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Just Joshin'

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Everything posted by Just Joshin'

  1. Will he fit the Bills scheme is my question. I understand he is a zone blocker and the Bills will be moving to more man. A good fit?
  2. An electric smoker is like a first bike with training wheels. If you get the bug you will want to move onto other types of smokers. Start with a pork butt and a store bought rub. Unless you leave too short/long almost impossible to ruin. Get a good book with recipes and techniques. I tell people to start with the Dinosaur BBQ book. Enjoy the new hobby. Like anything, you will get out of it what you put into it.
  3. Don't care one way or other as it does not impact the 2019 Bills.
  4. He heard Kyle retired and is ready to return to the NFL.
  5. I remember people saying don't re-sign Woods. They were also wrong.
  6. Because they heard it once from a talking head vs forming their own thoughts?
  7. Good post, agree 100%. He will be on the team in 2019. Maybe the role reduced but on the team.
  8. .....or maybe he will be good and not great enough to carry a team to sustained success. He will be a tease with flashes but no more.
  9. How does one get experience working a T shirt gun?
  10. The fact that you would consider Jordan or White makes the whole plan suspect. They are not worth even a min contract with no guaranteed $. They would prevent a long shot from making the team and I would rather have the long shot on the 90. No need to make Dawkins a sub - keep him at T or if you get 2 good Tackles (doubtful) then move him to Guard. Do not move him to the bench. Jarrett will go for much more than you are calculating. Risner, Smith and Fant will not last that deep in round 2. Most likely all 1st round and early 2nd round. If I add right this adds up to ~ $85 million per year without cap benefits of spreading the bonus. Add another $6M for rookies and the cap is mostly consumed. Not necessarily a bad thing but I am not sure the players added will deliver the result required for the cash spent. Overall alot of thought but see none or very little of this coming to pass.
  11. Curious - skill set is solid but lack of production. Only if on the cheap IMO.
  12. Thank you for the in depth analysis.
  13. I am Leary of a TE at 9 but starting to warm up to him.
  14. Was calling it out in a sarcastic way or attempting to.........
  15. There should be one thread for these cuts.
  16. Not in the least interested.
  17. 3500 passing as the min, agree on the rush total.
  18. If a team let's a player walk without an offer, the loss should not count in the formula.
  19. I am Libertarian in many matters so the act itself is not an issue to me but it can not involve trafficking. There another person is being impacted and there needs to be severe consequences.
  20. With more than him arrested how will they justify letting him off unless all are let off?
  21. Maybe this should be moved to the one year wonder thread.
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