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Everything posted by stuvian

  1. it's quite clear that Beane is married to the idea of building draft capital by signing dumpster QBs and giving them an audition then trading them for mid round picks. Not working so far with Peterman
  2. if we beat Houston we are 3 - 3 and in the divisional hunt. Allen will get better each week and our defense is starting to gel. This is not a throwaway season. McCoy is an important receiver for our offense. If the offer is too good to be true then take it but otherwise the season is still alive
  3. this is winnable
  4. Terry Bradshaw wears more facecake than a transsexual
  5. Ryan Grigson belongs on the NFL GM Mount Rushmore next to Matt Millen
  6. I would rather listen to a Trigonometry lecture than listen to Joe Buck
  7. I get that Brady's won 5 titles but I don't recall Joe Montana having enough time to smoke a cigarette and eat a slice of pizza every time he dropped back. Brady never gets touched. Any QB would look good with all day to throw...except every Bills QB drafted since Jim Kelly
  8. this has gotten out of hand
  9. the only thing I hate more than the Pats is having to watch Joe Buck announce their games
  10. Pulling for the Pats when the Colts are coached by a former Bills great exposes you as an interloper.
  11. there's better tackling in the Assassin's Creed commercials than there is in the NFL this year sounds like you're lost
  12. my hatred for the Pats doesn't mellow with age
  13. as much as I love game day, it's been a long time we came for the football
  14. so is Mariota a saviour or a bust?
  15. what a great investment ?
  16. We are truly junior varsity compared to these two teams
  17. That Ravens 3rd down play call is a head scratcher. They had a 3 wide set and only ran one receiver past the 3rd down marker
  18. Where does everyone think Leveon Bell will end up? My money is on San Fran, Houston or Seattle
  19. Everyone says Flacco's mediocre until he burns you for 70 yards on one play
  20. Was I the only one hoping for a tie in the Raiders - Brown's game? I really wanted the Browns to have more ties than wins or losses
  21. One day the Bills will grow up and play football like these teams
  22. Trying not to feel that the season is slipping away
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