Grigson

    I think I saw him in the soup line at the Sally Ann

    the GM search was narrow because we limited ourselves to guys McD thought he could work with. I like the hire in that our football operations are philosophically aligned and not at war with one another. It's a huge bet on McD but one I am quite happy with. I think we are finally starting to build a functional organization for the first time since the Polian era. My level of expectation for him is somewhere in the Sean Peyton, Ron Rivera, Adam Gase, Bill O'Brien, Dan Quinn range.


    As an aside I am curious as to whether we met the Rooney rule requirements and where the interviews were held geographically.


    All that said, the only people at OBD who can screw this up with meddling are Russ Brandon and Jim Overdorf. If they make a power play they should be escorted off the premises faster than a gameday drunk.

  3. Alex Smith is terrible. TERRIBLE! He got benched for Kaep. He's good enough to not turn the ball over and beat crappy and mediocre teams but will never be able to take a team anywhere.


    I don't think the bills will be in the 20 range. So maybe a 10 and a 12.

    I don't think Alex Smith is terrible. I think the Chiefs playbook is terrible

  4. How long are we going to play on the whole arm strength thing? This was debated to death in regards to Watson and been inconclusive in regards to QBs overall success. Accuracy is what's important. You don't seem to get that.

    I'll play on that arm strength thing until I see a play that changes my opinion. If you don't think opposing defenses won't jump patterns on a weak armed QB you haven't been watching football. And yes I do get that regardless of your patronizing tone

  5. I hope everyone realizes that no one will know who that franchise QB is until a few years after he is acquired. In fact I predict people will still be clamoring for a franchise QB even after we draft one. I don't expect an Andrew Luck to be waiting for us.


    What if we pick the latest JaMarcus Russell or Ryan Leaf?

    then we'll know we've Beane had

    You don't have to, his name is Peterman


    Have you looked at his highlights? His best plays are all with his feet. Peashooterman wouldn't win a pass, punt and kick contest against middle school girls. His arm is barely strong enough for indoor games

  6. as much as I liked this QB class and felt this was our best chance in years to get a good QB, it wouldn't have made sense to have a GM on his way out choose a franchise QB for a coach he couldn't work with. Organizational symmetry matters.


    I just hope we don't get mired in a spot where we win between 7 and 10 games and are on the outside looking in at the best QB prospects. Hopefully that Chiefs pick will buy us some upward movement

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